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The impact of biological sex on diseases of the urinary tract

Biological sex, being female or male, broadly influences diverse immune phenotypes, including immune responses to diseases at mucosal surfaces. Sex hormones, sex chromosomes, sexual dimorphism, and gender differences all contribute to how an organism will respond to diseases of the urinary tract, such as bladder infection or cancer. Although the incidence of urinary tract infection is strongly sex biased, rates of infection change over a lifetime in women and men, suggesting that accompanying changes in the levels of sex hormones may play a role in the response to infection. Bladder cancer is also sex biased in that 75% of newly diagnosed patients are men. Bladder cancer development is shaped by contributions from both sex hormones and sex chromosomes, demonstrating that the influence of sex on disease can be complex. With a better understanding of how sex influences disease and immunity, we can envision sex-specific therapies to better treat diseases of the urinary tract and potentially diseases of other mucosal tissues.

Accelerated differentiation of neo-W nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes between two climate-associated bird lineages signals potential co-evolution with mitogenomes

There is considerable evidence for mitochondrial-nuclear co-adaptation as a key evolutionary driver. Hypotheses regarding the roles of sex-linkage have emphasized Z-linked nuclear genes with mitochondrial function (N-mt genes), whereas it remains contentious whether the perfect co-inheritance of W genes with mitogenomes could hinder or facilitate co-adaptation. Young (neo-) sex chromosomes that possess relatively many N-mt genes compared to older chromosomes provide unprecedented hypothesis-testing opportunities. Eastern Yellow Robin (EYR) lineages in coastal and inland habitats with different climates are diverged in mitogenomes, and in a ~ 15.4 Mb nuclear region enriched with N-mt genes, in contrast with otherwise-similar nuclear genomes. This nuclear region maps to passerine chromosome 1A, previously found to be neo-sex in the inland EYR genome. To compare sex-linked Chr1A-derived genes between lineages, we assembled and annotated the coastal EYR genome. We found that: (i) the coastal lineage shares a similar neo-sex system with the inland lineage, (ii) neo-W and neo-Z N-mt genes are not more diverged between lineages than are comparable non-N-mt genes, and showed little evidence for broad positive selection, (iii) however, W-linked N-mt genes are more diverged between lineages than are their Z-linked gametologs. The latter effect was ~7 times stronger for N-mt than non-N-mt genes, suggesting that W-linked N-mt genes might have diverged between lineages under environmental selection through co-evolution with mitogenomes. Finally, we identify a candidate gene driver for divergent selection, NDUFA12. Our data represent a rare example suggesting a possible role for W-associated mitochondrial-nuclear interactions in climate-associated adaptation and lineage differentiation.

What makes a man unmanly? The global concept of ‘unmanliness’

This paper presents the findings of a multi-national study that led to the development of a new analytical framework in masculinity research—the Global Concept of ‘Unmanliness’ (GCU). Drawing on three key theories—hegemonic masculinity, precarious manhood and masculinity threat, and emasculation—we conducted an innovative study across 15 countries (selected from an initial pool of 62) to examine cultural perceptions of ‘unmanliness.’ Participants provided open-ended responses to identify traits and behaviors considered unmanly within their cultural contexts. By analyzing common themes expressed by young men, we propose the Global Concept of ‘Unmanliness’ as a framework for understanding how societies define and enforce masculinity norms. Furthermore, comparing these findings with the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) revealed a key distinction in how ‘unmanliness’ is characterized across different levels of gender emancipation. In countries with high GGGI rankings (e.g., Norway, Ireland, Germany), ‘unmanliness’ is more often associated with physical traits and behaviors linked to femininity (e.g., clothing, makeup). Conversely, in countries with low GGGI rankings (e.g., Pakistan, Morocco, Nigeria), it is more commonly defined by acts such as violence against women. Our study highlights how cultural and structural gender dynamics shape the boundaries of masculinity and offers a new lens for cross-cultural research on gender norms.

Polygenic scores for autism are associated with reduced neurite density in adults and children from the general population

Genetic variants linked to autism are thought to change cognition and behaviour by altering the structure and function of the brain. Although a substantial body of literature has identified structural brain differences in autism, it is unknown whether autism-associated common genetic variants are linked to changes in cortical macro- and micro-structure. We investigated this using neuroimaging and genetic data from adults (UK Biobank, N = 31,748) and children (ABCD, N = 4928). Using polygenic scores and genetic correlations we observe a robust negative association between common variants for autism and a magnetic resonance imaging derived phenotype for neurite density (intracellular volume fraction) in the general population. This result is consistent across both children and adults, in both the cortex and in white matter tracts, and confirmed using polygenic scores and genetic correlations. There were no sex differences in this association. Mendelian randomisation analyses provide no evidence for a causal relationship between autism and intracellular volume fraction, although this should be revisited using better powered instruments. Overall, this study provides evidence for shared common variant genetics between autism and cortical neurite density.

Sensory input, sex and function shape hypothalamic cell type development

Mammalian behaviour and physiology undergo major changes in early life. Young animals rely on conspecifics to meet their needs and start showing nutritional independence and sex-specific social interactions at weaning and puberty, respectively. How neuronal populations regulating homeostatic functions and social behaviours develop during these transitions remains unclear. We used paired transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling to examine the developmental trajectories of neuronal populations in the hypothalamic preoptic region, where cell types with key roles in physiological and behavioural control have been identified1,2,3,4,5,6. These data show a marked diversity of developmental trajectories shaped by the sex of the animal, and the location and behavioural or physiological function of the corresponding cell types. We identify key stages of preoptic development, including early diversification, perinatal emergence of sex differences, postnatal maturation and refinement of signalling networks, and nonlinear transcriptional changes accelerating at the time of weaning and puberty. We assessed preoptic development in various sensory mutants and find a major role for vomeronasal sensing in the timing of preoptic cell type maturation. These results provide new insights into the development of neurons controlling homeostatic functions and social behaviours and lay ground for examining the dynamics of these functions in early life.


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