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Light-matter coupling via quantum pathways for spontaneous symmetry breaking in van der Waals antiferromagnetic semiconductors
Light-matter interaction simultaneously alters both the original material and incident light. Light not only reveals material details but also activates coupling mechanisms. The coupling has been demonstrated mechanically, for instance, through the patterning of metallic antennas, resulting in the emergence of plasmonic quasiparticles and enabling wavefront engineering of light via the generalized Snell’s law. However, quantum-mechanical light-matter interaction, wherein photons coherently excite distinct quantum pathways, remains poorly understood. Here, we report on quantum interference between light-induced quantum pathways through the orbital quantum levels and spin continuum. The quantum interference immediately breaks the symmetry of the hexagonal antiferromagnetic semiconductor FePS3. Below the Néel temperature, we observe the emergence of birefringence and linear dichroism, namely, quantum anisotropy due to quantum interference, which is further enhanced by the thickness effect. We explain the direct relevance of the quantum anisotropy to a quantum phase transition by spontaneous symmetry breaking in Mexican hat potential. Our findings suggest material modulation via selective quantum pathways through quantum light-matter interaction.
Dynamic thermalization on noisy quantum hardware
Emulating thermal observables on a digital quantum computer is essential for quantum simulation of many-body physics. However, thermalization typically requires a large system size due to incorporating a thermal bath, whilst limited resources of near-term digital quantum processors allow for simulating relatively small systems. We show that thermal observables and fluctuations may be obtained for a small closed system without a thermal bath. Thermal observables occur upon classically averaging quantum mechanical observables over randomized variants of their time evolution that run independently on a digital quantum processor. Using an IBM quantum computer, we experimentally find thermal occupation probabilities with finite positive and negative temperatures defined by the initial state’s energy. Averaging over random evolutions facilitates error mitigation, with the noise contributing to the temperature in the simulated observables. This result fosters probing the dynamical emergence of equilibrium properties of matter at finite temperatures on noisy intermediate-scale quantum hardware.
Leveraging the collaborative power of AI and citizen science for sustainable development
Both artificial intelligence (AI) and citizen science hold immense potential for addressing major sustainability challenges from health to climate change. Alongside their individual benefits, when combined, they offer considerable synergies that can aid in both better monitoring of, and achieving, sustainable development. While AI has already been integrated into citizen science projects such as through automated classification and identification, the integration of citizen science approaches into AI is lacking. This integration has, however, the potential to address some of the major challenges associated with AI such as social bias, which could accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable development.
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries
Science is crucial for evidence-based decision-making. Public trust in scientists can help decision makers act on the basis of the best available evidence, especially during crises. However, in recent years the epistemic authority of science has been challenged, causing concerns about low public trust in scientists. We interrogated these concerns with a preregistered 68-country survey of 71,922 respondents and found that in most countries, most people trust scientists and agree that scientists should engage more in society and policymaking. We found variations between and within countries, which we explain with individual- and country-level variables, including political orientation. While there is no widespread lack of trust in scientists, we cannot discount the concern that lack of trust in scientists by even a small minority may affect considerations of scientific evidence in policymaking. These findings have implications for scientists and policymakers seeking to maintain and increase trust in scientists.
Real-time observation of picosecond-timescale optical quantum entanglement towards ultrafast quantum information processing
Entanglement is a fundamental resource for various optical quantum information processing (QIP) applications. To achieve high-speed QIP systems, entanglement should be encoded in short wavepackets. Here we report the real-time observation of ultrafast optical Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlation at a picosecond timescale in a continuous-wave system. Optical phase-sensitive amplification using a 6-THz-bandwidth waveguide-based optical parametric amplifier enhances the effective efficiency of 70-GHz-bandwidth homodyne detectors, mainly used in 5G telecommunication, enabling its use in real-time quantum state measurement. Although power measurement using frequency scanning, such as an optical spectrum analyser, is not performed in real time, our observation is demonstrated through the real-time amplitude measurement and can be directly used in QIP applications. The observed Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen states show quantum correlation of 4.5 dB below the shot-noise level encoded in wavepackets with 40 ps period, equivalent to 25 GHz repetition—103 times faster than previous entanglement observation in continuous-wave systems. The quantum correlation of 4.5 dB is already sufficient for several QIP applications, and our system can be readily extended to large-scale entanglement. Moreover, our scheme has high compatibility with optical communication technology such as wavelength-division multiplexing, and femtosecond-timescale observation is also feasible. Our demonstration is a paradigm shift in accelerating accessible quantum correlation—the foundational resource of all quantum applications—from the nanosecond to picosecond timescales, enabling ultrafast optical QIP.