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Absence of diode effect in chiral type-I superconductor NbGe2
Symmetry elegantly governs the fundamental properties and derived functionalities of condensed matter. For instance, realizing the superconducting diode effect (SDE) demands breaking space-inversion and time-reversal symmetries simultaneously. Although the SDE is widely observed in various platforms, its underlying mechanism remains debated, particularly regarding the role of vortices. Here, we systematically investigate the nonreciprocal transport in the chiral type-I superconductor NbGe2. Moreover, we induce type-II superconductivity with elevated superconducting critical temperature on the artificial surface by focused ion beam irradiation, enabling control over vortex dynamics in NbGe2 devices. Strikingly, we observe negligible diode efficiency (Q < 2%) at low magnetic fields, which rises significantly to Q ~ 50% at high magnetic fields, coinciding with an abrupt increase in vortex creep rate when the superconductivity of NbGe2 bulk is suppressed. These results unambiguously highlight the critical role of vortex dynamics in the SDE, in addition to the established symmetry rules.
Tuning a magnetic energy scale with pressure and field in UTe2
When a fragile ordered state is suppressed to zero temperature, a quantum phase transition occurs, which is often marked by the appearance of unconventional superconductivity. While the quantum critical point can be hidden, the influence of the quantum criticality extends to fairly high temperatures, manifesting non-Fermi liquid behavior in a wide range of the field-temperature-pressure phase space. Here, we report the tuning of a magnetic energy scale in the heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2, previously identified with a peak in the c-axis electrical transport temperature dependence, using applied hydrostatic pressures and a-axis-oriented magnetic fields as complementary (and opposing) tuning parameters: the characteristic peak in c-axis resistivity decreases in temperature with applied pressure before vanishing near the critical pressure of 15 kbar (1.5 GPa), while the application of field shifts the peak to a higher temperature and broadens it under all studied pressures. At the critical pressure, the transport behavior deviates from Fermi liquid behavior, exhibiting a nearly linear temperature dependence of resistivity with an enhanced pre-factor. Our results shed light on the microscopic origin of the c-axis resistivity peak and provide a clear picture of magnetic energy scale evolution relevant to quantum criticality in UTe2.
Long-range crossed Andreev reflection in a topological insulator nanowire proximitized by a superconductor
Crossed Andreev reflection is a non-local transport phenomenon that creates and detects Cooper pair correlations between distant locations. It is also the basis of Cooper pair splitting to generate remote entanglement. Although crossed Andreev reflection has been extensively studied in semiconductors proximity-coupled to a superconductor, observing it in a topological insulator has been very difficult. Here we report the observation of this effect in a proximitized topological insulator nanowire. We perform local and non-local conductance spectroscopy on mesoscopic devices in which superconducting niobium and metallic contacts are connected to a bulk-insulating nanowire. In our local conductance measurements we detect a hard gap and the appearance of Andreev bound states that can reach zero bias. We also occasionally observe a negative non-local conductance when sweeping the chemical potential, providing evidence of crossed Andreev reflection. This signal is detected even over length scales much longer than the expected superconducting coherence length of either niobium or the proximitized nanowire. We suggest that this long-range effect is due to the intricate role of disorder in proximitized nanowires.
Pressure-enhanced splitting of density wave transitions in La3Ni2O7–δ
The observation of superconductivity in La3Ni2O7–δ under pressure, following the suppression of a high-temperature density wave state, has attracted considerable attention. The nature of this density wave order was not clearly identified. Here we probe the magnetic response of the zero-pressure phase of La3Ni2O7–δ as hydrostatic pressure is applied, and find that the apparent single density wave transition at zero applied pressure splits into two. The comparison of our muon-spin rotation and relaxation experiments with dipole-field numerical analysis reveals the magnetic structure’s compatibility with a stripe-type arrangement of Ni moments, characterized by alternating lines of magnetic moments and non-magnetic stripes at ambient pressure. When pressure is applied, the magnetic ordering temperature increases, whereas the unidentified density wave transition temperature falls. Our findings reveal that the ground state of the La3Ni2O7–δ system is characterized by the coexistence of two distinct orders—a magnetically ordered spin density wave and a lower-temperature ordering that is most probably a charge density wave—with a notable pressure-enhanced separation between them.
Anion vacancies activate N2 to ammonia on Ba–Si orthosilicate oxynitride-hydride
Anion vacancies on metal oxide surfaces have been studied as either active sites or promoting sites in various chemical reactions involving oxidation/reduction processes. However, oxide materials rarely work effectively as catalysts in the absence of transition metal sites. Here we report a Ba–Si orthosilicate oxynitride–hydride as a transition-metal-free catalyst for efficient ammonia synthesis via an anion-vacancy–mediated mechanism. The facile desorption of H− and N3− anions plus the flexibility of the crystal structure can accommodate a high density of electrons at vacancy sites, where N2 can be captured and directly activated to ammonia through hydrogenation processes. The ammonia synthesis rates reach 40.1 mmol g−1 h−1 at 300 °C by loading ruthenium nanoparticles. Although not found to dissociate N2, Ru instead facilitates the formation of anion vacancies at the Ru–support interface. This demonstrates a new route for anion-vacancy–mediated heterogeneous catalysis.