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Revealing the hidden link of the Walker circulation on heavy rainfall patterns in the Eastern Pacific
Understanding the relationship between tropical heavy rainfall and large-scale circulation provides valuable insights for improving the climate models. Here we use Gaussian Mixture Model to identify two distinct types of heavy rainfall over the tropical Pacific, “strong deep convection” and “moderately strong deep convection,” using satellite-borne precipitation radar measurements. They differ in two typical climatological deep convection-related rainfall modes between the western and eastern Pacific regions. The occurrence frequency of moderately strong deep convection is significantly different between the western and eastern Pacific, potentially linked to the Walker circulation. The enhanced Walker circulation appears to weaken the local Hadley circulation, thereby reducing strong deep convective activity in the eastern Pacific. This increases moderately heavy rainfall and decreases diabatic heating, which can affect global climate. We propose incorporating the close link between large-scale Walker circulation and mesoscale heavy convective rainfall into the current climate models.
Filamentous virus-like particles are present in coral dinoflagellates across genera and ocean basins
Filamentous viruses are hypothesized to play a role in stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) through infection of the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Family Symbiodiniaceae) of corals. To evaluate this hypothesis, it is critical to understand the global distribution of filamentous virus infections across the genetic diversity of Symbiodiniaceae hosts. Using transmission electron microscopy, we demonstrate that filamentous virus-like particles (VLPs) are present in over 60% of Symbiodiniaceae cells (genus Cladocopium) within Pacific corals (Acropora hyacinthus, Porites c.f. lobata); these VLPs are more prevalent in Symbiodiniaceae of in situ colonies experiencing heat stress. Symbiodiniaceae expelled from A. hyacinthus also contain filamentous VLPs, and these cells are more degraded than their in hospite counterparts. Similar to VLPs reported from SCTLD-affected Caribbean reefs, VLPs range from ~150 to 1500 nm in length and 16–37 nm in diameter and appear to constitute various stages in a replication cycle. Finally, we demonstrate that SCTLD-affected corals containing filamentous VLPs are dominated by diverse Symbiodiniaceae lineages from the genera Breviolum, Cladocopium, and Durusdinium. Although this study cannot definitively confirm or refute the role of filamentous VLPs in SCTLD, it demonstrates that filamentous VLPs are not solely observed in SCTLD-affected corals or reef regions, nor are they solely associated with corals dominated by members of a particular Symbiodiniaceae genus. We hypothesize that filamentous viruses are a widespread, common group that infects Symbiodiniaceae. Genomic characterization of these viruses and empirical tests of the impacts of filamentous virus infection on Symbiodiniaceae and coral colonies should be prioritized.
Five millennia of mitonuclear discordance in Atlantic bluefin tuna identified using ancient DNA
Mitonuclear discordance between species is readily documented in marine fishes. Such discordance may either be the result of past natural phenomena or the result of recent introgression from previously seperated species after shifts in their spatial distributions. Using ancient DNA spanning five millennia, we here investigate the long-term presence of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) -like mitochondrial (MT) genomes in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), a species with extensive exploitation history and observed shifts in abundance and age structure. Comparing ancient (n = 130) and modern (n = 78) Atlantic bluefin MT genomes from most of its range, we detect no significant spatial or temporal population structure, which implies ongoing gene flow between populations and large effective population sizes over millennia. Moreover, we identify discordant MT haplotypes in ancient specimens up to 5000 years old and find that the frequency of these haplotypes has remained similar through time. We therefore conclude that MT discordance in the Atlantic bluefin tuna is not driven by recent introgression. Our observations provide oldest example of directly observed MT discordance in the marine environment, highlighting the utility of ancient DNA to obtain insights in the long-term persistence of such phenomena.
Synechococcus nitrogen gene loss in iron-limited ocean regions
Synechococcus are the most abundant cyanobacteria in high latitude regions and are responsible for an estimated 17% of annual marine net primary productivity. Despite their biogeochemical importance, Synechococcus populations have been unevenly sampled across the ocean, with most studies focused on low-latitude strains. In particular, the near absence of Synechococcus genomes from high-latitude, High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) regions leaves a gap in our knowledge of picocyanobacterial adaptations to iron limitation and their influence on carbon, nitrogen, and iron cycles. We examined Synechococcus populations from the subarctic North Pacific, a well-characterized HNLC region, with quantitative metagenomics. Assembly with short and long reads produced two near complete Synechococcus metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). Quantitative metagenome-derived abundances of these populations matched well with flow cytometry counts, and the Synechococcus MAGs were estimated to comprise >99% of the Synechococcus at Station P. Whereas the Station P Synechococcus MAGs contained multiple genes for adaptation to iron limitation, both genomes lacked genes for uptake and assimilation of nitrate and nitrite, suggesting a dependence on ammonium, urea, and other forms of recycled nitrogen leading to reduced iron requirements. A global analysis of Synechococcus nitrate reductase abundance in the TARA Oceans dataset found nitrate assimilation genes are also lower in other HNLC regions. We propose that nitrate and nitrite assimilation gene loss in Synechococcus may represent an adaptation to severe iron limitation in high-latitude regions where ammonium availability is higher. Our findings have implications for models that quantify the contribution of cyanobacteria to primary production and subsequent carbon export.
Multiplexed activity metabolomics for isolation of filipin macrolides from a hypogean actinomycete
Chemical and biological stimulus screening in a hypogean actinomycete was used to elicit secondary metabolism. Optimal biosynthesis of bioactive natural products was identified using Multiplexed Activity Profiling for determining dose-dependent activity via six single-cell biological readouts. Bioactive extracts were fractioned to establish candidate compounds for isolation using Multiplexed Activity Metabolomics by correlating microtiter well-isolated phenotypes and extracted ion current peaks. This guided the isolation of four filipin polyene macrolides including a new metabolite filipin XV, an alkyl side-chain hydroxylated congener of the filipin chainin, with substantially attenuated cytotoxicity. Filipin-specific cytotoxicity was confirmed using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy.