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Maternal effects in the model system Daphnia: the ecological past meets the epigenetic future
Maternal effects have been shown to play influential roles in many evolutionary and ecological processes. However, understanding how environmental stimuli induce within-generation responses that transverse across generations remains elusive, particularly when attempting to segregate confounding effects from offspring genotypes. This review synthesizes literature regarding resource- and predation-driven maternal effects in the model system Daphnia, detailing how the maternal generation responds to the environmental stimuli and the maternal effects seen in the offspring generation(s). Our goal is to demonstrate the value of Daphnia as a model system by showing how general principles of maternal effects emerge from studies on this system. By integrating the results across different types of biotic drivers of maternal effects, we identified broadly applicable shared characteristics: 1. Many, but not all, maternal effects involve offspring size, influencing resistance to starvation, infection, predation, and toxins. 2. Maternal effects manifest more strongly when the offspring’s environment is poor. 3. Strong within-generation responses are typically associated with strong across-generation responses. 4. The timing of the maternal stress matters and can raise or lower the magnitude of the effect on the offspring’s phenotype. 5. Embryonic exposure effects could be mistaken for maternal effects. We outline questions to prioritize for future research and discuss the possibilities for integration of ecologically relevant studies of maternal effects in natural populations with the molecular mechanisms that make them possible, specifically by addressing genetic variation and incorporating information on epigenetics. These small crustaceans can unravel how and why non-genetic information gets passed to future generations.
Maternal weight during pregnancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in offspring
In addition to biological factors, maternal exposures during pregnancy can contribute to leukemogenesis in offspring. We conducted a population-based cohort study in Sweden to investigate the association between risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in offspring and maternal anthropometrics during pregnancy. A total of 2,961,435 live-born singletons during 1983–2018 were followed from birth to ALL diagnosis, end of age 18, or end of 2018. 1388 children were diagnosed with ALL (55.6% boys). We observed an increased risk of ALL among daughters of overweight/obese mothers in early pregnancy [Body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2; Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.2–1.6] compared with the risk in daughters of mothers with normal BMI. This association was not found in their sons (SIR = 1.0, 95% CI: 0.9–1.1). Similar results were found for the association between ALL and maternal BMI before delivery. We did not find an association between low or high gestational weight gain (GWG) and risk of ALL (both SIRs = 1.0) in male/female offspring. These suggest that maternal overweight/obesity are important risk factors for childhood ALL in daughters, whereas GWG is not associated with risk of ALL. Further research on this mother-daughter association may shed light on a possible sex hormone/chromosome-related etiology of ALL.
Early life growth is related to pubertal growth and adult height – a QEPS-model analysis
The early life growth period, from conception to ~2 years of age, has proven crucial for later health. We hypothesized that early life growth could explain variations in pubertal growth and timing, and adult height.
Adiposity and dementia among Chinese adults: longitudinal study in the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)
Evidence on the age-dependent association between adiposity and risk of dementia in the Chinese population is unclear. We aim to disentangle the association of mid- and late- life adiposity with subsequent dementia risk in Chinese adults and compare ageing trajectories of adiposity between those with/out dementia.
Timing based clustering of childhood BMI trajectories reveals differential maturational patterns; Study in the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts 1966 and 1986
Children’s biological age does not always correspond to their chronological age. In the case of BMI trajectories, this can appear as phase variation, which can be seen as shift, stretch, or shrinking between trajectories. With maturation thought of as a process moving towards the final state – adult BMI, we assessed whether children can be divided into latent groups reflecting similar maturational age of BMI. The groups were characterised by early factors and time-related features of the trajectories.