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Experts consensus on management of tooth luxation and avulsion
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of teeth occur frequently in children and adolescents. TDIs that impact the periodontal tissues and alveolar tissue can be classified into concussion, subluxation, extrusive luxation, intrusive luxation, lateral luxation, and avulsion. In these TDIs, management of injured soft tissue, mainly periodontal ligament, and dental pulp, is crucial in maintaining the function and longevity of the injured teeth. Factors that need to be considered for management in laxation injuries include the maturation stage of the traumatic teeth, mobility, direction of displacement, distance of displacement, and whether there are alveolar fractures. In avulsion, the maturation stage of the permanent tooth, the out-socket time, storage media/condition of the avulsed tooth, and management of the PDL should also be considered. Especially, in this review, we have subdivided the immature tooth into the adolescent tooth (Nolla stage 9) and the very young tooth (Nolla stage 8 and below). This consensus paper aimed to discuss the impacts of those factors on the trauma management and prognosis of TDI to provide a streamlined guide for clinicians from clinical evaluation, diagnostic process, management plan decision, follow-up, and orthodontic treatment for tooth luxation and avulsion injuries.
Expert consensus on pulpotomy in the management of mature permanent teeth with pulpitis
Pulpotomy, which belongs to vital pulp therapy, has become a strategy for managing pulpitis in recent decades. This minimally invasive treatment reflects the recognition of preserving healthy dental pulp and optimizing long-term patient-centered outcomes. Pulpotomy is categorized into partial pulpotomy (PP), the removal of a partial segment of the coronal pulp tissue, and full pulpotomy (FP), the removal of whole coronal pulp, which is followed by applying the biomaterials onto the remaining pulp tissue and ultimately restoring the tooth. Procedural decisions for the amount of pulp tissue removal or retention depend on the diagnostic of pulp vitality, the overall treatment plan, the patient’s general health status, and pulp inflammation reassessment during operation. This statement represents the consensus of an expert committee convened by the Society of Cariology and Endodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association. It addresses the current evidence to support the application of pulpotomy as a potential alternative to root canal treatment (RCT) on mature permanent teeth with pulpitis from a biological basis, the development of capping biomaterial, and the diagnostic considerations to evidence-based medicine. This expert statement intends to provide a clinical protocol of pulpotomy, which facilitates practitioners in choosing the optimal procedure and increasing their confidence in this rapidly evolving field.
Expert consensus on the diagnosis and therapy of endo-periodontal lesions
Endo-periodontal lesions (EPLs) involve both the periodontium and pulp tissue and have complicated etiologies and pathogenic mechanisms, including unique anatomical and microbiological characteristics and multiple contributing factors. This etiological complexity leads to difficulties in determining patient prognosis, posing great challenges in clinical practice. Furthermore, EPL-affected teeth require multidisciplinary therapy, including periodontal therapy, endodontic therapy and others, but there is still much debate about the appropriate timing of periodontal therapy and root canal therapy. By compiling the most recent findings on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis of EPL-affected teeth, this consensus sought to support clinicians in making the best possible treatment decisions based on both biological and clinical evidence.
International consensus guidelines on the implementation and monitoring of vosoritide therapy in individuals with achondroplasia
Achondroplasia is the most common genetic form of short-limbed skeletal dysplasia (dwarfism). Clinical manifestations and complications can affect individuals across the lifespan, including the need for adaptations for activities of daily living, which can affect quality of life. Current international guidelines focus on symptomatic management, with little discussion regarding potential medication, as therapeutic options were limited at the time of their publication. Vosoritide is the first pharmacological, precision treatment for achondroplasia; it was approved for use in 2021, creating a need for vosoritide treatment guidelines to support clinicians. An international collaborative of leading experts and patient advocates was formed to develop this Consensus Statement. The group developed the guideline scope and topics during a hybrid meeting in November 2023; guideline statements were subsequently ratified via Delphi methodology using a predefined consensus threshold. These statements provide recommendations across the treatment pathway, from starting treatment with vosoritide through ongoing monitoring and evaluation, to stopping vosoritide and ongoing monitoring following cessation. These guidelines recommend a minimum set of requirements and a practical framework for professionals and health services worldwide regarding the use of vosoritide to treat infants, children and young people with achondroplasia. This Consensus Statement is a supplement to already established consensus guidelines for management and care of individuals with achondroplasia.
Regenerative potential of concentrated growth factor compared to platelet-rich fibrin in treatment of necrotic mature teeth: a randomized clinical trial
This study aimed to compare the potential of two regenerative endodontic procedures, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and concentrated growth factor (CGF), in the treatment of mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and periapical radiolucency.