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ACOT12, a novel factor in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis, modulates ACBD5

Lipid metabolism, particularly fatty acid oxidation dysfunction, is a major driver of renal fibrosis. However, the detailed regulatory mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. Here we demonstrated that acyl-CoA thioesterase 12 (Acot12), an enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of acyl-CoA thioesters into free fatty acids and CoA, is a key regulator of lipid metabolism in fibrotic kidneys. A significantly decreased level of ACOT12 was observed in kidney samples from human patients with chronic kidney disease as well as in samples from mice with kidney injuries. Acot12 deficiency induces lipid accumulation and fibrosis in mice subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). Fenofibrate administration does not reduce renal fibrosis in Acot12−/− mice with UUO. Moreover, the restoration of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) in Acot12−/−Pparα−/− kidneys with UUO exacerbated lipid accumulation and renal fibrosis, whereas the restoration of Acot12 in Acot12−/− Pparα−/− kidneys with UUO significantly reduced lipid accumulation and renal fibrosis, suggesting that, mechanistically, Acot12 deficiency exacerbates renal fibrosis independently of PPARα. In Acot12−/− kidneys with UUO, a reduction in the selective autophagic degradation of peroxisomes and pexophagy with a decreased level of ACBD5 was observed. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the functional role and mechanistic details of Acot12 in the progression of renal fibrosis, provides a preclinical rationale for regulating Acot12 expression and presents a novel means of preventing renal fibrosis.

Severity of neonatal influenza infection is driven by type I interferon and oxidative stress

Neonates exhibit increased susceptibility to respiratory viral infections, attributed to inflammation at the developing pulmonary air-blood interface. IFN I are antiviral cytokines critical to control viral replication, but also promote inflammation. Previously, we established a neonatal murine influenza virus (IV) model, which demonstrates increased mortality. Here, we sought to determine the role of IFN I in this increased mortality. We found that three-day-old IFNAR-deficient mice are highly protected from IV-induced mortality. In addition, exposure to IFNβ 24 h post IV infection accelerated death in WT neonatal animals but did not impact adult mortality. In contrast, IFN IIIs are protective to neonatal mice. IFNβ induced an oxidative stress imbalance specifically in primary neonatal IV-infected pulmonary type II epithelial cells (TIIEC), not in adult TIIECs. Moreover, neonates did not have an infection-induced increase in antioxidants, including a key antioxidant, superoxide dismutase 3, as compared to adults. Importantly, antioxidant treatment rescued IV-infected neonatal mice, but had no impact on adult morbidity. We propose that IFN I exacerbate an oxidative stress imbalance in the neonate because of IFN I-induced pulmonary TIIEC ROS production coupled with developmentally regulated, defective antioxidant production in response to IV infection. This age-specific imbalance contributes to mortality after respiratory infections in this vulnerable population.

PGRMC2 is a pressure-volume regulator critical for myocardial responses to stress in mice

Progesterone receptors are classified into nuclear and membrane-bound receptor families. Previous unbiased proteomic studies indicate a potential association between cardiac diseases and the progesterone receptor membrane-bound component-2 (PGRMC2); however, the role of PGRMC2 in the heart remains unknown. In this study, we use a heart-specific knockout (KO) mouse model (MyH6•Pgrmc2flox/flox) in which the Pgrmc2 gene was selectively deleted in cardiomyocytes. Here we show that PGRMC2 serves as a mediator of steroid hormones for rapid calcium signaling in cardiomyocytes to maintain cardiac contraction, sufficient stroke volume, and adequate cardiac output by regulating the cardiac pressure-volume relationship. The KO hearts from male and female mice exhibit an impairment in pressure-volume relationship. Under hypoxic conditions, this pressure-volume dysregulation progresses to congestive left and right ventricular failure in the KO hearts. Overall, we propose that PGRMC2 is a cardiac pressure-volume regulator to maintain normal cardiac physiology, especially during hypoxic stress.

Higher income is associated with greater life satisfaction, and more stress

Is there a cost to our well-being from increased affluence? Drawing upon responses from 2.05 million U.S. adults from the Gallup Daily Poll from 2008 to 2017 we find that with household income above ~$63,000 respondents are more likely to experience stress. This contrasts with the trend below this threshold, where at higher income the prevalence of stress decreases. Such a turning point for stress was also found for population sub-groups, divided by gender, race, and political affiliation. Further, we find that respondents who report prior-day stress have lower life satisfaction for all income and sub-group categories compared to the respondents who do not report prior-day stress. We find suggestive evidence that among the more satisfied, healthier, socially connected, and those not suffering basic needs deprivations, this turn-around in stress prevalence starts at lower values of income and stress. We hypothesize that stress at higher income values relates to lifestyle factors associated with affluence, rather than from known well-being deprivations related to good health and social conditions, which may arise even at lower income values if conventional needs are met.

A first-in-human study of quantitative ultrasound to assess transplant kidney fibrosis

Kidney transplantation is the optimal treatment for renal failure. In the United States, a biopsy at the time of organ procurement is often used to assess kidney quality to decide whether it should be used for transplant. This assessment is focused on renal fibrotic burden, because fibrosis is an important measure of irreversible kidney injury. Unfortunately, biopsy at the time of transplant is plagued by problems, including bleeding risk, inaccuracies introduced by sampling bias and rapid sample preparation, and the need for round-the-clock pathology expertise. We developed a quantitative algorithm, called renal H-scan, that can be added to standard ultrasound workflows to quickly and noninvasively measure renal fibrotic burden in preclinical animal models and human transplant kidneys. Furthermore, we provide evidence that biopsy-based fibrosis estimates, because of their highly localized nature, are inaccurate measures of whole-kidney fibrotic burden and do not associate with kidney function post-transplant. In contrast, we show that whole-kidney H-scan fibrosis estimates associate closely with post-transplant renal function. Taken together, our data suggest that the addition of H-scan to standard ultrasound workflows could provide a safe, rapid and easy-to-perform method for accurate quantification of transplant kidney fibrotic burden, and thus better prediction of post-transplant renal outcomes.


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