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Sodium oligomannate disrupts the adherence of Ribhigh bacteria to gut epithelia to block SAA-triggered Th1 inflammation in 5XFAD transgenic mice

Sodium oligomannate (GV-971), an oligosaccharide drug approved in China for treating mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD), was previously found to recondition the gut microbiota and limit altered peripheral Th1 immunity in AD transgenic mice. As a follow-up study, we here made advances by pinpointing a Lactobacillus murinus (L.m.) strain that highly expressed a gene encoding a putative adhesin containing Rib repeats (RibhighL.m.) particularly enriched in 5XFAD transgenic mice. Mechanistically, RibhighL.m. adherence to the gut epithelia upregulated fecal metabolites, among which lactate ranked as the top candidate. Excess lactate stimulated the epithelial production of serum amyloid A (SAA) in the gut via the GPR81-NFκB axis, contributing to peripheral Th1 activation. Moreover, GV-971 disrupted the adherence of RibhighL.m. to gut epithelia via direct binding to Rib, which corrected the excess lactate, reduced SAA, and alleviated Th1-skewed inflammation. Together, we gained further insights into the molecular link between gut bacteria and AD progression and the mechanism of GV-971 in treating AD.

The Marchantia polymorpha pangenome reveals ancient mechanisms of plant adaptation to the environment

Plant adaptation to terrestrial life started 450 million years ago and has played a major role in the evolution of life on Earth. The genetic mechanisms allowing this adaptation to a diversity of terrestrial constraints have been mostly studied by focusing on flowering plants. Here, we gathered a collection of 133 accessions of the model bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha and studied its intraspecific diversity using selection signature analyses, a genome–environment association study and a pangenome. We identified adaptive features, such as peroxidases or nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeats (NLRs), also observed in flowering plants, likely inherited from the first land plants. The M. polymorpha pangenome also harbors lineage-specific accessory genes absent from seed plants. We conclude that different land plant lineages still share many elements from the genetic toolkit evolved by their most recent common ancestor to adapt to the terrestrial habitat, refined by lineage-specific polymorphisms and gene family evolution.

Analysis of microbial composition and sharing in low-biomass human milk samples: a comparison of DNA isolation and sequencing techniques

Human milk microbiome studies are currently hindered by low milk bacterial/human cell ratios and often rely on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, which limits downstream analyses. Here, we aimed to find a method to study milk bacteria and assess bacterial sharing between maternal and infant microbiota. We tested four DNA isolation methods, two bacterial enrichment methods and three sequencing methods on mock communities, milk samples and negative controls. Of the four DNA isolation kits, the DNeasy PowerSoil Pro (PS) and MagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation (MX) kits provided consistent 16S rRNA gene sequencing results with low contamination. Neither enrichment method substantially decreased the human metagenomic sequencing read-depth. Long-read 16S-ITS-23S rRNA gene sequencing biased the mock community composition but provided consistent results for milk samples, with little contamination. In contrast to 16S rRNA gene sequencing, 16S-ITS-23S rRNA gene sequencing of milk, infant oral, infant faecal and maternal faecal DNA from 14 mother-infant pairs provided sufficient resolution to detect significantly more frequent sharing of bacteria between related pairs compared to unrelated pairs. In conclusion, PS or MX kit-DNA isolation followed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing reliably characterises human milk microbiota, and 16S-ITS-23S rRNA gene sequencing enables studies of bacterial transmission in low-biomass samples.

The genomic landscape of gene-level structural variations in Japanese and global soybean Glycine max cultivars

Japanese soybeans are traditionally bred to produce soy foods such as tofu, miso and boiled soybeans. Here, to investigate their distinctive genomic features, including genomic structural variations (SVs), we constructed 11 nanopore-based genome references for Japanese and other soybean lines. Our assembly-based comparative method, designated ‘Asm2sv’, identified gene-level SVs comprehensively, enabling pangenome analysis of 462 worldwide cultivars and varieties. Based on these, we identified selective sweeps between Japanese and US soybeans, one of which was the pod-shattering resistance gene PDH1. Genome-wide association studies further identified several quantitative trait loci that accounted for large-seed phenotypes of Japanese soybean lines, some of which were also close to regions of the selective sweeps, including PDH1. Notably, specific combinations of alleles, including SVs, were found to increase the seed size of some Japanese landraces. In addition to the differences in cultivation environments, distinct food processing usages might result in changes in Japanese soybean genomes.

Rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data

Although the intraoperative molecular diagnosis of the approximately 100 known brain tumor entities described to date has been a goal of neuropathology for the past decade, achieving this within a clinically relevant timeframe of under 1 h after biopsy collection remains elusive. Advances in third-generation sequencing have brought this goal closer, but established machine learning techniques rely on computationally intensive methods, making them impractical for live diagnostic workflows in clinical applications. Here we present MethyLYZR, a naive Bayesian framework enabling fully tractable, live classification of cancer epigenomes. For evaluation, we used nanopore sequencing to classify over 200 brain tumor samples, including 10 sequenced in a clinical setting next to the operating room, achieving highly accurate results within 15 min of sequencing. MethyLYZR can be run in parallel with an ongoing nanopore experiment with negligible computational overhead. Therefore, the only limiting factors for even faster time to results are DNA extraction time and the nanopore sequencer’s maximum parallel throughput. Although more evidence from prospective studies is needed, our study suggests the potential applicability of MethyLYZR for live molecular classification of nervous system malignancies using nanopore sequencing not only for the neurosurgical intraoperative use case but also for other oncologic indications and the classification of tumors from cell-free DNA in liquid biopsies.


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