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The Marchantia polymorpha pangenome reveals ancient mechanisms of plant adaptation to the environment

Plant adaptation to terrestrial life started 450 million years ago and has played a major role in the evolution of life on Earth. The genetic mechanisms allowing this adaptation to a diversity of terrestrial constraints have been mostly studied by focusing on flowering plants. Here, we gathered a collection of 133 accessions of the model bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha and studied its intraspecific diversity using selection signature analyses, a genome–environment association study and a pangenome. We identified adaptive features, such as peroxidases or nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeats (NLRs), also observed in flowering plants, likely inherited from the first land plants. The M. polymorpha pangenome also harbors lineage-specific accessory genes absent from seed plants. We conclude that different land plant lineages still share many elements from the genetic toolkit evolved by their most recent common ancestor to adapt to the terrestrial habitat, refined by lineage-specific polymorphisms and gene family evolution.

Immune pathogenic response landscape of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy revealed by scRNA sequencing

Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) is an exceptionally rare inflammatory disorder affecting choroid and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Although recent studies suggest an immune-driven nature, the underlying etiology of APMPPE remains elusive. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive investigation on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) profile of an APMPPE patient using single-cell RNA sequencing. Our analysis revealed striking transcriptional alterations in monocytes within the PBMCs, identifying five distinct subpopulations: S100A12, CD16, pro-inflammatory, megakaryocyte-like, and NK-like monocyte subsets. Employing pseudotime inference, we observed a shift in APMPPE monocytes towards differentiation into inflammation-associated pro-inflammatory monocytes and a CD16 monocyte trajectory. Furthermore, we identified IFITM3 as a key player in the immune response driving the pathogenesis of APMPPE. Notably, two disease-relevant subgroups of monocytes, pro-inflammatory and CD16 monocytes, were implicated in APMPPE. CD16 monocytes, in particular, were involved in melanogenesis, suggesting that the abnormal expression of melanin in monocytes might result from autoimmune responses against pigment-enriched RPE cells. This study provided a comprehensive view of immune landscape in APMPPE, shedding light on the previously unrecognized contributions of pro-inflammatory and CD16 monocytes to this autoimmune condition.

Evolution, genetic diversity, and health

Human genetic diversity in today’s world has been shaped by evolutionary history, demographic shifts and environmental exposures, influencing complex traits, disease susceptibility and drug responses. Capturing this diversity is essential for advancing precision medicine and promoting equitable healthcare. Despite the great progress achieved with initiatives such as the human Pangenome and large biobanks that aim for a better representation of human diversity, important challenges remain. In this Perspective, we discuss the importance of diversity in clinical genomics through an evolutionary lens. We highlight progress and challenges and outline key clinical applications of diverse genetic data. We argue that diversifying both datasets and methodologies—integrating ancestral and environmental factors—is crucial for fully understanding the genetic basis of human health and disease.

Pathogens and planetary change

Emerging infectious diseases, biodiversity loss, and anthropogenic environmental change are interconnected crises with massive social and ecological costs. In this Review, we discuss how pathogens and parasites are responding to global change, and the implications for pandemic prevention and biodiversity conservation. Ecological and evolutionary principles help to explain why both pandemics and wildlife die-offs are becoming more common; why land-use change and biodiversity loss are often followed by an increase in zoonotic and vector-borne diseases; and why some species, such as bats, host so many emerging pathogens. To prevent the next pandemic, scientists should focus on monitoring and limiting the spread of a handful of high-risk viruses, especially at key interfaces such as farms and live-animal markets. But to address the much broader set of infectious disease risks associated with the Anthropocene, decision-makers will need to develop comprehensive strategies that include pathogen surveillance across species and ecosystems; conservation-based interventions to reduce human–animal contact and protect wildlife health; health system strengthening; and global improvements in epidemic preparedness and response. Scientists can contribute to these efforts by filling global gaps in disease data, and by expanding the evidence base for disease–driver relationships and ecological interventions.

The genomic landscape of gene-level structural variations in Japanese and global soybean Glycine max cultivars

Japanese soybeans are traditionally bred to produce soy foods such as tofu, miso and boiled soybeans. Here, to investigate their distinctive genomic features, including genomic structural variations (SVs), we constructed 11 nanopore-based genome references for Japanese and other soybean lines. Our assembly-based comparative method, designated ‘Asm2sv’, identified gene-level SVs comprehensively, enabling pangenome analysis of 462 worldwide cultivars and varieties. Based on these, we identified selective sweeps between Japanese and US soybeans, one of which was the pod-shattering resistance gene PDH1. Genome-wide association studies further identified several quantitative trait loci that accounted for large-seed phenotypes of Japanese soybean lines, some of which were also close to regions of the selective sweeps, including PDH1. Notably, specific combinations of alleles, including SVs, were found to increase the seed size of some Japanese landraces. In addition to the differences in cultivation environments, distinct food processing usages might result in changes in Japanese soybean genomes.


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