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A polyketide-based biosynthetic platform for diols, amino alcohols and hydroxy acids

Medium- and branched-chain diols and amino alcohols are important industrial solvents, polymer building blocks, cosmetics and pharmaceutical ingredients, yet biosynthetically challenging to produce. Here we present an approach that uses a modular polyketide synthase (PKS) platform for the efficient production of these compounds. This platform takes advantage of a versatile loading module from the rimocidin PKS and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent terminal thioreductases. Reduction of the terminal aldehyde with alcohol dehydrogenases enables the production of diols, oxidation enables the production of hydroxy acids and specific transaminases allow the production of various amino alcohols. Furthermore, replacement of the malonyl-coenzyme A-specific acyltransferase in the extension module with methyl- or ethylmalonyl-coenzyme A-specific acyltransferase enables the production of branched-chain diols, amino alcohols and carboxylic acids in high titres. Use of our PKS platform in Streptomyces albus demonstrated the high tunability and efficiency of the platform.

Co-option and neofunctionalization of stomatal executors for defence against herbivores in Brassicales

Co-option of gene regulatory networks leads to the acquisition of new cell types and tissues. Stomata, valves formed by guard cells (GCs), are present in most land plants and regulate CO2 exchange. The transcription factor (TF) FAMA globally regulates GC differentiation. In the Brassicales, FAMA also promotes the development of idioblast myrosin cells (MCs), another type of specialized cell along the vasculature essential for Brassicales-specific chemical defences. Here we show that in Arabidopsis thaliana, FAMA directly induces the TF gene WASABI MAKER (WSB), which triggers MC differentiation. WSB and STOMATAL CARPENTER 1 (SCAP1, a stomatal lineage-specific direct FAMA target), synergistically promote GC differentiation. wsb mutants lacked MCs and the wsb scap1 double mutant lacked normal GCs. Evolutionary analyses revealed that WSB is conserved across stomatous angiosperms. We propose that the conserved and reduced transcriptional FAMA–WSB module was co-opted before evolving to induce MC differentiation.

Rice transcription factor bHLH25 confers resistance to multiple diseases by sensing H2O2

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a ubiquitous signal regulating many biological processes, including innate immunity, in all eukaryotes. However, it remains largely unknown that how transcription factors directly sense H2O2 in eukaryotes. Here, we report that rice basic/helix-loop-helix transcription factor bHLH25 directly senses H2O2 to confer resistance to multiple diseases caused by fungi or bacteria. Upon pathogen attack, rice plants increase the production of H2O2, which directly oxidizes bHLH25 at methionine 256 in the nucleus. Oxidized bHLH25 represses miR397b expression to activate lignin biosynthesis for plant cell wall reinforcement, preventing pathogens from penetrating plant cells. Lignin biosynthesis consumes H2O2 causing accumulation of non-oxidized bHLH25. Non-oxidized bHLH25 switches to promote the expression of Copalyl Diphosphate Synthase 2 (CPS2), which increases phytoalexin biosynthesis to inhibit expansion of pathogens that escape into plants. This oxidization/non-oxidation status change of bHLH25 allows plants to maintain H2O2, lignin and phytoalexin at optimized levels to effectively fight against pathogens and prevents these three molecules from over-accumulation that harms plants. Thus, our discovery reveals a novel mechanism by which a single protein promotes two independent defense pathways against pathogens. Importantly, the bHLH25 orthologues from available plant genomes all contain a conserved M256-like methionine suggesting the broad existence of this mechanism in the plant kingdom. Moreover, this Met-oxidation mechanism may also be employed by other eukaryotic transcription factors to sense H2O2 to change functions.

Simultaneous entry as an adaptation to virulence in a novel satellite-helper system infecting Streptomyces species

Satellites are mobile genetic elements that are dependent upon the replication machinery of their helper viruses. Bacteriophages have provided many examples of satellite nucleic acids that utilize their helper morphogenic genes for propagation. Here we describe two novel satellite-helper phage systems, Mulch and Flayer, that infect Streptomyces species. The satellites in these systems encode for encapsidation machinery but have an absence of key replication genes, thus providing the first example of bacteriophage satellite viruses. We also show that codon usage of the satellites matches the tRNA gene content of the helpers. The satellite in one of these systems, Flayer, does not appear to integrate into the host genome, which represents the first example of a virulent satellite phage. The Flayer satellite has a unique tail adaptation that allows it to attach to its helper for simultaneous co-infection. These findings demonstrate an ever-increasing array of satellite strategies for genetic dependence on their helpers in the evolutionary arms race between satellite and helper phages.

Structural basis for the activation of plant bunyavirus replication machinery and its dual-targeted inhibition by ribavirin

Despite the discovery of plant viruses as a new class of pathogens over a century ago, the structure of plant virus replication machinery and antiviral pesticide remains lacking. Here we report five cryogenic electron microscopy structures of a ~330-kDa RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) from a devastating plant bunyavirus, tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV), including the apo, viral-RNA-bound, base analogue ribavirin-bound and ribavirin-triphosphate-bound states. They reveal that a flexible loop of RdRp’s motif F functions as ‘sensor’ to perceive viral RNA and further acts as an ‘adaptor’ to promote the formation of a complete catalytic centre. A ten-base RNA ‘hook’ structure is sufficient to trigger major conformational changes and activate RdRp. Chemical screening showed that ribavirin is effective against TSWV, and structural data revealed that ribavirin disrupts both hook-binding and catalytic core formation, locking polymerase in its inactive state. This work provides structural insights into the mechanisms of plant bunyavirus RdRp activation and its dual-targeted site inhibition, facilitating the development of pesticides against plant viruses.


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