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Low-carbon ammonia production is essential for resilient and sustainable agriculture

Ammonia-based synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (N fertilizers) are critical for global food security. However, their production, primarily dependent on fossil fuels, is energy- and carbon-intensive and vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, affecting 1.8 billion people reliant on either imported fertilizers or natural gas. Here we examine the global N-fertilizer supply chain and analyse context-specific trade-offs of low-carbon ammonia production pathways. Carbon capture and storage can reduce overall emissions by up to 70%, but still relies on natural gas. Electrolytic and biochemical processes minimize emissions but are 2–3 times more expensive and require 100–300 times more land and water than the business-as-usual production. Decentralized production has the potential to reduce transportation costs, emissions, reliance on imports and price volatility, increasing agricultural productivity in the global south, but requires policy support. Interdisciplinary approaches are essential to understand these trade-offs and find resilient ways to feed a growing population while minimizing climate impacts.

Dact1 induces Dishevelled oligomerization to facilitate binding partner switch and signalosome formation during convergent extension

Convergent extension (CE) is a universal morphogenetic engine that promotes polarized tissue extension. In vertebrates, CE is regulated by non-canonical Wnt ligands signaling through “core” proteins of the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, including the cytoplasmic protein Dishevelled (Dvl), receptor Frizzled (Fz) and tetraspan protein Van gogh-like (Vangl). PCP was discovered in Drosophila to coordinate polarity in the plane of static epithelium, but does not regulate CE in flies. Existing evidence suggests that adopting PCP for CE might be a vertebrate-specific adaptation with incorporation of new regulators. Herein we use Xenopus to investigate Dact1, a chordate-specific protein. Dact1 induces Dvl to form oligomers that dissociate from Vangl, but stay attached with Fz as signalosome-like clusters and co-aggregate with Fz into protein patches upon non-canonical Wnt induction. Functionally, Dact1 antagonizes Vangl, and synergizes with wild-type Dvl but not its oligomerization-defective mutants. We propose that, by promoting Dvl oligomerization, Dact1 couples Dvl binding partner switch with signalosome-like cluster formation to initiate non-canonical Wnt signaling during vertebrate CE.

Solar-driven interfacial evaporation technologies for food, energy and water

Solar-driven interfacial evaporation technologies use solar energy to heat materials that drive water evaporation. These technologies are versatile and do not require electricity, which enables their potential application across the food, energy and water nexus. In this Review, we assess the potential of solar-driven interfacial evaporation technologies in food, energy and clean-water production, in wastewater treatment, and in resource recovery. Interfacial evaporation technologies can produce up to 5.3 l m–2 h−1 of drinking water using sunlight as the energy source. Systems designed for food production in coastal regions desalinate water to irrigate crops or wash contaminated soils. Technologies are being developed to simultaneously produce both clean energy and water through interfacial evaporation and have reached up to 204 W m–2 for electricity and 2.5 l m–2 h–1 for water in separate systems. Other solar evaporation approaches or combinations of approaches could potentially use the full solar spectrum to generate multiple products (such as water, food, electricity, heating or cooling, and/or fuels). In the future, solar evaporation technologies could aid in food, energy and water provision in low-resource or rural settings that lack reliable access to these essentials, but the systems must first undergo rigorous, scaled-up field testing to understand their performance, stability and competitiveness.

Climate change threatens crop diversity at low latitudes

Climate change alters the climatic suitability of croplands, likely shifting the spatial distribution and diversity of global food crop production. Analyses of future potential food crop diversity have been limited to a small number of crops. Here we project geographical shifts in the climatic niches of 30 major food crops under 1.5–4 °C global warming and assess their impact on current crop production and potential food crop diversity across global croplands. We found that in low-latitude regions, 10–31% of current production would shift outside the climatic niche even under 2 °C global warming, increasing to 20–48% under 3 °C warming. Concurrently, potential food crop diversity would decline on 52% (+2 °C) and 56% (+3 °C) of global cropland. However, potential diversity would increase in mid to high latitudes, offering opportunities for climate change adaptation. These results highlight substantial latitudinal differences in the adaptation potential and vulnerability of the global food system under global warming.


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