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Escherichia Coli K1-colibactin meningitis induces microglial NLRP3/IL-18 exacerbating H3K4me3-synucleinopathy in human inflammatory gut-brain axis

Escherichia coli K1 (E. coli K1) meningitis early occurs in the gastrointestinal and causes severe damage to the central nervous system, including lifelong neurological complications in survivors. However, the cellular mechanism by which E. coli K1 may cause neuropathies is not well understood due to the lack of relevant human multi-organ models for studying multifaceted systemic inflammation across the gut-brain axis. Here, we reconstruct a multicellular model of the human gut-brain axis to identify the neuropathogenic mechanism driven by E. coli K1-colibactin meningitis. We observed that E. coli K1-genotoxic colibactin induced intestinal and peripheral interleukin 6, causing the blood-brain barrier injury and endothelial inflammation via the p38/p65 pathways. Serpin-E1 from the damaged cerebral endothelia induces reactive astrocytes to release IFN-γ, which reduces microglial phagocytosis of E. coli K1 and exacerbates detrimental neuroinflammation via NLRP3/IL-18 axis. Microglial IL-18 elevates neuronal reactive oxidative stress that worsens DNA double-strand breaks in E. coli K1-infected neurons, leading to H3K4 trimethylation and phosphorylation of alpha-synuclein. Our findings suggest therapeutic strategies for post-bacterial meningitis treatment to potentially prevent the initiation of synucleinopathy.

Binary peptide coacervates as an active model for biomolecular condensates

Biomolecular condensates formed by proteins and nucleic acids are critical for cellular processes. Macromolecule-based coacervate droplets formed by liquid-liquid phase separation serve as synthetic analogues, but are limited by complex compositions and high molecular weights. Recently, short peptides have emerged as an alternative component of coacervates, but tend to form metastable microdroplets that evolve into rigid nanostructures. Here we present programmable coacervates using binary mixtures of diphenylalanine-based short peptides. We show that the presence of different short peptides stabilizes the coacervate phase and prevents the formation of rigid structures, allowing peptide coacervates to be used as stable adaptive compartments. This approach allows fine control of droplet formation and dynamic morphological changes in response to physiological triggers. As compartments, short peptide coacervates sequester hydrophobic molecules and enhance bio-orthogonal catalysis. In addition, the incorporation of coacervates into model synthetic cells enables the design of Boolean logic gates. Our findings highlight the potential of short peptide coacervates for creating adaptive biomimetic systems and provide insight into the principles of phase separation in biomolecular condensates.

LolA and LolB are conserved in Bacteroidota and are crucial for gliding motility and Type IX secretion

Lipoproteins are key outer membrane (OM) components in Gram-negative bacteria, essential for functions like membrane biogenesis and virulence. Bacteroidota, a diverse and widespread phylum, produce numerous OM lipoproteins that play vital roles in nutrient acquisition, Type IX secretion system (T9SS), and gliding motility. In Escherichia coli, lipoprotein transport to the OM is mediated by the Lol system, where LolA shuttles lipoproteins to LolB, which anchors them in the OM. However, LolB homologs were previously thought to be limited to γ- and β-proteobacteria. This study uncovers the presence of LolB in Bacteroidota and demonstrates that multiple LolA and LolB proteins co-exist in various species. Specifically, in Flavobacterium johnsoniae, LolA1 and LolB1 transport gliding motility and T9SS lipoproteins to the OM. Notably, these proteins are not interchangeable with their E. coli counterparts, indicating functional specialization. Some lipoproteins still localize to the OM in the absence of LolA and LolB, suggesting the existence of alternative transport pathways in Bacteroidota. This points to a more complex lipoprotein transport system in Bacteroidota compared to other Gram-negative bacteria. These findings reveal previously unrecognized lipoprotein transport mechanisms in Bacteroidota and suggest that this phylum has evolved unique strategies to manage the essential task of lipoprotein localization.

Comprehensive discovery and functional characterization of the noncanonical proteome

The systematic identification and functional characterization of noncanonical translation products, such as novel peptides, will facilitate the understanding of the human genome and provide new insights into cell biology. Here, we constructed a high-coverage peptide sequencing reference library with 11,668,944 open reading frames and employed an ultrafiltration tandem mass spectrometry assay to identify novel peptides. Through these methods, we discovered 8945 previously unannotated peptides from normal gastric tissues, gastric cancer tissues and cell lines, nearly half of which were derived from noncoding RNAs. Moreover, our CRISPR screening revealed that 1161 peptides are involved in tumor cell proliferation. The presence and physiological function of a subset of these peptides, selected based on screening scores, amino acid length, and various indicators, were verified through Flag-knockin and multiple other methods. To further characterize the potential regulatory mechanisms involved, we constructed a framework based on artificial intelligence structure prediction and peptide‒protein interaction network analysis for the top 100 candidates and revealed that these cancer-related peptides have diverse subcellular locations and participate in organelle-specific processes. Further investigation verified the interacting partners of pep1-nc-OLMALINC, pep5-nc-TRHDE-AS1, pep-nc-ZNF436-AS1 and pep2-nc-AC027045.3, and the functions of these peptides in mitochondrial complex assembly, energy metabolism, and cholesterol metabolism, respectively. We showed that pep5-nc-TRHDE-AS1 and pep2-nc-AC027045.3 had substantial impacts on tumor growth in xenograft models. Furthermore, the dysregulation of these four peptides is closely correlated with clinical prognosis. Taken together, our study provides a comprehensive characterization of the noncanonical proteome, and highlights critical roles of these previously unannotated peptides in cancer biology.

Deep learning enhances the prediction of HLA class I-presented CD8+ T cell epitopes in foreign pathogens

Accurate in silico determination of CD8+ T cell epitopes would greatly enhance T cell-based vaccine development, but current prediction models are not reliably successful. Here, motivated by recent successes applying machine learning to complex biology, we curated a dataset of 651,237 unique human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-I) ligands and developed MUNIS, a deep learning model that identifies peptides presented by HLA-I alleles. MUNIS shows improved performance compared with existing models in predicting peptide presentation and CD8+ T cell epitope immunodominance hierarchies. Moreover, application of MUNIS to proteins from Epstein–Barr virus led to successful identification of both established and novel HLA-I epitopes which were experimentally validated by in vitro HLA-I-peptide stability and T cell immunogenicity assays. MUNIS performs comparably to an experimental stability assay in terms of immunogenicity prediction, suggesting that deep learning can reduce experimental burden and accelerate identification of CD8+ T cell epitopes for rapid T cell vaccine development.


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