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Resolving the fundamentals of the J-integral concept by multi-method in situ nanoscale stress-strain mapping

The integrity of structural materials is oftentimes defined by their resistance against catastrophic failure through dissipative plastic processes at the crack tip, commonly quantified by the J-integral concept. However, to date the experimental stress and strain fields necessary to quantify the J-integral associated with local crack propagation in its original integral form were inaccessible. Here, we present a multi-method nanoscale strain- and stress-mapping surrounding a growing crack tip in two identical miniaturized fracture specimens made from a nanocrystalline FeCrMnNiCo high-entropy alloy. The respective samples were tested in situ in a scanning electron microscope and a synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction setup, with detailed analyzes of loading states during elastic loading, crack tip blunting and general yielding, corroborated by a detailed elastic-plastic finite element model. This complementary in situ methodology uniquely enabled a detailed quantification of the J-integral along different integration paths from experimental nanoscale stress and strain fields. We find that conventional linear-elastic and elastic-plastic models, typically used to interpret fracture phenomena, have limited applicability at micron to nanoscale distances from propagating cracks. This for the first time unravels a limit to the path-independence of the J-integral, which has significant implications in the development and assessment of modern damage-tolerant materials and microstructures.

Flash Joule heating for synthesis, upcycling and remediation

Electric heating methods are being developed and used to electrify industrial applications and lower their carbon emissions. Direct Joule resistive heating is an energy-efficient electric heating technique that has been widely tested at the bench scale and could replace some energy-intensive and carbon-intensive processes. In this Review, we discuss the use of flash Joule heating (FJH) in processes that are traditionally energy-intensive or carbon-intensive. FJH uses pulse current discharge to rapidly heat materials directly to a desired temperature; it has high-temperature capabilities (>3,000 °C), fast heating and cooling rates (>102 °C s−1), short duration (milliseconds to seconds) and high energy efficiency (~100%). Carbon materials and metastable inorganic materials can be synthesized using FJH from virgin materials and waste feedstocks. FJH is also applied in resource recovery (such as from e-waste) and waste upcycling. An emerging application is in environmental remediation, where FJH can be used to rapidly degrade perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and to remove or immobilize heavy metals in soil and solid wastes. Life-cycle and technoeconomic analyses suggest that FJH can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and be cost-efficient compared with existing methods. Bringing FJH to industrially relevant scales requires further equipment and engineering development.

Plastics matter in the food system

Agriculture and food systems are major sources of plastic pollution but they are also vulnerable to their diverse lifecycle impacts. However, this problem is not well-recognized in global policy and scientific discourse, agendas, and monitoring of food systems. The United Nations-led Global Plastics Treaty, which has been under negotiation since 2022, is a critical opportunity to address pollution across the entire plastics lifecycle for more sustainable and resilient food systems. Here, we offer aspirational indicators for future monitoring of food systems’ plastics related to (1) plastic polymers and chemicals, (2) land use, (3) trade and waste, and (4) environmental and human health. We call for interdisciplinary research collaborations to continue improving and harmonising the evidence base necessary to track and trace plastics and plastic chemicals in food systems. We also highlight the need for collaboration across disciplines and sectors to tackle this urgent challenge for biodiversity, climate change, food security and nutrition, health and human rights at a whole systems level.

Suppressed ballistic transport of dislocations at strain rates up to 109 s–1 in a stable nanocrystalline alloy

Dislocations are crucial to plastic deformation in crystals. At extreme strain rates, their motion shifts from thermally activated glide to ballistic transport, causing significant drag due to interactions with phonons, which can lead to embrittlement and failure in metals. The concept of dislons, quantized dislocations, has emerged to better understand these types of interactions. Similar to quantum treatment of dislocation-electron interactions, confining dislocations to nanometer scales, especially in nanocrystalline metals, could also yield unique mechanical behaviors different from bulk materials. Here, we present evidence showing that in Cu-3Ta, a thermo-mechanically stable nanocrystalline alloy, the phonon drag effect is entirely suppressed even at ultra-high strain rates (109 s−1). This is due to the stable confinement of dislocations within several-nanometer range, limiting their velocity and interaction with phonons. Our study indicates that in confined environments, the dislocation-phonon drag effect is minimal, potentially improving material performance under extreme conditions.

Additive manufacturing of a 3D-segmented plastic scintillator detector for tracking and calorimetry of elementary particles

Plastic scintillators, segmented into small, optically isolated voxels, are used for detecting elementary particles and provide reliable particle identification with nanosecond time resolution. Building large detectors requires the production and precise alignment of millions of individual units, a process that is time-consuming, cost-intensive, and difficult to scale. Here, we introduce an additive manufacturing process chain capable of producing plastic-based scintillator detectors as a single, monolithic structure. Unlike previous manufacturing methods, this approach consolidates all production steps within one machine, creating a detector that integrates and precisely aligns its voxels into a unified structure. By combining fused deposition modeling with an injection process optimized for fabricating scintillation geometries, we produced an additively manufactured fine-granularity plastic scintillator detector with performance comparable to the state of the art, and demonstrated its capabilities for 3D tracking of elementary particles and energy-loss measurement. This work presents an efficient and economical production process for manufacturing plastic-based scintillator detectors, adaptable to various sizes and geometries.


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