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Chemical linkers switch triglycerol detergents from bacterial protein purification to mild antibiotic amplification

Non-ionic detergents enable the investigation of cell membranes, including biomolecule purification and drug delivery. The question of whether non-ionic detergents associated with satisfying protein yields following extraction and affinity purification of proteins from lysed E. coli membranes can amplify antibiotics on whole-cell E. coli remains to be addressed. We unlock the modular chemistry of linear triglycerol detergents to reveal that more polar, non-ionic detergents that form globular micelles work better in amplifying antimicrobial activities of antibiotics than in purifying the membrane proteins mechanosensitive channel and aquaporin Z. Less polar detergents that form worm-like micelles indicate poor performances in both applications. With chromatography we demonstrate how fine-tuning the polarity of chemical linkers between detergent headgroups and tails can switch the utility of detergents from protein purification to antibiotic amplification. We anticipate our findings to be a starting point for structure-property studies to better understand detergent designs in supramolecular chemistry and membrane research.

Anion vacancies activate N2 to ammonia on Ba–Si orthosilicate oxynitride-hydride

Anion vacancies on metal oxide surfaces have been studied as either active sites or promoting sites in various chemical reactions involving oxidation/reduction processes. However, oxide materials rarely work effectively as catalysts in the absence of transition metal sites. Here we report a Ba–Si orthosilicate oxynitride–hydride as a transition-metal-free catalyst for efficient ammonia synthesis via an anion-vacancymediated mechanism. The facile desorption of H and N3− anions plus the flexibility of the crystal structure can accommodate a high density of electrons at vacancy sites, where N2 can be captured and directly activated to ammonia through hydrogenation processes. The ammonia synthesis rates reach 40.1 mmol g−1 h−1 at 300 °C by loading ruthenium nanoparticles. Although not found to dissociate N2, Ru instead facilitates the formation of anion vacancies at the Ru–support interface. This demonstrates a new route for anion-vacancymediated heterogeneous catalysis.

Flash Joule heating for synthesis, upcycling and remediation

Electric heating methods are being developed and used to electrify industrial applications and lower their carbon emissions. Direct Joule resistive heating is an energy-efficient electric heating technique that has been widely tested at the bench scale and could replace some energy-intensive and carbon-intensive processes. In this Review, we discuss the use of flash Joule heating (FJH) in processes that are traditionally energy-intensive or carbon-intensive. FJH uses pulse current discharge to rapidly heat materials directly to a desired temperature; it has high-temperature capabilities (>3,000 °C), fast heating and cooling rates (>102 °C s−1), short duration (milliseconds to seconds) and high energy efficiency (~100%). Carbon materials and metastable inorganic materials can be synthesized using FJH from virgin materials and waste feedstocks. FJH is also applied in resource recovery (such as from e-waste) and waste upcycling. An emerging application is in environmental remediation, where FJH can be used to rapidly degrade perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and to remove or immobilize heavy metals in soil and solid wastes. Life-cycle and technoeconomic analyses suggest that FJH can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and be cost-efficient compared with existing methods. Bringing FJH to industrially relevant scales requires further equipment and engineering development.

Reprogramming of fatty acid metabolism: a hidden force regulating the occurrence and progression of cholangiocarcinoma

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a malignant tumor that originates from the bile duct epithelium and with a poor outcome due to lack of effective early diagnostic methods. Surgical resection is the preferred method for cure, but treatment options are limited for advanced diseases, such as distant metastatic or locally progressive tumors. Therefore, it is urgent to explore other new treatment methods. As modern living standards rise, the acceptance of high-fat, high-protein, and high-carbohydrate diets is growing among the public, and the resulting metabolic abnormalities are intimately linked to the initiation and spread of tumors. Metabolic reprogramming is a key mechanism in the process of tumor development and progression and is closely related to cancer cell proliferation, metastasis and drug resistance. Fatty acid (FA) metabolism, an integral component of cancer cell metabolism, can provide an energy source for cancer cells and participate in cell signaling, the regulation of the immune response and the maintenance of homeostasis of the internal environment, which are closely linked to the development and progression of CCA. Therefore, a better understanding of FA metabolism may provide promising strategies for early diagnosis, prognostic assessment and targeted therapy for CCA patients. In this paper, we review the effects of FA metabolism on CCA development and progression, summarize related mechanisms and the existing clinical applications of targeted lipid metabolism in CCA, and explore new targets for CCA metabolic therapy.

SREBF1-based metabolic reprogramming in prostate cancer promotes tumor ferroptosis resistance

Metabolic reprogramming in prostate cancer has been widely recognized as a promoter of tumor progression and treatment resistance. This study investigated its association with ferroptosis resistance in prostate cancer and explored its therapeutic potential. In this study, we identified differences in the epithelial characteristics between normal prostate tissue and tissues of various types of prostate cancer using single-cell sequencing. Through transcription factor regulatory network analysis, we focused on the candidate transcription factor, SREBF1. We identified the differences in SREBF1 transcriptional activity and its association with ferroptosis, and further verified this association using hdWGCNA. We constructed a risk score based on SREBF1 target genes associated with the biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer by combining bulk RNA analysis. Finally, we verified the effects of the SREBPs inhibitor Betulin on the treatment of prostate cancer and its chemosensitization effect. We observed characteristic differences in fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism between normal prostate tissue and prostate cancer tissue, identifying high transcriptional activity of SREBF1 in prostate cancer tissue. This indicates that SREBF1 is crucial for the metabolic reprogramming of prostate cancer, and that its mediated metabolic changes promoted ferroptosis resistance in prostate cancer in multiple ways. SREBF1 target genes are associated with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer. Finally, our experiments verified that SREBF1 inhibitors can significantly promote an increase in ROS, the decrease in GSH, and the decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential in prostate cancer cells and confirmed their chemosensitization effect in vivo. Our findings highlighted a close association between SREBF1 and ferroptosis resistance in prostate cancer. SREBF1 significantly influences metabolic reprogramming in prostate cancer cells, leading to ferroptosis resistance. Importantly, our results demonstrated that SREBF1 inhibitors can significantly enhance the therapeutic effect and chemosensitization of prostate cancer, suggesting a promising therapeutic potential for the treatment of prostate cancer.


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