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Phylogenetic and ecophysiological novelty of subsurface mercury methylators in mangrove sediments

Mangrove sediment is a crucial component in the global mercury (Hg) cycling and acts as a hotspot for methylmercury (MeHg) production. Early evidence has documented the ubiquity of well-studied Hg methylators in mangrove superficial sediments; however, their diversity and metabolic adaptation in the more anoxic and highly reduced subsurface sediments are lacking. Through MeHg biogeochemical assay and metagenomic sequencing, we found that mangrove subsurface sediments (20–100 cm) showed a less hgcA gene abundance but higher diversity of Hg methylators than superficial sediments (0–20 cm). Regional-scale investigation of mangrove subsurface sediments spanning over 1500 km demonstrated a prevalence and family-level novelty of Hg-methylating microbial lineages (i.e., those affiliated to Anaerolineae, Phycisphaerae, and Desulfobacterales). We proposed the candidate phylum Zixibacteria lineage with sulfate-reducing capacity as a currently understudied Hg methylator across anoxic environments. Unlike other Hg methylators, the Zixibacteria lineage does not use the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway but has unique capabilities of performing methionine synthesis to donate methyl groups. The absence of cobalamin biosynthesis pathway suggests that this Hg-methylating lineage may depend on its syntrophic partners (i.e., Syntrophobacterales members) for energy in subsurface sediments. Our results expand the diversity of subsurface Hg methylators and uncover their unique ecophysiological adaptations in mangrove sediments.

Sediment resuspension in muddy sediments enhances pyrite oxidation and carbon dioxide emissions in Kiel Bight

Sediment resuspension of blue carbon ecosystems (e.g., seagrass beds) and muddy sediments exposes buried particulate organic carbon to oxygenated waters and remineralization, potentially enhancing carbon dioxide fluxes. However, the kinetics of carbon degradation under oxic and anoxic conditions are poorly constrained. We report the results of incubation experiments with sediments from Kiel Bight to simulate sediment resuspension events induced by natural and anthropogenic resuspension in this area. A numerical model determined that oxic carbon remineralization rates were up to two-fold higher than those under anoxic conditions. A coupled sediment-water column model demonstrated that pyrite oxidation, rather than carbon oxidation, has the potential to induce large carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere following anthropogenic sediment disturbance by trawling. Upscaling to muddy areas of Kiel Bight suggests an annual emission of up to ~14 k tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Pyrite oxidation may contribute to a weakening of the carbon shelf pump and a reduction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide uptake.

Evidence from Tinshemet Cave in Israel suggests behavioural uniformity across Homo groups in the Levantine mid-Middle Palaeolithic circa 130,000–80,000 years ago

The south Levantine mid-Middle Palaeolithic (mid-MP; ~130–80 thousand years ago (ka)) is remarkable for its exceptional evidence of human morphological variability, with contemporaneous fossils of Homo sapiens and Neanderthal-like hominins. Yet, it remains unclear whether these hominins adhered to discrete behavioural sets or whether regional-scale intergroup interactions could have homogenized mid-MP behaviour. Here we report on our discoveries at Tinshemet Cave, Israel. The site yielded articulated Homo remains in association with rich assemblages of ochre, fauna and stone tools dated to ~100 ka. Viewed from the perspective of other key regional sites of this period, our findings indicate consolidation of a uniform behavioural set in the Levantine mid-MP, consisting of similar lithic technology, an increased reliance on large-game hunting and a range of socially elaborated behaviours, comprising intentional human burial and the use of ochre in burial contexts. We suggest that the development of this behavioural uniformity is due to intensified inter-population interactions and admixture between Homo groups ~130–80 ka.

The role of rivers in the origin and future of Amazonian biodiversity

The rich biodiversity of Amazonia is shaped geographically and ecologically by its rivers and their cycles of seasonal flooding. Anthropogenic effects, such as deforestation, infrastructure development and extreme climatic events, threaten the ecological processes sustaining Amazonian ecosystems. In this Review, we explore the coupled evolution of Amazonian rivers and biodiversity associated with terrestrial and seasonally flooded environments, integrating geological, climatic, ecological and genetic evidence. Amazonia and its fluvial environments are highly heterogeneous, and the drainage system is historically dynamic and continually evolving; as a result, the discharge, sediment load and strength of rivers as barriers to biotic dispersal has changed through time. Ecological affinities of taxa, drainage rearrangements and variations in riverine landscape caused by past climate changes have mediated the evolution of the high diversity found in modern-day Amazonia. The connected history of the region’s biodiversity and landscape provides fundamental information for mitigating current and future impacts. However, incomplete knowledge about species taxonomy, distributions, habitat use, ecological interactions and occurrence patterns limits our understanding. Partnerships with Indigenous peoples and local communities, who have close ties to land and natural resources, are key to improving knowledge generation and dissemination, enabling better impact assessments, monitoring and management of the riverine systems at risk from evolving pressures.

Distribution and genomic variation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in abyssal and hadal surface sediments

Ammonia-oxidizing archaea of the phylum Thaumarchaeota play a central role in the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen in benthic sediments, at the interface between pelagic and subsurface ecosystems. However, our understanding of their niche separation and of the processes controlling their population structure in hadal and abyssal surface sediments is still limited. Here, we reconstructed 47 AOA metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from surface sediments of the Atacama and Kermadec trench systems. They formed deep-sea-specific groups within the family Nitrosopumilaceae and were assigned to six amoA gene-based clades. MAGs from different clades had distinct distribution patterns along oxygen-ammonium counter gradients in surface sediments. At the species level, MAGs thus seemed to form different ecotypes and follow deterministic niche-based distributions. In contrast, intraspecific population structure, defined by patterns of Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV), seemed to reflect more complex contributions of both deterministic and stochastic processes. Firstly, the bathymetric range had a strong effect on population structure, with distinct populations in abyssal plains and hadal trenches. Then, hadal populations were clearly separated by trench system, suggesting a strong isolation-by-topography effect, whereas abyssal populations were rather controlled by sediment depth or geographic distances, depending on the clade considered. Interestingly, genetic variability between samples was lowest in sediment layers where the mean MAG coverage was highest, highlighting the importance of selective pressure linked with each AOA clade’s ecological niche. Overall, our results show that deep-sea AOA genome distributions seem to follow both deterministic and stochastic processes, depending on the genomic variability scale considered.


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