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Community composition and physiological plasticity control microbial carbon storage across natural and experimental soil fertility gradients
Many microorganisms synthesise carbon (C)-rich compounds under resource deprivation. Such compounds likely serve as intracellular C-storage pools that sustain the activities of microorganisms growing on stoichiometrically imbalanced substrates, making them potentially vital to the function of ecosystems on infertile soils. We examined the dynamics and drivers of three putative C-storage compounds (neutral lipid fatty acids [NLFAs], polyhydroxybutyrate [PHB], and trehalose) across a natural gradient of soil fertility in eastern Australia. Together, NLFAs, PHB, and trehalose corresponded to 8.5–40% of microbial C and 0.06–0.6% of soil organic C. When scaled to “structural” microbial biomass (indexed by polar lipid fatty acids; PLFAs), NLFA and PHB allocation was 2–3-times greater in infertile soils derived from ironstone and sandstone than in comparatively fertile basalt- and shale-derived soils. PHB allocation was positively correlated with belowground biological phosphorus (P)-demand, while NLFA allocation was positively correlated with fungal PLFA : bacterial PLFA ratios. A complementary incubation revealed positive responses of respiration, storage, and fungal PLFAs to glucose, while bacterial PLFAs responded positively to PO43-. By comparing these results to a model of microbial C-allocation, we reason that NLFA primarily served the “reserve” storage mode for C-limited taxa (i.e., fungi), while the variable portion of PHB likely served as “surplus” C-storage for P-limited bacteria. Thus, our findings reveal a convergence of community-level processes (i.e., changes in taxonomic composition that underpin reserve-mode storage dynamics) and intracellular mechanisms (e.g., physiological plasticity of surplus-mode storage) that drives strong, predictable community-level microbial C-storage dynamics across gradients of soil fertility and substrate stoichiometry.
Extreme drought-heatwave events threaten the biodiversity and stability of aquatic plankton communities in the Yangtze River ecosystems
Rivers are crucial to biogeochemical cycles, connecting terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric systems. However, their ecosystems are increasingly threatened by extreme weather events. Here we used the environmental DNA approach to assess the impact of extreme drought-heatwave events on the aquatic plankton communities of the Yangtze River. We showed that an extreme drought-heatwave event reduced the α diversity of communities, increased their β diversity, and simultaneously simplified and destabilized community network structure. This event also shifted the dominant algae taxa from Bacillariophyta to Cyanobacteria, accompanied by increases in organic carbon and labile organic carbon contents. Globally, temperature rises during this extreme drought-heatwave event are more pronounced in high-latitude regions, likely amplifying impacts on river ecosystem biodiversity and stability. Our findings highlight the vulnerability of river ecosystems to extreme events and underscore the need to mitigate climate change’s effects on river ecosystems.
Progress and challenges in exploring aquatic microbial communities using non-targeted metabolomics
Advances in bioanalytical technologies are constantly expanding our insights into complex ecosystems. Here, we highlight strategies and applications that make use of non-targeted metabolomics methods in aquatic chemical ecology research and discuss opportunities and remaining challenges of mass spectrometry-based methods to broaden our understanding of environmental systems.
Comparative analysis of nanomechanical resonators: sensitivity, response time, and practical considerations in photothermal sensing
Nanomechanical photothermal sensing has significantly advanced single-molecule/particle microscopy and spectroscopy, and infrared detection. In this approach, the nanomechanical resonator detects shifts in resonant frequency due to photothermal heating. However, the relationship between photothermal sensitivity, response time, and resonator design has not been fully explored. This paper compares three resonator types – strings, drumheads, and trampolines – to explore this relationship. Through theoretical modeling, experimental validation, and finite element method simulations, we find that strings offer the highest sensitivity (with a noise equivalent power of 280 fW/Hz1/2 for strings made of silicon nitride), while drumheads exhibit the fastest thermal response. The study reveals that photothermal sensitivity correlates with the average temperature rise and not the peak temperature. Finally, the impact of photothermal back-action is discussed, which can be a major source of frequency instability. This work clarifies the performance differences and limits among resonator designs and guides the development of advanced nanomechanical photothermal sensors, benefiting a wide range of applications.
A wide range of chromosome numbers result from unreduced gamete production in Brassica juncea × B. napus (AABC) interspecific hybrids
The establishment of successful interspecies hybrids requires restoration of a stable “2n” chromosome complement which can produce viable “n” gametes. This may occur (rarely) via recombination between non-homologous chromosomes, or more commonly is associated with a doubling of parental chromosome number to produce new homologous pairing partners in the hybrid. The production of unreduced “2n” gametes (gametes with the somatic chromosome number) may therefore be evolutionarily useful by serving as a key pathway for the formation of new polyploid hybrids, as might specific mechanisms permitting recombination between non-homologous chromosomes. Here, we investigated chromosome complements and fertility in third generation interspecific hybrids (AABC) resulting from a cross between allopolyploids Brassica juncea (AABB) × B. napus (AACC) followed by self-pollination for two generations. Chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 48–74 in the experimental population (35 plants), with 9–16 B genome chromosomes and up to 4 copies of A genome chromosomes. Unreduced gamete production leading to a putative genome structure of approximately AAAABBCC was hence predicted to explain the high chromosome numbers observed. Additionally, the estimation of nuclei number in post-meiotic sporads revealed a higher frequency of unreduced gametes (0.04–5.21%) in the third generation AABC interspecific hybrids compared to the parental Brassica juncea (0.07%) and B. napus (0.13%). Our results suggest that unreduced gamete production in the subsequent generations following interspecific hybridization events may play a critical role in restoration of more stable, fertile chromosome complements.