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Cultural and personal values interact to predict divorce
We investigate the role of values in motivating the dissolution of marriage. Drawing on comprehensive value frameworks, we study how cultural values explain cross-national variation in divorce, how personal values explain further variation within nations, and how the two value systems interact together. In three archival studies, including more than 100,000 participants from over 55 countries, we study attitudes toward divorce as well as actual divorce. We found that divorce was more justifiable and likely in nations emphasizing autonomy values, and among individuals ascribing importance to self-direction, stimulation, and hedonism values. Divorce was less justifiable and likely in nations emphasizing embeddedness values, and among individuals ascribing importance to tradition and conformity values. Overall, the impact of personal values was stronger the more the culture emphasizes autonomy (vs. embeddedness) values. Understanding the role of values in divorce may inform individuals as to the values they desire in their future spouses.
Why do travelers discontinue using integrated ride-hailing platforms? The role of perceived value and perceived risk
Despite integrated ride-hailing platforms have provided many benefits to travelers, there are also various potential risks. This study aims to examine travelers’ discontinuance behavioral intention toward integrated ride-hailing platforms. The research framework was established by extending the theory of planned behavior (TPB) with perceived value and perceived risk. Perceived value was classified into utilitarian, hedonic, and social values, while perceived risk was classified into privacy, performance, security, and financial risks. Additionally, the factors of switch cost and personal innovativeness were included. An empirical analysis was carried out using partial least-squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) based on a survey conducted in Nanjing, China. Furthermore, a multi-group analysis (MGA) was performed to examine behavioral differences across demographic variables. The findings suggest that discontinuous behavioral intention is influenced by subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and attitude. Among them, perceived behavioral control shows the strongest impact (−0.190). Perceived value, including utilitarian, hedonic, and social dimensions, negatively influences discontinuance intention, whereas the four variables of risk perception positively affect discontinuance intention. Notably, social value, performance risk, and privacy risk act higher total effects on discontinuance intention. Switch cost is negatively associated with attitude (−0.222), and positively affects discontinuance intention (0.189). Personal innovativeness has positive and stronger effects on perceived value (0.237), negative effects on perceived risk (−0.174), and negative effects on discontinuance intention. Regarding MGA results, older travelers demonstrate a stronger impact of social value on perceived value, higher-income groups exhibit greater sensitivity to security risks, and frequent travelers prioritize utilitarian value.
Taking control with RNA
RNA roles RNA seized the global limelight when a modified RNA was used in the vaccine against the virus SARS-CoV-2 that caused a global pandemic.…
Skeletal progenitor LRP1 deficiency causes severe and persistent skeletal defects with Wnt pathway dysregulation
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) is a multifunctional endocytic receptor whose dysfunction is linked to developmental dysplasia of the hip, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Our work addresses the critical question of how these skeletal pathologies emerge. Here, we show the abundant expression of LRP1 in skeletal progenitor cells at mouse embryonic stage E10.5 and onwards, especially in the perichondrium, the stem cell layer surrounding developing limbs essential for bone formation. Lrp1 deficiency in these stem cells causes joint fusion, malformation of cartilage/bone template and markedly delayed or lack of primary ossification. These abnormalities, which resemble phenotypes associated with Wnt signalling pathways, result in severe and persistent skeletal defects including a severe deficit in hip joint and patella, and markedly deformed and low-density long bones leading to dwarfism and impaired mobility. Mechanistically, we show that LRP1 regulates core non-canonical Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) components that may explain the malformation of long bones. LRP1 directly binds to Wnt5a, facilitates its cell-association and endocytic degradation and recycling. In the developing limbs, LRP1 partially colocalises with Wnt5a and its deficiency alters abundance and distribution of Wnt5a and Vangl2. Finally, using Xenopus as a model system, we show the regulatory role for LRP1 in Wnt/PCP signalling. We propose that in skeletal progenitors, LRP1 plays a critical role in formation and maturity of multiple bones and joints by regulating Wnt signalling, providing novel insights into the fundamental processes of morphogenesis and the emergence of skeletal pathologies.
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