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3D printing of micro-nano devices and their applications
In recent years, the utilization of 3D printing technology in micro and nano device manufacturing has garnered significant attention. Advancements in 3D printing have enabled achieving sub-micron level precision. Unlike conventional micro-machining techniques, 3D printing offers versatility in material selection, such as polymers. 3D printing technology has been gradually applied to the general field of microelectronic devices such as sensors, actuators and flexible electronics due to its adaptability and efficacy in microgeometric design and manufacturing processes. Furthermore, 3D printing technology has also been instrumental in the fabrication of microfluidic devices, both through direct and indirect processes. This paper provides an overview of the evolving landscape of 3D printing technology, delineating the essential materials and processes involved in fabricating microelectronic and microfluidic devices in recent times. Additionally, it synthesizes the diverse applications of these technologies across different domains.
Management practices and manufacturing firm responses to a randomized energy audit
Increasing the efficiency of industrial energy use is widely considered important for mitigating climate change. We randomize assignment of an energy audit intervention aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing energy expenditures of small- and medium-sized metal processing firms in Shandong Province, China, and examine impacts on energy outcomes and interactions with firms’ management practices. We find that the intervention reduced firms’ unit cost of electricity by 8% on average. Firms with more developed structured management practices showed higher rates of recommendation adoption. However, the post-intervention electricity unit cost reduction is larger in firms with less developed practices, primarily driven by a single recommendation that corrected managers’ inaccurate reporting of transformer usage at baseline, lowering their electricity costs. By closing management-associated gaps in awareness of energy expenditures, energy audit programmes may reduce a firm’s unit cost of energy but have an ambiguous impact on energy use and climate change.
Diversity of biomass usage pathways to achieve emissions targets in the European energy system
Biomass is a versatile renewable energy source with applications across the energy system, but it is a limited resource and its usage needs prioritization. We use a sector-coupled European energy system model to explore near-optimal solutions for achieving emissions targets. We find that provision of biogenic carbon has higher value than bioenergy provision. Energy system costs increase by 20% if biomass is excluded at a net-negative (−110%) emissions target and by 14% at a net-zero target. Dispatchable bioelectricity covering ~1% of total electricity generation strengthens supply reliability. Otherwise, it is not crucial in which sector biomass is used, if combined with carbon capture to enable negative emissions and feedstock for e-fuel production. A shortage of renewable electricity or hydrogen supply primarily increases the value of using biomass for fuel production. Results are sensitive to upstream emissions of biomass, carbon sequestration capacity and costs of direct air capture.
Decarbonizing urban residential communities with green hydrogen systems
Community green hydrogen systems, typically consisting of rooftop photovoltaic panels paired with hybrid hydrogen-battery storage, offer urban environments with improved access to clean, on-site energy. However, economically viable pathways for deploying hydrogen storage within urban communities remain unclear. Here we develop a bottom-up energy model linking climate, human behavior and community characteristics to assess the impacts of pathways for deploying community green hydrogen systems in North America from 2030 to 2050. We show that for the same community conditions, the cost difference between the best and worst pathways can be as high as 60%. In particular, the household centralized option emerges as the preferred pathway for most communities. Furthermore, enhancing energy storage demands within these deployment pathways can reduce system design costs up to fourfold. To achieve cost-effective urban decarbonization, the study underscores the critical role of selecting the right deployment pathway and prioritizing the integration of increased energy storage in pathway designs.
Advanced electrode processing for lithium-ion battery manufacturing
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) need to be manufactured at speed and scale for their use in electric vehicles and devices. However, LIB electrode manufacturing via conventional wet slurry processing is energy-intensive and costly, challenging the goal to achieve sustainable, affordable and facile manufacturing of high-performance LIBs. In this Review, we discuss advanced electrode processing routes (dry processing, radiation curing processing, advanced wet processing and 3D-printing processing) that could reduce energy usage and material waste. Maxwell-type dry processing is a scalable alternative to conventional processing and has relatively low manufacturing cost and energy consumption. Radiation curing processing could enable high-throughput manufacturing, but binder selection is limited to certain radiation curable chemistries. 3D-printing processing can produce electrodes with diverse architectures and improved rate performance, but scalability is yet to be demonstrated. 3D-printing processing is good for special applications where throughput and cost can be compromised for performance.