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Dispersal, habitat filtering, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of local and global wetland viral biogeography
Wetlands store 20–30% of the world’s soil carbon, and identifying the microbial controls on these carbon reserves is essential to predicting feedbacks to climate change. Although viral infections likely play important roles in wetland ecosystem dynamics, we lack a basic understanding of wetland viral ecology. Here 63 viral size-fraction metagenomes (viromes) and paired total metagenomes were generated from three time points in 2021 at seven fresh- and saltwater wetlands in the California Bodega Marine Reserve. We recovered 12,826 viral population genomic sequences (vOTUs), only 4.4% of which were detected at the same field site two years prior, indicating a small degree of population stability or recurrence. Viral communities differed most significantly among the seven wetland sites and were also structured by habitat (plant community composition and salinity). Read mapping to a new version of our reference database, PIGEONv2.0 (515,763 vOTUs), revealed 196 vOTUs present over large geographic distances, often reflecting shared habitat characteristics. Wetland vOTU microdiversity was significantly lower locally than globally and lower within than between time points, indicating greater divergence with increasing spatiotemporal distance. Viruses tended to have broad predicted host ranges via CRISPR spacer linkages to metagenome-assembled genomes, and increased SNP frequencies in CRISPR-targeted major tail protein genes suggest potential viral eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to both immune targeting and changes in host cell receptors involved in viral attachment. Together, these results highlight the importance of dispersal, environmental selection, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of local and global wetland viral biogeography.
Non-replicative herpes simplex virus genomic and amplicon vectors for gene therapy – an update
Two major types of defective vectors have been derived from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), non-replicative genomic vectors (nrHSV-1), and amplicon vectors. This review recapitulates the main features of both vector types and summarizes recent improvements in our understanding of virus/vector biology, particularly with regard to the critical role played by the overpowering of antiviral cellular defenses and the epigenetic control of viral gene expression. Over the past years, significant breakthroughs in vector design, genetic engineering, and HSV-1 biology have accelerated the development of nrHSV-1 vectors. The low immunogenicity and enhanced safety profiles allowed the successful translation of these vectors into several clinical trials, with some being approved by the FDA. Regarding amplicons, despite their advantage in carrying very large or multiple transgenes, and their potential to avoid genome dilution in dividing cells, the absence of production procedures capable of generating large amounts of helper-free amplicons at reasonable cost with GMP compliance, still limits the translation of these outstanding vectors to clinical trials.
Zea mays genotype influences microbial and viral rhizobiome community structure
Plant genotype is recognized to contribute to variations in microbial community structure in the rhizosphere, soil adherent to roots. However, the extent to which the viral community varies has remained poorly understood and has the potential to contribute to variation in soil microbial communities. Here we cultivated replicates of two Zea mays genotypes, parviglumis and B73, in a greenhouse and harvested the rhizobiome (rhizoplane and rhizosphere) to identify the abundance of cells and viruses as well as rhizobiome microbial and viral community using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and genome resolved metagenomics. Our results demonstrated that viruses exceeded microbial abundance in the rhizobiome of parviglumis and B73 with a significant variation in both the microbial and viral community between the two genotypes. Of the viral contigs identified only 4.5% (n = 7) of total viral contigs were shared between the two genotypes, demonstrating that plants even at the level of genotype can significantly alter the surrounding soil viral community. An auxiliary metabolic gene associated with glycoside hydrolase (GH5) degradation was identified in one viral metagenome-assembled genome (vOTU) identified in the B73 rhizobiome infecting Propionibacteriaceae (Actinobacteriota) further demonstrating the viral contribution in metabolic potential for carbohydrate degradation and carbon cycling in the rhizosphere. This variation demonstrates the potential of plant genotype to contribute to microbial and viral heterogeneity in soil systems and harbors genes capable of contributing to carbon cycling in the rhizosphere.
Genomic and transcriptomic insights into complex virus–prokaryote interactions in marine biofilms
Marine biofilms are complex communities of microorganisms that play a crucial ecological role in oceans. Although prokaryotes are the dominant members of these biofilms, little is known about their interactions with viruses. By analysing publicly available and newly sequenced metagenomic data, we identified 2446 virus–prokaryote connections in 84 marine biofilms. Most of these connections were between the bacteriophages in the Uroviricota phylum and the bacteria of Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidota. The network of virus–host pairs is complex; a single virus can infect multiple prokaryotic populations or a single prokaryote is susceptible to several viral populations. Analysis of genomes of paired prokaryotes and viruses revealed the presence of 425 putative auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs), 239 viral genes related to restriction–modification (RM) systems and 38,538 prokaryotic anti-viral defence-related genes involved in 15 defence systems. Transcriptomic evidence from newly established biofilms revealed the expression of viral genes, including AMGs and RM, and prokaryotic defence systems, indicating the active interplay between viruses and prokaryotes. A comparison between biofilms and seawater showed that biofilm prokaryotes have more abundant defence genes than seawater prokaryotes, and the defence gene composition differs between biofilms and the surrounding seawater. Overall, our study unveiled active viruses in natural biofilms and their complex interplay with prokaryotes, which may result in the blooming of defence strategists in biofilms. The detachment of bloomed defence strategists may reduce the infectivity of viruses in seawater and result in the emergence of a novel role of marine biofilms.
The comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 ‘hijackome’ knowledge base
The continuous evolution of SARS-CoV-2 has led to the emergence of several variants of concern (VOCs) that significantly affect global health. This study aims to investigate how these VOCs affect host cells at proteome level to better understand the mechanisms of disease. To achieve this, we first analyzed the (phospho)proteome changes of host cells infected with Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron BA.1 and BA.5 variants over time frames extending from 1 to 36 h post infection. Our results revealed distinct temporal patterns of protein expression across the VOCs, with notable differences in the (phospho)proteome dynamics that suggest variant-specific adaptations. Specifically, we observed enhanced expression and activation of key components within crucial cellular pathways such as the RHO GTPase cycle, RNA splicing, and endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD)-related processes. We further utilized proximity biotinylation mass spectrometry (BioID-MS) to investigate how specific mutation of these VOCs influence viral–host protein interactions. Our comprehensive interactomics dataset uncovers distinct interaction profiles for each variant, illustrating how specific mutations can change viral protein functionality. Overall, our extensive analysis provides a detailed proteomic profile of host cells for each variant, offering valuable insights into how specific mutations may influence viral protein functionality and impact therapeutic target identification. These insights are crucial for the potential use and design of new antiviral substances, aiming to enhance the efficacy of treatments against evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants.