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Dynamic thermalization on noisy quantum hardware

Emulating thermal observables on a digital quantum computer is essential for quantum simulation of many-body physics. However, thermalization typically requires a large system size due to incorporating a thermal bath, whilst limited resources of near-term digital quantum processors allow for simulating relatively small systems. We show that thermal observables and fluctuations may be obtained for a small closed system without a thermal bath. Thermal observables occur upon classically averaging quantum mechanical observables over randomized variants of their time evolution that run independently on a digital quantum processor. Using an IBM quantum computer, we experimentally find thermal occupation probabilities with finite positive and negative temperatures defined by the initial state’s energy. Averaging over random evolutions facilitates error mitigation, with the noise contributing to the temperature in the simulated observables. This result fosters probing the dynamical emergence of equilibrium properties of matter at finite temperatures on noisy intermediate-scale quantum hardware.

Stirring the false vacuum via interacting quantized bubbles on a 5,564-qubit quantum annealer

False vacuum decay—the transition from a metastable quantum state to a true vacuum state—plays an important role in quantum field theory and non-equilibrium phenomena such as phase transitions and dynamical metastability. The non-perturbative nature of false vacuum decay and the limited experimental access to this process make it challenging to study, leaving several open questions regarding how true vacuum bubbles form, move and interact. Here we observe quantized bubble formation in real time, a key feature of false vacuum decay dynamics, using a quantum annealer with 5,564 superconducting flux qubits. We develop an effective model that captures both initial bubble creation and subsequent interactions, and remains accurate under dissipation. The annealer reveals coherent scaling laws in the driven many-body dynamics for more than 1,000 intrinsic qubit time units. This work provides a method for investigating false vacuum dynamics of large quantum systems in quantum annealers.

Universal relations and bounds for fluctuations in quasistatic small heat engines

The efficiency of any heat engine, defined as the ratio of average work output to heat input, is bounded by Carnot’s celebrated result. However, this measure is insufficient to characterize the properties of miniaturized heat engines carrying non-negligible fluctuations, and a study of higher-order statistics of their energy exchanges is required. Here, we generalize Carnot’s result for reversible cycles to arbitrary order moment of the work and heat fluctuations. Our results show that, in the quasistatic limit, higher-order statistics of a small engine’s energetics depend solely on the ratio between the temperatures of the thermal baths. We further prove that our result for the second moment gives universal bounds for the ratio between the variances of work and heat for quasistatic cycles. We test this theory with our previous experimental results of a Brownian Carnot engine and observe the consistency between them, even beyond the quasistatic regime. Our results can be exploited in the design of thermal nanomachines to reduce their fluctuations of work output without marginalizing its average value and efficiency.

A blood glucose fluctuation-responsive delivery system promotes bone regeneration and the repair function of Smpd3-reprogrammed BMSC-derived exosomes

Blood glucose fluctuation leads to poor bone defect repair in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Strategies to safely and efficiently improve the bone regeneration disorder caused by blood glucose fluctuation are still a challenge. Neutral sphingophospholipase 2 (Smpd3) is downregulated in jawbone-derived bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) from T2DM patients. Here, we investigated the effect of Smpd3 on the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs and utilized exosomes from stem cells overexpressing Smpd3 as the main treatment based on the glucose responsiveness of phenylboronic acid-based polyvinyl alcohol crosslinkers and the protease degradability of gelatin nanoparticles. The combined loading of Smpd3-overexpressing stem cell-derived exosomes (Exos-Smpd3) and nanosilver ions (Ns) to construct a hydrogel delivery system (Exos-Smpd3@Ns) promoted osteogenesis and differentiation of BMSCs in a glucose-fluctuating environment, ectopic osteogenesis of BMSCs in a glucose-fluctuating environment and jawbone regeneration of diabetic dogs in vitro. Mechanistically, Smpd3 promoted the osteogenesis and differentiation of jawbone-derived BMSCs by activating autophagy in the jawbone and inhibiting macrophage polarization and oxidative stress caused by blood glucose fluctuations. These results reveal the role and mechanism of Smpd3 and the Smpd3 overexpression exosome delivery system in promoting BMSC function and bone regeneration under blood glucose fluctuations, providing a theoretical basis and candidate methods for the treatment of bone defects in T2DM patients.

Seasonal productivity of the equatorial Atlantic shaped by distinct wind-driven processes

The eastern equatorial Atlantic hosts a productive marine ecosystem that depends on upward supply of nitrate, the primary limiting nutrient in this region. The annual productivity peak, indicated by elevated surface chlorophyll levels, occurs in the Northern Hemisphere summer, roughly coinciding with strengthened easterly winds. For enhanced productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, nitrate-rich water must rise into the turbulent layer above the Equatorial Undercurrent. Using data from two trans-Atlantic equatorial surveys, along with extended time series from equatorial moorings, we demonstrate how three independent wind-driven processes shape the seasonality of equatorial Atlantic productivity: (1) the nitracline shoals in response to intensifying easterly winds; (2) the depth of the Equatorial Undercurrent core, defined by maximum eastward velocity, is controlled by an annual oscillation of basin-scale standing equatorial waves; and (3) mixing intensity in the shear zone above the Equatorial Undercurrent core is governed by local and instantaneous winds. The interplay of these three mechanisms shapes a unique seasonal cycle of nutrient supply and productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, with a productivity minimum in April due to a shallow Equatorial Undercurrent and a productivity maximum in July resulting from a shallow nitracline coupled with enhanced mixing.


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