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Socially vulnerable communities face disproportionate exposure and susceptibility to U.S. wildfire and prescribed burn smoke

While air pollution from most U.S. sources has decreased, emissions from wildland fires have risen. Here, we use an integrated assessment model to estimate that wildfire and prescribed burn smoke caused $200 billion in health damages in 2017, associated with 20,000 premature deaths. Nearly half of this damage came from wildfires, predominantly in the West, with the remainder from prescribed burns, mostly in the Southeast. Our analysis reveals positive correlations between smoke exposure and various social vulnerability measures; however, when also considering smoke susceptibility, these disparities are systematically influenced by age. Senior citizens, who are disproportionately White, represented 16% of the population but incurred 75% of the damages. Nonetheless, within most age groups, Native American and Black communities experienced the greatest damages per capita. Our work highlights the extraordinary and disproportionate effects of the growing threat of fire smoke and calls for targeted, equitable policy solutions for a healthier future.

Leveraging large language models to assist philosophical counseling: prospective techniques, value, and challenges

Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as transformative tools with the potential to revolutionize philosophical counseling. By harnessing their advanced natural language processing and reasoning capabilities, LLMs offer innovative solutions to overcome limitations inherent in traditional counseling approaches—such as counselor scarcity, difficulties in identifying mental health issues, subjective outcome assessment, and cultural adaptation challenges. In this study, we explore cutting‐edge technical strategies—including prompt engineering, fine‐tuning, and retrieval‐augmented generation—to integrate LLMs into the counseling process. Our analysis demonstrates that LLM-assisted systems can provide counselor recommendations, streamline session evaluations, broaden service accessibility, and improve cultural adaptation. We also critically examine challenges related to user trust, data privacy, and the inherent inability of current AI systems to genuinely understand or empathize. Overall, this work presents both theoretical insights and practical guidelines for the responsible development and deployment of AI-assisted philosophical counseling practices.

Global disparities in drug-related adverse events of patients with multiple myeloma: a pharmacovigilance study

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a complex hematological malignancy of clonal plasma cells driven by alterations to the chromosomal material leading to uncontrolled proliferation in the bone marrow. Ethnic and racial disparities persist in the prevalence, diagnosis, management, and outcomes of MM. These disparities are multifaceted and intersect with various factors, including demographics, geography, socioeconomic status, genetics, and access to healthcare. This study utilized the openFDA human drug adverse events (AEs) to analyze global data pertaining to MM patients and patterns of treatment-related AEs. We identified ten most frequently used drugs and drug regimens in six distinct regions, including North America (NA), Europe (EU), Asia (AS), Africa (AF), Oceania (OC), and Latin America & the Caribbean (LA). AE patterns were evaluated using the reporting odds ratio combined with a 95% confidence interval. AE reports were more prevalent in men than in women across all regions. Cardiotoxicities were more likely observed in AS and EU, while secondary neoplasms were more frequently reported in the EU. Nephropathies were prominent in OC, AF (in males), and AS (in females), while vascular toxicity, including embolism and thrombosis, was more common in NA (in males). A notable improvement in survival, particularly in AS, EU, and NA, with a significant decline in death rates was observed. Hospitalization rates displayed less variation in AS and EU but exhibited more pronounced fluctuations in AF, LA, and OC. In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis offers valuable insights into the demographic, geographic, and AE patterns of MM patients across the globe.

Spiritual boredom is associated with over- and underchallenge, lack of value, and reduced motivation

The emotion of boredom has attracted considerable research interest. However, boredom experienced in spiritual contexts (i.e., spiritual boredom) has rarely been investigated. Based on control-value theory (CVT), we investigated the occurrence, antecedents, and motivational effects of spiritual boredom in five different spiritual contexts: yoga, meditation, silence retreats, Catholic sermons, and pilgrimage. For each context, we conducted two independent studies, one including trait and another including state measures. The set of 10 studies included a total sample of N = 1267 adults. We complemented individual study results with an internal meta-analysis. The results showed a mean level of spiritual boredom of (bar{M}) = 1.91 on a scale of 1 to 5. In line with CVT, spiritual boredom was positively related to being overchallenged ((bar{r}) = 0.44) in 9 out of the 10 studies and positively related to being underchallenged ((bar{r}) = 0.44) in all studies. Furthermore, as expected, spiritual boredom was negatively related to perceived value in all studies ((bar{r}) = −0.54). Finally, boredom was negatively related to motivation to engage in spiritual practice ((bar{r}) = −0.46) across studies. Directions for future research and practical implications are discussed.


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