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Five millennia of mitonuclear discordance in Atlantic bluefin tuna identified using ancient DNA
Mitonuclear discordance between species is readily documented in marine fishes. Such discordance may either be the result of past natural phenomena or the result of recent introgression from previously seperated species after shifts in their spatial distributions. Using ancient DNA spanning five millennia, we here investigate the long-term presence of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) -like mitochondrial (MT) genomes in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), a species with extensive exploitation history and observed shifts in abundance and age structure. Comparing ancient (n = 130) and modern (n = 78) Atlantic bluefin MT genomes from most of its range, we detect no significant spatial or temporal population structure, which implies ongoing gene flow between populations and large effective population sizes over millennia. Moreover, we identify discordant MT haplotypes in ancient specimens up to 5000 years old and find that the frequency of these haplotypes has remained similar through time. We therefore conclude that MT discordance in the Atlantic bluefin tuna is not driven by recent introgression. Our observations provide oldest example of directly observed MT discordance in the marine environment, highlighting the utility of ancient DNA to obtain insights in the long-term persistence of such phenomena.
Seasonal productivity of the equatorial Atlantic shaped by distinct wind-driven processes
The eastern equatorial Atlantic hosts a productive marine ecosystem that depends on upward supply of nitrate, the primary limiting nutrient in this region. The annual productivity peak, indicated by elevated surface chlorophyll levels, occurs in the Northern Hemisphere summer, roughly coinciding with strengthened easterly winds. For enhanced productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, nitrate-rich water must rise into the turbulent layer above the Equatorial Undercurrent. Using data from two trans-Atlantic equatorial surveys, along with extended time series from equatorial moorings, we demonstrate how three independent wind-driven processes shape the seasonality of equatorial Atlantic productivity: (1) the nitracline shoals in response to intensifying easterly winds; (2) the depth of the Equatorial Undercurrent core, defined by maximum eastward velocity, is controlled by an annual oscillation of basin-scale standing equatorial waves; and (3) mixing intensity in the shear zone above the Equatorial Undercurrent core is governed by local and instantaneous winds. The interplay of these three mechanisms shapes a unique seasonal cycle of nutrient supply and productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, with a productivity minimum in April due to a shallow Equatorial Undercurrent and a productivity maximum in July resulting from a shallow nitracline coupled with enhanced mixing.
The role of rivers in the origin and future of Amazonian biodiversity
The rich biodiversity of Amazonia is shaped geographically and ecologically by its rivers and their cycles of seasonal flooding. Anthropogenic effects, such as deforestation, infrastructure development and extreme climatic events, threaten the ecological processes sustaining Amazonian ecosystems. In this Review, we explore the coupled evolution of Amazonian rivers and biodiversity associated with terrestrial and seasonally flooded environments, integrating geological, climatic, ecological and genetic evidence. Amazonia and its fluvial environments are highly heterogeneous, and the drainage system is historically dynamic and continually evolving; as a result, the discharge, sediment load and strength of rivers as barriers to biotic dispersal has changed through time. Ecological affinities of taxa, drainage rearrangements and variations in riverine landscape caused by past climate changes have mediated the evolution of the high diversity found in modern-day Amazonia. The connected history of the region’s biodiversity and landscape provides fundamental information for mitigating current and future impacts. However, incomplete knowledge about species taxonomy, distributions, habitat use, ecological interactions and occurrence patterns limits our understanding. Partnerships with Indigenous peoples and local communities, who have close ties to land and natural resources, are key to improving knowledge generation and dissemination, enabling better impact assessments, monitoring and management of the riverine systems at risk from evolving pressures.
Co-benefit of forestation on ozone air quality and carbon storage in South China
Substantial forestation-induced greening has occurred over South China, affecting the terrestrial carbon storage and atmospheric chemistry. However, these effects have not been systematically quantified due to complex biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Here we integrate satellite observations, forestry statistics, and an improved atmospheric chemistry model to investigate the impacts of forestation on both carbon storage and ozone air quality. We find that forestation alleviates surface ozone via enhanced dry deposition and suppressed turbulence mixing, outweighing the effect of enhanced biogenic emissions. The 2005-2019 greening mitigated the growing season mean surface ozone by 1.4 ± 2.3 ppbv, alleviated vegetation exposure by 15%-41% (depending on ozone metrics) in forests over South China, and increased Chinese forest carbon storage by 1.8 (1.6-2.1) Pg C. Future forestation may enhance carbon storage by 4.3 (3.8-4.8) Pg C and mitigate surface ozone over South China by 1.4 ± 1.2 ppbv in 2050. Air quality management should consider such co-benefits as forestation becomes necessary for carbon neutrality.
Chromosomal aberrations and early mortality in a non-mammalian vertebrate: example from pressure-induced triploid Atlantic salmon
In commercial aquaculture, the production of triploid fish is currently the most practical approach to prevent maturation and farm-to-wild introgression following escapes. However, triploids often exhibit poor welfare, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Inheritance issues associated with sub-optimal hydrostatic pressure treatments used to induce triploidy, or the genetic background of parental fish, have been speculated to contribute. We tested this by quantifying the frequency and type of chromosomal aberrations in Atlantic salmon subjected to a gradient of sub-optimal pressure treatments (Experiment 1) and from multiple mothers (Experiment 2). From these experiments, we genotyped a subsample of ~900 eyed eggs and all ~3300 surviving parr across ~20 microsatellites. In contrast to the low frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the diploid (no hydrostatic pressure) and triploid (full 9500 PSI treatment) controls, eyed eggs subjected to sub-optimal pressure treatments (6500–8500 PSI) had a higher incidence of chromosomal aberrations such as aneuploidy and uniparental disomy, corresponding to lower triploidization success and higher egg mortality rates. We also observed maternal effects on triploidization success and incidence of chromosomal aberrations, with certain half-sibling families exhibiting more aberrations than others. Chromosomal aberrations were rare among surviving parr, suggesting a purge of maladapted individuals during early development. This study demonstrates that sub-optimal hydrostatic pressure treatments and maternal effects not only influence the success of triploidization treatments, but may also affect the incidence of chromosomal aberrations and early mortality. The results have important implications for aquaculture breeding programs and their efforts to prevent farm-to-wild introgression.