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Disrupting Amh and androgen signaling reveals their distinct roles in zebrafish gonadal differentiation and gametogenesis

Sex determination and differentiation in zebrafish involve a complex interaction of male and female-promoting factors. While Dmrt1 has been established as a critical male-promoting factor, the roles of Anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) and androgen signaling remain less clear. This study employed an estrogen-deficient zebrafish model (cyp19a1a-/-) to dissect individual and combined roles of Amh and androgen receptor (Ar) signaling in gonadal differentiation and gametogenesis. Loss of amh, but not ar, could rescue all-male phenotype of cyp19a1a-/-, leading to female or intersex, confirming the role of Amh in promoting male differentiation. This rescue was recapitulated in bmpr2a-/- but not bmpr2b-/-, supporting Bmpr2a as the type II receptor for Amh in zebrafish. Interestingly, while disruption of amh or ar had delayed spermatogenesis, the double mutant (amh-/-;ar-/-) exhibited severely impaired spermatogenesis, highlighting their compensatory roles. While Amh deficiency led to testis hypertrophy, likely involving a compensatory increase in Ar signaling, Ar deficiency resulted in reduced hypertrophy in double mutant males. Furthermore, phenotype analysis of triple mutant (amh-/-;ar-/-;cyp19a1a-/-) provided evidence that Ar participated in early follicle development. This study provides novel insights into complex interplay between Amh and androgen signaling in zebrafish sex differentiation and gametogenesis, highlighting their distinct but cooperative roles in male development.

Proteolysis of TAM receptors in autoimmune diseases and cancer: what does it say to us?

Proteolytic processing of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) leads to the release of ectodomains in the extracellular space. These soluble ectodomains often retain the ligand binding activity and dampen canonical pathways by acting as decoy receptors. On the other hand, shedding the ectodomains may initiate new molecular events and diversification of signalling. Members of the TAM (TYRO3, AXL, MER) family of RTKs undergo proteolytic cleavage, and their soluble forms are present in the extracellular space and biological fluids. TAM receptors are expressed in professional phagocytes, mediating apoptotic cell clearance, and suppressing innate immunity. Enhanced shedding of TAM ectodomains is documented in autoimmune and some inflammatory conditions. Also, soluble TAM receptors are present at high levels in the biological fluids of cancer patients and are associated with poor survival. We outline the biology of TAM receptors and discuss how their proteolytic processing impacts autoimmunity and tumorigenesis. In autoimmune diseases, proteolysis of TAM receptors likely reflects reduced canonical signalling in professional phagocytes. In cancer, TAM receptors are expressed in the immune cells of the tumour microenvironment, where they control pathways facilitating immune evasion. In tumour cells, ectodomain shedding activates non-canonical TAM pathways, leading to epithelial-mesenchymal transition, metastasis, and drug resistance.

Sensory input, sex and function shape hypothalamic cell type development

Mammalian behaviour and physiology undergo major changes in early life. Young animals rely on conspecifics to meet their needs and start showing nutritional independence and sex-specific social interactions at weaning and puberty, respectively. How neuronal populations regulating homeostatic functions and social behaviours develop during these transitions remains unclear. We used paired transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling to examine the developmental trajectories of neuronal populations in the hypothalamic preoptic region, where cell types with key roles in physiological and behavioural control have been identified1,2,3,4,5,6. These data show a marked diversity of developmental trajectories shaped by the sex of the animal, and the location and behavioural or physiological function of the corresponding cell types. We identify key stages of preoptic development, including early diversification, perinatal emergence of sex differences, postnatal maturation and refinement of signalling networks, and nonlinear transcriptional changes accelerating at the time of weaning and puberty. We assessed preoptic development in various sensory mutants and find a major role for vomeronasal sensing in the timing of preoptic cell type maturation. These results provide new insights into the development of neurons controlling homeostatic functions and social behaviours and lay ground for examining the dynamics of these functions in early life.

Astrocyte-to-neuron H2O2 signalling supports long-term memory formation in Drosophila and is impaired in an Alzheimer’s disease model

Astrocytes help protect neurons from potential damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). While ROS can also exert beneficial effects, it remains unknown how neuronal ROS signalling is activated during memory formation, and whether astrocytes play a role in this process. Here we discover an astrocyte-to-neuron H2O2 signalling cascade in Drosophila that is essential for long-term memory formation. Stimulation of astrocytes by acetylcholine induces an increase in intracellular calcium ions, which triggers the generation of extracellular superoxide (O2) by astrocytic NADPH oxidase. Astrocyte-secreted superoxide dismutase 3 (Sod3) converts O2 to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is imported into neurons of the olfactory memory centre, the mushroom body, as revealed by in vivo H2O2 imaging. Notably, Sod3 activity requires copper ions, which are supplied by neuronal amyloid precursor protein. We also find that human amyloid-β peptide, implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, inhibits the nAChRα7 astrocytic cholinergic receptor and impairs memory formation by preventing H2O2 synthesis. These findings may have important implications for understanding the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease.


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