Category: Biomedical engineering
Challenges and opportunities of acquiring cortical recordings for chronic adaptive deep brain stimulation
Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a proven treatment for movement disorders, also holds promise for the treatment of psychiatric and cognitive conditio…
Synaptic connectivity mapping among thousands of neurons via parallelized intracellular recording with a microhole electrode array
The massive parallelization of neuronal intracellular recording, which enables the measurement of synaptic signals across a neuronal network, and t…
Microfluidic technologies for enhancing the potency, predictability and affordability of adoptive cell therapies
The development and wider adoption of adoptive cell therapies is constrained by complex and costly manufacturing processes and by inconsistent effi…
3D-printed perfused models of the penis for the study of penile physiology and for restoring erectile function in rabbits and pigs
The intricate topology of vascular networks and the complex functions of vessel-rich tissues are challenging to reconstruct in vitro. Here we repor…