Rapid decarbonization requires industrial efficiency
Defining efficiency The principle of efficiency is achieving more with less. In industry, energy efficiency refers to using less energy to produce the same output…
Defining efficiency The principle of efficiency is achieving more with less. In industry, energy efficiency refers to using less energy to produce the same output…
Modern economies require increasingly diverse and specialized skills, many of which depend on the acquisition of other skills first. Here we analys…
Electric vehicles are increasingly being adopted in Great Britain and other parts of the world, driven by the perception that they offer a cost-eff…
Increasing the efficiency of industrial energy use is widely considered important for mitigating climate change. We randomize assignment of an ener…
Psychological factors are among the multiple influences on people’s daily behavior. The outcomes of various daily activities, ranging from succes…
This study elaborates on the risk effects of corporate digital transformation (CDT). Using the ratio of added value of digital assets to total inta…