Heat stress and the labour force
Heat stress affects the health of workers through physiological and behavioural responses, in turn, affecting the labour force through impacts on l…
Heat stress affects the health of workers through physiological and behavioural responses, in turn, affecting the labour force through impacts on l…
More frequent global extreme heat events prompt behavioral adaptations, such as reducing outdoor activities to relieve potential distress. The emer…
Cities in the Global South face dual pressures from intensifying heat stress and widespread urban browning. However, the specific trends in urban h…
As cities heat up and expand in area and population, urban forests offer a nature-based solution to enhance liveability and reduce rising temperatu…
Anthropogenic warming is known to have influenced vegetation fires. However, how, or to what extent, a warming climate will impact urban fire frequ…
Microorganisms drive many aspects of organic carbon cycling in thawing permafrost soils, but the compositional trajectory of the post-thaw microbio…