Experts consensus on management of tooth luxation and avulsion
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of teeth occur frequently in children and adolescents. TDIs that impact the periodontal tissues and alveolar tissu…
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of teeth occur frequently in children and adolescents. TDIs that impact the periodontal tissues and alveolar tissu…
Neurite outgrowth inhibitor A (Nogo-A) is a major player in neural development and regeneration and the target of clinical trials aiming at promoti…
Type I immediate implant placement has its own advantages like reduced treatment time, number of surgeries and post-extraction bone loss, however, …
A comprehensive literature search was carried out via PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and Virtual health libraries till April 2024. Articles with full tex…
Non-randomised prospective single-arm controlled clinical trial. The main inclusion criteria for both guided and freehand access groups was pulp ca…
The goal of this systematic review was to verify whether the gingival phenotype (thick or thin) could impact the dental implant survival rate by af…
Benzydamine mouthwash is beneficial in avoiding radiation-induced oral mucositis (RIOM) in patients with head and neck cancer, but it is also expen…