Category: Genomics
Neuronal somatic mutations are increased in multiple sclerosis lesions
Neuroinflammation underpins neurodegeneration and clinical progression in multiple sclerosis (MS), but knowledge of processes linking these disease…
CRISPRi-ART enables functional genomics of diverse bacteriophages using RNA-binding dCas13d
Bacteriophages constitute one of the largest reservoirs of genes of unknown function in the biosphere. Even in well-characterized phages, the funct…
Post-polyploidization centromere evolution in cotton
Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) accounts for more than 90% of the world’s cotton production and, as an allotetraploid, is a model plant…
Identifying unstable CNG repeat loci in the human genome: a heuristic approach and implications for neurological disorders
Tandem nucleotide repeat (TNR) expansions, particularly the CNG nucleotide configuration, are associated with a variety of neurodegenerative disord…
Revealing stable SNPs and genomic prediction insights across environments enhance breeding strategies of productivity, defense, and climate-adaptability traits in white spruce
Exploring the relationship between phenotype, genotype, and environment is essential in quantitative genetics. Considering the complex genetic arch…