Spontaneous thought separates into clusters of negative, positive, and flexible thinking
The nature and frequency of spontaneous thoughts play a critical role in cognitive processes like perception, decision-making, attention, and memor…
The nature and frequency of spontaneous thoughts play a critical role in cognitive processes like perception, decision-making, attention, and memor…
Boredom is the feeling of wanting but failing to engage the mind and can be conceived as one among many signals of suboptimal utilization of cognit…
Evidence suggests that (almost) everyone dreams during their sleep and may actually do so for a large part of the night. Yet, dream recall shows la…
Is there a cost to our well-being from increased affluence? Drawing upon responses from 2.05 million U.S. adults from the Gallup Daily Poll from 20…
The problems in current ethical practices Typically, psychological research within an academic setting that involves human participants is evaluated by an ethics committee, also known…
Researchers are increasingly using language measures to study emotion, yet less is known about whether language relates to other measures often use…
Given the current polarized climate in many parts of the world, finding effective interventions to address psychological factors that drive conflic…
Parsing heterogeneity in the nature of adversity exposure and neurobiological functioning may facilitate better understanding of how adversity shap…
A diverse portfolio of social relationships matters for people’s wellbeing, including both strong, secure relationships with others (‘close tie…