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Amphoteric chalcogen-bonding and halogen-bonding rotaxanes for anion or cation recognition

The ever-increasing demand in the development of host molecules for the recognition of charged species is stimulated by their fundamental roles in numerous biological and environmental processes. Here, capitalizing on the inherent amphoteric nature of anisotropically polarized tellurium or iodine atoms, we demonstrate a proof of concept in charged guest recognition, where the same neutral host structure binds both cations or anions solely through its chalcogen or halogen donor atoms. Through extensive 1H nuclear magnetic resonance titration experiments and computational density functional theory studies, a library of chalcogen-bonding (ChB) and halogen-bonding (XB) mechanically interlocked [2]rotaxane molecules, including seminal examples of all-ChB and mixed ChB/XB [2]rotaxanes, are shown to function as either Lewis-acidic or Lewis-basic multidentate hosts for selective halide anion and metal cation binding. Notably, the exploitation of the inherent amphoteric character of an atom for the strategic purpose of either cation or anion recognition constitutes the inception of a previously unexplored area of supramolecular host–guest chemistry.

Elucidating reactive sugar-intermediates by mass spectrometry

The stereoselective introduction of glycosidic bonds is one of the greatest challenges in carbohydrate chemistry. A key aspect of controlling glycan synthesis is the glycosylation reaction in which the glycosidic linkages are formed. The outcome is governed by a reactive sugar intermediate – the glycosyl cation. Glycosyl cations are highly unstable and short-lived, making them difficult to study using established analytical tools. However, mass-spectrometry-based techniques are perfectly suited to unravel the structure of glycosyl cations in the gas phase. The main approach involves isolating the reactive intermediate, free from external influences such as solvents and promoters. Isolation of the cations allows examining their structure by integrating orthogonal spectrometric and spectroscopic technologies. In this perspective, recent achievements in gas-phase research on glycosyl cations are highlighted. It provides an overview of the spectroscopic techniques used to probe the glycosyl cations and methods for interpreting their spectra. The connections between gas-phase data and mechanisms in solution synthesis are explored, given that glycosylation reactions are typically performed in solution.

Imaging molecular structures and interactions by enhanced confinement effect in electron microscopy

Atomic imaging of molecules and intermolecular interactions are of great significance for a deeper understanding of the basic physics and chemistry in various applications, but it is still challenging in electron microscopy due to their thermal mobility and beam sensitivity. Confinement effect and low-dose imaging method may efficiently help us achieve stable high-resolution resolving of molecules and their interactions. Here, we propose a general strategy to image the confined molecules and evaluate the strengths of host-guest interactions in three material systems by low-dose electron microscopy. Then, we change the guest molecules to analyze how each kind of interaction strength influences the imaging quality of these molecules by using a same parameter, the aspect ratios of imaged molecular projections. In the material systems of perovskites (ionic) and zeolites with adsorbed molecules (van der Waals), we can obtain a clear image of molecular configurations by enhancing host-guest interactions. Even in metal organic framework (coordination) system, the atomic structures and bonds of aromatics can be achieved. These results provide a general description on the relation between molecular images and interactions, making it possible to study more molecular behaviors in wide applications by real-space imaging.

Nanomolar inhibitor of the galectin-8 N-terminal domain binds via a non-canonical cation-π interaction

Galectin-8 is a tandem-repeat galectin consisting of two distinct carbohydrate recognition domains and is a potential drug target. We have developed a library of galectin-8N inhibitors that exhibit high nanomolar Kd values as determined by a competitive fluorescence polarization assay. A detailed thermodynamic analysis of the binding of d-galactosides to galectin-8N by isothermal titration calorimetry reveals important differences in enthalpic and/or entropic contributions to binding. Contrary to expectations, the binding of 2-O-propargyl-d-galactoside was found to strongly increase the binding enthalpy, whereas the binding of 2-O-carboxymethylene-d-galactoside was surprisingly less enthalpy-driven. The results of our work suggest that the ethynyl group can successfully replace the carboxylate group when targeting the water-exposed guanidine moiety of a critical arginine residue. This results in only a minor loss of affinity and an adjusted enthalpic contribution to the overall binding due to non-canonical cation-π interactions, as evidenced by the obtained crystal structure of 2-O-propargyl-d-galactoside in complex with the N-terminal domain of galectin-8. Such an interaction has neither been identified nor discussed to date in a small-molecule ligand-protein complex.

Unusual Li2O sublimation promotes single-crystal growth and sintering

Li2O is rarely used for cathode material synthesis due to its high melting point (1,438 °C). Here we discover that Li2O can sublimate at 800–1,000 °C under ambient pressure, opening new possibilities for cathode synthesis. We propose a mechanism that enables synthesis of single crystals—such as LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) or LiNi0.9Mn0.05Co0.05O2 (NMC90)—without direct contact with Li2O salts. We show that Li2O vapour successfully converts spent polycrystalline NMC811 into segregated single crystals without milling or post-treatment. The Li2O vapour, derived from Li2O solids, diffuses rapidly and reacts with precursors, mimicking a molten-salt environment, which facilitates single-crystal growth. The chemical lithiation process continuously drives Li2O sublimation, sintering the crystals. Single crystals derived from Li2O and fresh precursors or spent polycrystals exhibit outstanding cycling after 1,000 cycles in full cells. The demonstrated Li2O sublimation and its universal role in promoting single-crystal growth provides an effective approach for single-crystal synthesis, scale-up and recycling.


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