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Time-domain study of coupled collective excitations in quantum materials
Quantum materials hold immense promises for future applications due to their intriguing electronic, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical properties that often arise from a complex interplay between microscopic degrees of freedom. Important insights of such interactions come from studying the collective excitations of electrons, spins, orbitals, and lattice, whose cooperative motions play a crucial role in determining the novel behavior of these systems and offer us a key tuning knob to modify material properties on-demand through external perturbations. In this regard, ultrafast light-matter interaction has shown great potential in controlling the couplings of collective excitations, and rapid progress in a plethora of time-resolved techniques down to the attosecond regime has significantly advanced our understanding of the coupling mechanisms and guided us in manipulating the dynamical properties of quantum materials. This review aims to highlight recent experiments on visualizing collective excitations in the time domain, focusing on the coupling mechanisms between different collective modes such as phonon-phonon, phonon-magnon, phonon-exciton, magnon-magnon, magnon-exciton, and various polaritons. We introduce how these collective modes are excited by an ultrashort laser pulse and probed by different ultrafast techniques, and we explain how the coupling between collective excitations governs the ensuing nonequilibrium dynamics. We also provide some perspectives on future studies that can lead to discoveries of the emergent properties of quantum materials both in and out of equilibrium.
The role of excitation vector fields and all-polarisation state control in cavity magnonics
Recently the field of cavity magnonics, a field focused on controlling the interaction between magnons and photons confined within microwave resonators, has drawn significant attention as it offers a platform for enabling advancements in quantum- and spin-based technologies. Here, we introduce excitation vector fields, whose polarisation and profile can be easily tuned in a two-port cavity setup, thus acting as an effective experimental dial to explore the coupled dynamics of cavity magnon-polaritons. Moreover, we develop theoretical models that accurately predict and reproduce the experimental results for any polarisation state and field profile within the cavity resonator. This versatile experimental platform offers a new avenue for controlling spin-photon interactions by manipulating the polarisation of excitation fields. By introducing real-time tunable parameters that control the polarisation state, our experiment delivers a mechanism to readily control the exchange of information between hybrid systems.
Sub-millimeter propagation of antiferromagnetic magnons via magnon-photon coupling
For the realization of magnon-based current-free technologies, referred to as magnonics, all-optical control of magnons is an important technique for both fundamental research and practical applications. Magnon-polariton is a coupled state of magnon and photon in a magnetic medium, expected to exhibit magnon-like controllability and photon-like high-speed propagation. While recent studies have observed magnon-polaritons as modulation of incident terahertz waves, the influence of magnon-photon coupling on magnon propagation properties remains unexplored. This study aimed to observe the spatiotemporal dynamics of coherent magnon-polaritons through time-resolved imaging measurements. BiFeO3 was selected as the sample due to its anticipated strong coupling between magnons and photons. The observed dynamics suggest that antiferromagnetic magnons can propagate over long distances, up to hundreds of micrometers, through strong coupling with photons. These results enhance our understanding of the optical control of magnonic systems, thereby paving the way for terahertz opto-magnonics.
Hybrid magnon-phonon crystals
Magnons and phonons are engineered in artificial lattices with tunable modes and band dispersions. Recent advance in magnon-phonon coupling shined a light on combining magnonic and phononic crystals as hybrid magnon-phonon crystals, benefit from the tunable magnon-phonon coupling, the time-reversal symmetry breaking of magnons, and the long lifetime of phonons. This perspective summarizes lattice-based mutual control of magnons and phonons, and proposes the opportunities provided by the hybrid magnon-phonon crystals.
Structure, control, and dynamics of altermagnetic textures
We present a phenomenological theory of altermagnets, that captures their unique magnetization dynamics and allows modeling magnetic textures in this new magnetic phase. Focusing on the prototypical d-wave altermagnets, e.g., RuO2, we can explain intuitively the characteristic lifted degeneracy of their magnon spectra, by the emergence of an effective sublattice-dependent anisotropic spin stiffness arising naturally from the phenomenological theory. We show that as a consequence the altermagnetic domain walls, in contrast to antiferromagnets, have a finite gradient of the magnetization, with its strength and gradient direction connected to the altermagnetic anisotropy, even for 180° domain walls. This gradient generates a ponderomotive force in the domain wall in the presence of a strongly inhomogeneous external magnetic field, which may be achieved through magnetic force microscopy techniques. The motion of these altermagentic domain walls is also characterized by an anisotropic Walker breakdown, with much higher speed limits of propagation than ferromagnets but lower than antiferromagnets.