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Perspectives on the physics of late-type stars from beyond low earth orbit, the moon and mars

With the new discoveries enabled thanks to the recent space missions, stellar physics is going through a revolution. However, these discoveries opened the door to many new questions that require more observations. The European Space Agency’s Human and Robotic Exploration program provides an excellent opportunity to push forward the limits of our knowledge and better understand stellar structure and dynamics evolution. Long-term observations, Ultra-Violet observations, and a stellar imager are a few highlights of proposed missions for late-type stars that will enhance the already planned space missions.

Positive impact of sodium L-lactate supplementation on blood acid-base status in preterm newborns

Preclinical studies indicate that lactate is a crucial cerebral energy substrate, with Na-L-lactate administration significantly reducing brain lesion volumes and improving motor and cognitive functions following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in rat pups. Its neuroprotective effects are linked to neuronal metabolic utilization, making it a promising candidate for treating newborns with hypoxia-ischemia encephalopathy, a condition where hypothermia remains the only established therapy. However, before initiating a clinical trial, it is necessary to assess the effects of Na-L-lactate infusion on blood parameters.

Extreme shape coexistence observed in 70Co

The shape of the atomic nucleus is a property that underpins our understanding of nuclear systems, impacts the limits of nuclear existence, and enables probes of physics beyond the Standard Model. Nuclei can adopt a variety of shapes, including spheres, axially deformed spheroids, and pear shapes. In some regions of the nuclear chart where a spherical nucleus would naively be expected, deformed nuclear states can result from the collective action of constituent protons and neutrons. In a small subset of nuclei both spherical and deformed nuclear states have been experimentally observed, a phenomenon termed shape coexistence. We present spectroscopic evidence for the coexistence of Jπ = 1+ spherical and deformed states in 70Co, separated by less than 275 keV. This close degeneracy of levels with the same Jπ and different shapes demonstrates an extreme example of shape coexistence resulting from the interplay of independent particle motion and collective behavior in highly unstable nuclear systems and identifies the Co isotopes as a transition point between deformed ground states observed in the Cr isotopes and spherical configurations observed in the closed-shell Ni isotopes.

Abundant water from primordial supernovae at cosmic dawn

Primordial (or population III) supernovae were the first nucleosynthetic engines in the Universe, and they forged the heavy elements required for the later formation of planets and life. Water, in particular, is thought to be crucial to the cosmic origins of life as we understand it, and recent models have shown that water can form in low-metallicity gas like that present at high redshifts. Here we present numerical simulations that show that the first water in the Universe formed in population III core-collapse and pair-instability supernovae at redshifts z ≈ 20. The primary sites of water production in these remnants are dense molecular cloud cores, which in some cases were enriched with primordial water to mass fractions that were only a factor of a few below those in the Solar System today. These dense, dusty cores are also probable candidates for protoplanetary disk formation. Besides revealing that a primary ingredient for life was already in place in the Universe 100–200 Myr after the Big Bang, our simulations show that water was probably a key constituent of the first galaxies.


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