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Soil bacterium manipulates antifungal weapons by sensing intracellular type IVA secretion system effectors of a competitor
Soil beneficial bacteria can effectively inhibit bacterial pathogens by assembling contact-dependent killing weapons, such as the type IVA secretion system (T4ASS). It’s not clear whether these antibacterial weapons are involved in biotrophic microbial interactions in soil. Here we showed that an antifungal antibiotic 2,4-DAPG production of the soil bacterium, Pseudomonas protegens can be triggered by another soil bacterium, Lysobacter enzymogenes, via T4ASS by co-culturing on agar plates to mimic cell-to-cell contact. We demonstrated that the induced 2,4-DAPG production of P. protegens is achieved by intracellular detection of the T4ASS effector protein Le1519 translocated from L. enzymogenes. We defined Le1519 as LtaE (Lysobacter T4E triggering antifungal effects), which specifically stimulates the expression of 2,4-DAPG biosynthesis genes in P. protegens, thereby protecting soybean seedlings from infection by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani. We further found that LtaE directly bound to PhlF, a pathway-specific transcriptional repressor of the 2,4-DAPG biosynthesis, then activated the 2,4-DAPG production. Our results highlight a novel pattern of microbial interspecies and interkingdom interactions, providing a unique case for expanding the diversity of soil microbial interactions.
Prevalence and transmission risk of colistin and multidrug resistance in long-distance coastal aquaculture
Due to the wide use of antibiotics, intensive aquaculture farms have been recognized as a significant reservoir of antibiotic resistomes. Although the prevalence of colistin resistance genes and multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDRB) has been documented, empirical evidence for the transmission of colistin and multidrug resistance between bacterial communities in aquaculture farms through horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is lacking. Here, we report the prevalence and transmission risk of colistin and multidrug resistance in 27 aquaculture water samples from 9 aquaculture zones from over 5000 km of subtropical coastlines in southern China. The colistin resistance gene mcr−1, mobile genetic element (MGE) intl1 and 13 typical antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) were prevalent in all the aquaculture water samples. Most types of antibiotic (especially colistin) resistance are transmissible in bacterial communities based on evidence from laboratory conjugation and transformation experiments. Diverse MDRB were detected in most of the aquaculture water samples, and a strain with high-level colistin resistance, named Ralstonia pickettii MCR, was isolated. The risk of horizontal transfer of the colistin resistance of R. pickettii MCR through conjugation and transformation was low, but the colistin resistance could be steadily transmitted to offspring through vertical transfer. The findings have important implications for the future regulation of antibiotic use in aquaculture farms globally to address the growing threat posed by antibiotic resistance to human health.
Enhancer reprogramming: critical roles in cancer and promising therapeutic strategies
Transcriptional dysregulation is a hallmark of cancer initiation and progression, driven by genetic and epigenetic alterations. Enhancer reprogramming has emerged as a pivotal driver of carcinogenesis, with cancer cells often relying on aberrant transcriptional programs. The advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies has provided critical insights into enhancer reprogramming events and their role in malignancy. While targeting enhancers presents a promising therapeutic strategy, significant challenges remain. These include the off-target effects of enhancer-targeting technologies, the complexity and redundancy of enhancer networks, and the dynamic nature of enhancer reprogramming, which may contribute to therapeutic resistance. This review comprehensively encapsulates the structural attributes of enhancers, delineates the mechanisms underlying their dysregulation in malignant transformation, and evaluates the therapeutic opportunities and limitations associated with targeting enhancers in cancer.
Resolving the fundamentals of the J-integral concept by multi-method in situ nanoscale stress-strain mapping
The integrity of structural materials is oftentimes defined by their resistance against catastrophic failure through dissipative plastic processes at the crack tip, commonly quantified by the J-integral concept. However, to date the experimental stress and strain fields necessary to quantify the J-integral associated with local crack propagation in its original integral form were inaccessible. Here, we present a multi-method nanoscale strain- and stress-mapping surrounding a growing crack tip in two identical miniaturized fracture specimens made from a nanocrystalline FeCrMnNiCo high-entropy alloy. The respective samples were tested in situ in a scanning electron microscope and a synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction setup, with detailed analyzes of loading states during elastic loading, crack tip blunting and general yielding, corroborated by a detailed elastic-plastic finite element model. This complementary in situ methodology uniquely enabled a detailed quantification of the J-integral along different integration paths from experimental nanoscale stress and strain fields. We find that conventional linear-elastic and elastic-plastic models, typically used to interpret fracture phenomena, have limited applicability at micron to nanoscale distances from propagating cracks. This for the first time unravels a limit to the path-independence of the J-integral, which has significant implications in the development and assessment of modern damage-tolerant materials and microstructures.
Tuft cell IL-17RB restrains IL-25 bioavailability and reveals context-dependent ILC2 hypoproliferation
The tuft cell–group 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2) circuit orchestrates rapid type 2 responses upon detecting microbially derived succinate and luminal helminths. Our findings delineate key mechanistic steps involving IP3R2 engagement and Ca2+ flux, governing interleukin-25 (IL-25) production by tuft cells triggered by succinate detection. While IL-17RB has a pivotal intrinsic role in ILC2 activation, it exerts a regulatory function in tuft cells. Tuft cells exhibit constitutive Il25 expression, placing them in an anticipatory state that facilitates rapid production of IL-25 protein for ILC2 activation. Tuft cell IL-17RB is crucial for restraining IL-25 bioavailability, preventing excessive tonic ILC2 stimulation due to basal Il25 expression. Supraoptimal ILC2 stimulation by IL-25 resulting from tuft cell Il17rb deficiency or prolonged succinate exposure induces a state of hypoproliferation in ILC2s, also observed in chronic helminth infection. Our study offers critical insights into the regulatory dynamics of IL-25 in this circuit, highlighting the delicate tuning required for responses to diverse luminal states.