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Experts consensus on management of tooth luxation and avulsion
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of teeth occur frequently in children and adolescents. TDIs that impact the periodontal tissues and alveolar tissue can be classified into concussion, subluxation, extrusive luxation, intrusive luxation, lateral luxation, and avulsion. In these TDIs, management of injured soft tissue, mainly periodontal ligament, and dental pulp, is crucial in maintaining the function and longevity of the injured teeth. Factors that need to be considered for management in laxation injuries include the maturation stage of the traumatic teeth, mobility, direction of displacement, distance of displacement, and whether there are alveolar fractures. In avulsion, the maturation stage of the permanent tooth, the out-socket time, storage media/condition of the avulsed tooth, and management of the PDL should also be considered. Especially, in this review, we have subdivided the immature tooth into the adolescent tooth (Nolla stage 9) and the very young tooth (Nolla stage 8 and below). This consensus paper aimed to discuss the impacts of those factors on the trauma management and prognosis of TDI to provide a streamlined guide for clinicians from clinical evaluation, diagnostic process, management plan decision, follow-up, and orthodontic treatment for tooth luxation and avulsion injuries.
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Foundation dentists’ attitudes and experiences in providing dental care for dependant older adults resident in care home settings
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Clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of X-linked hypophosphataemia
X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is a rare metabolic bone disorder caused by pathogenic variants in the PHEX gene, which is predominantly expressed in osteoblasts, osteocytes and odontoblasts. XLH is characterized by increased synthesis of the bone-derived phosphaturic hormone fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), which results in renal phosphate wasting with consecutive hypophosphataemia, rickets, osteomalacia, disproportionate short stature, oral manifestations, pseudofractures, craniosynostosis, enthesopathies and osteoarthritis. Patients with XLH should be provided with multidisciplinary care organized by a metabolic bone expert. Historically, these patients were treated with frequent doses of oral phosphate supplements and active vitamin D, which was of limited efficiency and associated with adverse effects. However, the management of XLH has evolved in the past few years owing to the availability of burosumab, a fully humanized monoclonal antibody that neutralizes circulating FGF23. Here, we provide updated clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of XLH to improve outcomes and quality of life in these patients.
Expert consensus on the prevention and treatment of enamel demineralization in orthodontic treatment
Enamel demineralization, the formation of white spot lesions, is a common issue in clinical orthodontic treatment. The appearance of white spot lesions not only affects the texture and health of dental hard tissues but also impacts the health and aesthetics of teeth after orthodontic treatment. The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of white spot lesions that occur throughout the orthodontic treatment process involve multiple dental specialties. This expert consensus will focus on providing guiding opinions on the management and prevention of white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment, advocating for proactive prevention, early detection, timely treatment, scientific follow-up, and multidisciplinary management of white spot lesions throughout the orthodontic process, thereby maintaining the dental health of patients during orthodontic treatment.