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Prognostic impact of expression of CD2, CD25, and/or CD30 in/on mast cells in systemic mastocytosis: a registry study of the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis
Expression of CD2, CD25 and/or CD30 in extracutaneous mast cells (MC) is a minor diagnostic criterion for systemic mastocytosis (SM) in the classification of the World Health Organization and International Consensus Classification. So far, it remains unknown whether expression of these antigens on MC is of prognostic significance in SM. We performed a retrospective multi-center study of patients with SM using the data set of the registry of the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis, including 5034 patients with various MC disorders. The percentage of CD2–, CD25+ and/or CD30+ MC was considerably lower in patients with indolent SM compared to patients with advanced SM, including aggressive SM and MC leukemia. Whereas CD25 and CD30 expression in MC could not be associated with prognosis, we found that lack of CD2 expression in MC is associated with a significantly reduced overall survival (OS) in patients with SM (p < 0.0001). Lack of CD2 was also associated with the presence of extramedullary involvement affecting the spleen, liver, and/or lymph nodes (odds ratio 2.63 compared to SM with CD2+ MC). Together, lack of CD2 expression in MC is a prognostic marker and indicator of reduced OS and extramedullary disease expansion in patients with SM.
High baseline levels of PD-L1 reduce the heterogeneity of immune checkpoint signature and sensitize anti-PD1 therapy in lung and colorectal cancers
Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy only induces durable responses in a subset of cancer patients. The underlying mechanisms of such selective efficacy remain largely unknown. By analyzing the expression profiles of immune checkpoint molecules in different statuses of murine tumors, we found that tumor progression generally randomly upregulated multiple immune checkpoints, thus increased the Heterogeneity of Immune checkpoint Signature (HIS) and resulted in immunotherapeutic resistance. Interestingly, overexpressing one pivotal immune checkpoint in a tumor hindered the upregulation of a majority of other immune checkpoint genes during tumor progression via suppressing interferon γ, resulting in HIS-low. Indeed, PD-L1 high-expression sensitized baseline large tumors to anti-PD1 therapy without altering the sensitivity of baseline small tumors. In line with these preclinical results, a retrospective analysis of a phase III study involving patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) revealed that PD-L1 tumor proportion score (TPS) ≥ 50% more reliably predicted therapeutic response in NSCLC patients with baseline tumor volume (BTV)-large compared to patients with BTV-small. Notably, TPS combined with BTV significantly improved the predictive accuracy. Collectively, the data suggest that HIS reflects the dynamic features of tumor immune evasion and dictates the selective efficacy of ICB in a tumor size-dependent manner, providing a potential novel strategy to improve precision ICB. These findings highlight the application of ICB to earlier stages of cancer patients. The integration of PD-L1 with BTV may immediately improve patient stratification and prediction performance in the clinic.
Machine learning on interictal intracranial EEG predicts surgical outcome in drug resistant epilepsy
Surgical success for patients with focal drug resistant epilepsy (DRE) relies on accurate localization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Currently, no exam delineates this zone unambiguously. Instead, the EZ is approximated by the area where seizures begin, which is identified manually through a tedious process that is prone to errors and biases. More importantly, resection of this area does not always predict good surgical outcome. Here, we propose an artificially intelligent, patient-specific framework that automatically identifies the EZ requiring little to no input from clinicians, without having to wait for a seizure to occur. The framework transforms interictal intracranial electroencephalography data into spatiotemporal representations of brain activity discriminating the interictal epileptogenic network from background activity. The epileptogenic network delineates the EZ with high precision and predicts surgical outcome. Our framework eliminates the need for manual data inspection, reduces prolonged monitoring, and enhances surgical planning for DRE patients.
The radiogenomic and spatiogenomic landscapes of glioblastoma and their relationship to oncogenic drivers
Glioblastoma is a highly heterogeneous brain tumor, posing challenges for precision therapies and patient stratification in clinical trials. Understanding how genetic mutations influence tumor imaging may improve patient management and treatment outcomes. This study investigates the relationship between imaging features, spatial patterns of tumor location, and genetic alterations in IDH-wildtype glioblastoma, as well as the likely sequence of mutational events.
Breast cancer: pathogenesis and treatments
Breast cancer, characterized by unique epidemiological patterns and significant heterogeneity, remains one of the leading causes of malignancy-related deaths in women. The increasingly nuanced molecular subtypes of breast cancer have enhanced the comprehension and precision treatment of this disease. The mechanisms of tumorigenesis and progression of breast cancer have been central to scientific research, with investigations spanning various perspectives such as tumor stemness, intra-tumoral microbiota, and circadian rhythms. Technological advancements, particularly those integrated with artificial intelligence, have significantly improved the accuracy of breast cancer detection and diagnosis. The emergence of novel therapeutic concepts and drugs represents a paradigm shift towards personalized medicine. Evidence suggests that optimal diagnosis and treatment models tailored to individual patient risk and expected subtypes are crucial, supporting the era of precision oncology for breast cancer. Despite the rapid advancements in oncology and the increasing emphasis on the clinical precision treatment of breast cancer, a comprehensive update and summary of the panoramic knowledge related to this disease are needed. In this review, we provide a thorough overview of the global status of breast cancer, including its epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, and molecular subtyping. Additionally, we elaborate on the latest research into mechanisms contributing to breast cancer progression, emerging treatment strategies, and long-term patient management. This review offers valuable insights into the latest advancements in Breast Cancer Research, thereby facilitating future progress in both basic research and clinical application.