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Genetic architectures of childhood maltreatment and causal influence of childhood maltreatment on health outcomes in adulthood

Childhood maltreatment is increasingly recognized as a pivotal risk factor for adverse health outcomes. However, comprehensive analyses of its long-term impact are scarce. This study aims to fill this gap by examining the genetic architectures of childhood maltreatment and its influence on adult health and socioeconomic outcomes. Utilizing data from the UK Biobank (N = 129,017), we conducted sex-combined and sex-stratified genome-wide association studies to identify genomic loci associated with five childhood maltreatment subtypes. We then performed genetic correlation and Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses to assess the effects of childhood maltreatment on high-burden diseases, healthcare costs, lifespan, and educational attainment. We identified several novel loci for childhood maltreatment, including one locus for sexual abuse in sex-combined analysis, one novel locus for sexual abuse in males, one locus for emotional neglect in females, and one locus for sexual abuse in females. The pairwise genetic correlations between subtypes of childhood maltreatment were moderate to high, and similar patterns of genetic correlations between childhood maltreatment subtypes were observed in males and females. Childhood maltreatment was genetically correlated with ten out of 16 high-burden diseases significantly after multiple testing correction. Moreover, MR analyses suggest childhood maltreatment may increase the risk of age-related and other hearing loss, low back pain, major depressive disorder, and migraine in adulthood, and reduce the lifespan. Our study elucidates the genetic architecture of specific childhood maltreatment subtypes and the influence of childhood maltreatment on health outcomes in adulthood, highlighting the enduring influence of childhood maltreatment on lifelong health consequences. It is important to develop prevention strategies to lower the incidence of childhood maltreatment and provide support and care for victims of childhood maltreatment for better long-term health outcomes in the population.

Maternal weight during pregnancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in offspring

In addition to biological factors, maternal exposures during pregnancy can contribute to leukemogenesis in offspring. We conducted a population-based cohort study in Sweden to investigate the association between risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in offspring and maternal anthropometrics during pregnancy. A total of 2,961,435 live-born singletons during 1983–2018 were followed from birth to ALL diagnosis, end of age 18, or end of 2018. 1388 children were diagnosed with ALL (55.6% boys). We observed an increased risk of ALL among daughters of overweight/obese mothers in early pregnancy [Body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2; Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.2–1.6] compared with the risk in daughters of mothers with normal BMI. This association was not found in their sons (SIR = 1.0, 95% CI: 0.9–1.1). Similar results were found for the association between ALL and maternal BMI before delivery. We did not find an association between low or high gestational weight gain (GWG) and risk of ALL (both SIRs = 1.0) in male/female offspring. These suggest that maternal overweight/obesity are important risk factors for childhood ALL in daughters, whereas GWG is not associated with risk of ALL. Further research on this mother-daughter association may shed light on a possible sex hormone/chromosome-related etiology of ALL.

Liability of origin imprints: how do the origin imprints influence corporate innovation? Evidence from China

In transforming emerging economies, many state-owned enterprises (SOEs) underwent privatization, transferring property rights from the state to private entities. This transition not only facilitated the establishment of entrepreneurial family firms but also encouraged the emergence of privatized family firms as property rights were transferred to individuals and families. Consequently, the roots of property rights in these settings can be traced back to either direct establishment or privatization. In this study, we examine how these origin imprints influence corporate innovation. By analyzing a dataset of A-share Chinese listed non-financial family firms spanning from 2005 to 2021, we find that pre-privatization organizational imprints which primarily focus on societal well-being, tend to persist within these privatized family firms, resulting in a lower degree of corporate innovation compared to their entrepreneurial counterparts. Moreover, additional subsample analysis indicates that the adverse impact of privatized family firms on corporate innovation is intensified by strong political connections while mitigated by a well-developed institutional environment in the region. Our results are robust to various econometric methods, alternative explanations, and approaches to address endogeneity concerns such as the two-stage least squares (2SLS), Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), and propensity score matching (PSM) techniques. Overall, this study highlights a source of heterogeneity within the family firms and reveals how organizational imprints inherited from a pre-privatization economic regime can diminish the positive effects usually associated with family ownership.

Predictive equation derived from 6,497 doubly labelled water measurements enables the detection of erroneous self-reported energy intake

Nutritional epidemiology aims to link dietary exposures to chronic disease, but the instruments for evaluating dietary intake are inaccurate. One way to identify unreliable data and the sources of errors is to compare estimated intakes with the total energy expenditure (TEE). In this study, we used the International Atomic Energy Agency Doubly Labeled Water Database to derive a predictive equation for TEE using 6,497 measures of TEE in individuals aged 4 to 96 years. The resultant regression equation predicts expected TEE from easily acquired variables, such as body weight, age and sex, with 95% predictive limits that can be used to screen for misreporting by participants in dietary studies. We applied the equation to two large datasets (National Diet and Nutrition Survey and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) and found that the level of misreporting was >50%. The macronutrient composition from dietary reports in these studies was systematically biased as the level of misreporting increased, leading to potentially spurious associations between diet components and body mass index.

Are associations of adulthood overweight and obesity with all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and obesity-related cancer modified by comparative body weight at age 10 years in the UK Biobank study?

Adults living with overweight or obesity do not represent a single homogenous group in terms of mortality and disease risks. The aim of our study was to evaluate how the associations of adulthood overweight and obesity with mortality and incident disease are modified by (i.e., differ according to) self-reported childhood body weight categories.


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