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Semantic embeddings reveal and address taxonomic incommensurability in psychological measurement

Taxonomic incommensurability denotes the difficulty in comparing scientific theories due to different uses of concepts and operationalizations. To tackle this problem in psychology, here we use language models to obtain semantic embeddings representing psychometric items, scales and construct labels in a vector space. This approach allows us to analyse different datasets (for example, the International Personality Item Pool) spanning thousands of items and hundreds of scales and constructs and show that embeddings can be used to predict empirical relations between measures, automatically detect taxonomic fallacies and suggest more parsimonious taxonomies. These findings suggest that semantic embeddings constitute a powerful tool for tackling taxonomic incommensurability in the psychological sciences.

A neurocognitive mechanism for increased cooperation during group formation

How do group size changes influence cooperation within groups? To examine this question, we performed a dynamic, network-based prisoner’s dilemma experiment with fMRI. Across 83 human participants, we observed increased cooperation as group size increased. However, our computational modeling analysis of behavior and fMRI revealed that groups size itself did not increase cooperation. Rather, interaction between (1) participants’ stable prosocial tendencies, and (2) dynamic reciprocal strategy weighed by memory confidence, underlies the group size-modulated increase in cooperation because the balance between them shifts towards the prosocial tendency with higher memory demands in larger groups. We found that memory confidence was encoded in fusiform gyrus and precuneus, whereas its integration with prosocial tendencies was reflected in the left DLPFC and dACC. Therefore, interaction between recall uncertainty during reciprocal interaction (i.e., forgetting) and one’s individual prosocial preference is a core pillar of emergent cooperation in more naturalistic and dynamic group formation.

Spiritual boredom is associated with over- and underchallenge, lack of value, and reduced motivation

The emotion of boredom has attracted considerable research interest. However, boredom experienced in spiritual contexts (i.e., spiritual boredom) has rarely been investigated. Based on control-value theory (CVT), we investigated the occurrence, antecedents, and motivational effects of spiritual boredom in five different spiritual contexts: yoga, meditation, silence retreats, Catholic sermons, and pilgrimage. For each context, we conducted two independent studies, one including trait and another including state measures. The set of 10 studies included a total sample of N = 1267 adults. We complemented individual study results with an internal meta-analysis. The results showed a mean level of spiritual boredom of (bar{M}) = 1.91 on a scale of 1 to 5. In line with CVT, spiritual boredom was positively related to being overchallenged ((bar{r}) = 0.44) in 9 out of the 10 studies and positively related to being underchallenged ((bar{r}) = 0.44) in all studies. Furthermore, as expected, spiritual boredom was negatively related to perceived value in all studies ((bar{r}) = −0.54). Finally, boredom was negatively related to motivation to engage in spiritual practice ((bar{r}) = −0.46) across studies. Directions for future research and practical implications are discussed.

Coastal wetland resilience through local, regional and global conservation

Coastal wetlands, including tidal marshes, mangrove forests and tidal flats, support the livelihoods of millions of people. Understanding the resilience of coastal wetlands to the increasing number and intensity of anthropogenic threats (such as habitat conversion, pollution, fishing and climate change) can inform what conservation actions will be effective. In this Review, we synthesize anthropogenic threats to coastal wetlands and their resilience through the lens of scale. Over decades and centuries, anthropogenic threats have unfolded across local, regional and global scales, reducing both the extent and quality of coastal wetlands. The resilience of existing coastal wetlands is driven by their quality, which is modulated by both physical conditions (such as sediment supply) and ecological conditions (such as species interactions operating from local through to global scales). Protection and restoration efforts, however, are often localized and focus on the extent of coastal wetlands. The future of coastal wetlands will depend on an improved understanding of their resilience, and on society’s actions to enhance both their extent and quality across different scales.

Latent circuit inference from heterogeneous neural responses during cognitive tasks

Higher cortical areas carry a wide range of sensory, cognitive and motor signals mixed in heterogeneous responses of single neurons tuned to multiple task variables. Dimensionality reduction methods that rely on correlations between neural activity and task variables leave unknown how heterogeneous responses arise from connectivity to drive behavior. We develop the latent circuit model, a dimensionality reduction approach in which task variables interact via low-dimensional recurrent connectivity to produce behavioral output. We apply the latent circuit inference to recurrent neural networks trained to perform a context-dependent decision-making task and find a suppression mechanism in which contextual representations inhibit irrelevant sensory responses. We validate this mechanism by confirming the behavioral effects of patterned connectivity perturbations predicted by the latent circuit model. We find similar suppression of irrelevant sensory responses in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys performing the same task. We show that incorporating causal interactions among task variables is critical for identifying behaviorally relevant computations from neural response data.


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