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Recommendations for mitochondria transfer and transplantation nomenclature and characterization

Intercellular mitochondria transfer is an evolutionarily conserved process in which one cell delivers some of their mitochondria to another cell in the absence of cell division. This process has diverse functions depending on the cell types involved and physiological or disease context. Although mitochondria transfer was first shown to provide metabolic support to acceptor cells, recent studies have revealed diverse functions of mitochondria transfer, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of mitochondria quality of the donor cell and the regulation of tissue homeostasis and remodelling. Many mitochondria-transfer mechanisms have been described using a variety of names, generating confusion about mitochondria transfer biology. Furthermore, several therapeutic approaches involving mitochondria-transfer biology have emerged, including mitochondria transplantation and cellular engineering using isolated mitochondria. In this Consensus Statement, we define relevant terminology and propose a nomenclature framework to describe mitochondria transfer and transplantation as a foundation for further development by the community as this dynamic field of research continues to evolve.

A functional single-cell metabolic survey identifies Elovl1 as a target to enhance CD8+ T cell fitness in solid tumours

Reprogramming T cell metabolism can improve intratumoural fitness. By performing a CRISPR/Cas9 metabolic survey in CD8+ T cells, we identified 83 targets and we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to disclose transcriptome changes associated with each metabolic perturbation in the context of pancreatic cancer. This revealed elongation of very long-chain fatty acids protein 1 (Elovl1) as a metabolic target to sustain effector functions and memory phenotypes in CD8+ T cells. Accordingly, Elovl1 inactivation in adoptively transferred T cells combined with anti-PD-1 showed therapeutic efficacy in resistant pancreatic and melanoma tumours. The accumulation of saturated long-chain fatty acids in Elovl1-deficient T cells destabilized INSIG1, leading to SREBP2 activation, increased plasma membrane cholesterol and stronger T cell receptor signalling. Elovl1-deficient T cells increased mitochondrial fitness and fatty acid oxidation, thus withstanding the metabolic stress imposed by the tumour microenvironment. Finally, ELOVL1 in CD8+ T cells correlated with anti-PD-1 response in patients with melanoma. Altogether, Elovl1 targeting synergizes with anti-PD-1 to promote effective T cell responses.

Systemic HER3 ligand-mimicking nanobioparticles enter the brain and reduce intracranial tumour growth

Crossing the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and reaching intracranial tumours is a clinical challenge for current targeted interventions including antibody-based therapies, contributing to poor patient outcomes. Increased cell surface density of human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) is associated with a growing number of metastatic tumour types and is observed on tumour cells that acquire resistance to a growing number of clinical targeted therapies. Here we describe the evaluation of HER3-homing nanobiological particles (nanobioparticles (NBPs)) on such tumours in preclinical models and our discovery that systemic NBPs could be found in the brain even in the absence of such tumours. Our subsequent studies described here show that HER3 is prominently associated with both mouse and human brain endothelium and with extravasation of systemic NBPs in mice and in human-derived BBB chips in contrast to non-targeted agents. In mice, systemically delivered NBPs carrying tumoricidal agents reduced the growth of intracranial triple-negative breast cancer cells, which also express HER3, with improved therapeutic profile compared to current therapies and compared to agents using traditional BBB transport routes. As HER3 associates with a growing number of metastatic tumours, the NBPs described here may offer targeted efficacy especially when such tumours localize to the brain.


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