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Socially vulnerable communities face disproportionate exposure and susceptibility to U.S. wildfire and prescribed burn smoke
While air pollution from most U.S. sources has decreased, emissions from wildland fires have risen. Here, we use an integrated assessment model to estimate that wildfire and prescribed burn smoke caused $200 billion in health damages in 2017, associated with 20,000 premature deaths. Nearly half of this damage came from wildfires, predominantly in the West, with the remainder from prescribed burns, mostly in the Southeast. Our analysis reveals positive correlations between smoke exposure and various social vulnerability measures; however, when also considering smoke susceptibility, these disparities are systematically influenced by age. Senior citizens, who are disproportionately White, represented 16% of the population but incurred 75% of the damages. Nonetheless, within most age groups, Native American and Black communities experienced the greatest damages per capita. Our work highlights the extraordinary and disproportionate effects of the growing threat of fire smoke and calls for targeted, equitable policy solutions for a healthier future.
Toward change in the uneven geographies of urban knowledge production
More than four-fifths of the global urban population live in the Global South and East. Most urban theories, however, originate in the Global North. Building on recent efforts to address this mismatch, this paper examines the geographies of urban knowledge production. It analyzes the institutional affiliations of contributions in 25 leading Anglophone journals (n = 14,582) and nine urban handbooks (n = 252). We show that 42% of the journal articles and 17% of the handbook chapters were authored outside the Global North. However, only 15% of the editor positions (handbooks: 10%) were held by scholars based outside the Global North. This indicates that Global Northern institutions still dominate knowledge gatekeeping, whereas authors are more diverse. Additionally, more empirical journals and those with fewer Northern board members tend to publish more non-Northern authors. Our findings underscore the need for greater epistemic diversity in gatekeeping positions and broader understandings of what counts as theory to better incorporate diverse urban knowledge.
Co-benefit of forestation on ozone air quality and carbon storage in South China
Substantial forestation-induced greening has occurred over South China, affecting the terrestrial carbon storage and atmospheric chemistry. However, these effects have not been systematically quantified due to complex biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Here we integrate satellite observations, forestry statistics, and an improved atmospheric chemistry model to investigate the impacts of forestation on both carbon storage and ozone air quality. We find that forestation alleviates surface ozone via enhanced dry deposition and suppressed turbulence mixing, outweighing the effect of enhanced biogenic emissions. The 2005-2019 greening mitigated the growing season mean surface ozone by 1.4 ± 2.3 ppbv, alleviated vegetation exposure by 15%-41% (depending on ozone metrics) in forests over South China, and increased Chinese forest carbon storage by 1.8 (1.6-2.1) Pg C. Future forestation may enhance carbon storage by 4.3 (3.8-4.8) Pg C and mitigate surface ozone over South China by 1.4 ± 1.2 ppbv in 2050. Air quality management should consider such co-benefits as forestation becomes necessary for carbon neutrality.
Neural codes track prior events in a narrative and predict subsequent memory for details
Throughout our lives, we learn schemas that specify what types of events to expect in particular contexts and the temporal order in which these events usually occur. Here, our first goal was to investigate how such context-dependent temporal structures are represented in the brain during processing of temporally extended events. To accomplish this, we ran a 2-day fMRI study (N = 40) in which we exposed participants to many unique animated videos of weddings composed of sequences of rituals; each sequence originated from one of two fictional cultures (North and South), where rituals were shared across cultures, but the transition structure between these rituals differed across cultures. The results, obtained using representational similarity analysis, revealed that context-dependent temporal structure is represented in multiple ways in parallel, including distinct neural representations for the culture, for particular sequences, and for past and current events within the sequence. Our second goal was to test the hypothesis that neural schema representations scaffold memory for specific details. In keeping with this hypothesis, we found that the strength of the neural representation of the North/South schema for a particular wedding predicted subsequent episodic memory for the details of that wedding.
Development of quality indicators for hypertension management at the primary health care level in South Africa
Despite many quality initiatives at the primary health care (PHC) level, little is known about the actual quality of care of patients diagnosed with hypertension in South Africa. This study aimed to develop quality indicators for hypertension management at the PHC level to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, comprising two rounds, was used to develop clear, appropriate, and feasible evidence-based quality indicators for hypertension. In Round 1, a 9-point scale was used by a panel of 11 members to rate clarity and appropriateness of 102 hypertension quality indicator statements, grouped under 9 dimensions of quality hypertension management, using an online MS Excel® spreadsheet. In Round 2, 9 of the same panellists discussed all indicators and rated their appropriateness and feasibility during a remote online, interactive face-to-face MS Teams® meeting. Statements rated ≥7–9 with agreement were defined as either appropriate or feasible. The panel rated 46 hypertension quality indicator statements ≥7–9 with agreement for the appropriate and feasible measurement of the management of hypertension: monitoring (n = 16), review (n = 5), lifestyle advice (n = 9), tests (n = 7), intermediate outcomes (n = 6), referrals (n = 2) and practice/facility structures (n = 1). No indicator statements were rated both appropriate and feasible for measuring blood pressure levels and treatment. If applied, these indicators would improve monitoring and management of patients with hypertension, patient outcomes, and data quality in South Africa and result in more efficient use of scarce resources. This study can be replicable for improving care of other non-communicable diseases across Africa.