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Emotions and individual differences shape human foraging under threat

A common behavior in natural environments is foraging for rewards. However, this is often in the presence of predators. Therefore, one of the most fundamental decisions for humans, as for other animals, is how to apportion time between reward-motivated pursuit behavior and threat-motivated checking behavior. To understand what affects how people strike this balance, we developed an ecologically inspired task and looked at both within-participant dynamics (moods) and between-participant individual differences (questionnaires about real-life behaviors) in two large internet samples (n = 374 and n = 702) in a cross-sectional design. For the within-participant dynamics, we found that people regulate task-evoked stress homeostatically by changing behavior (increasing foraging and hiding). Individual differences, even in superficially related traits (apathy–anhedonia and anxiety–compulsive checking) reliably mapped onto unique behaviors. Worse task performance, due to maladaptive checking, was linked to gender (women checked excessively) and specific anxiety-related traits: somatic anxiety (reduced self-reported checking due to worry) and compulsivity (self-reported disorganized checking). While anhedonia decreased self-reported task engagement, apathy, strikingly, improved overall task performance by reducing excessive checking. In summary, we provide a multifaceted paradigm for assessment of checking for threat in a naturalistic task that is sensitive to both moods as they change throughout the task and clinical dimensions. Thus, it could serve as an objective measurement tool for future clinical studies interested in threat, vigilance or behavior–emotion interactions in contexts requiring both reward seeking and threat avoidance.

PTN activity in quiescent neural stem cells mediates Shank3 overexpression-induced manic behavior

Mania is a complex psychiatric disease characterized by hyperactivity, elevated mood and reduced anxiety. Despite extensive studies on the mechanism of the manic episodes, the molecular targets that control manic pathogenesis remain largely unclear. Here, through single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis, we show aberrant adult neurogenesis due to increased numbers of quiescent neural stem cells (qNSC) in a manic mouse model with Shank3 overexpression. Particularly, we found that the excessive Pleiotrophin (PTN), released by dysregulated qNSCs, is a key factor contributing to the manic-like phenotypes in Shank3-overexpressing mouse models. Pharmacological and molecular inhibition of PTN in qNSCs rescued aberrant neurogenesis and effectively alleviated the manic-like social deficits observed in Shank3-overexpressing mice. Taken together, our findings present an approach for modulating PTN activity in qNSCs, proposing it as a promising therapeutic target for manic development.

Historical loss weakens competitive behavior by remodeling ventral hippocampal dynamics

Competitive interactions are pervasive within biological populations, where individuals engage in fierce disputes over vital resources for survival. Before the establishment of a social hierarchy within the population, this competition becomes even more intense. Historical experiences of competition significantly influence the competitive performance; individuals with a history of persistent loss are less likely to initiate attacks or win escalated contests. However, it remains unclear how historical loss directly affects the evolution of mental processes during competition and alters responses to ongoing competitive events. Here, we utilized a naturalistic food competition paradigm to track the competitive patterns of mutually unfamiliar competitors and found that a history of loss leads to reduced competitive performance. By tracking the activity of ventral hippocampal neuron ensembles, we identified clusters of neurons that responded differently to behavioral events during the competition, with their reactivity modulated by previous losses. Using a Recurrent Switch Linear Dynamical System (rSLDS), we revealed rotational dynamics in the ventral hippocampus (vHPC) during food competition, where different discrete internal states corresponded to different behavioral strategies. Moreover, historical loss modulates competitive behavior by remodeling the characteristic attributes of this rotational dynamic system. Finally, we found that an evolutionarily conserved glutamate receptor-associated protein, glutamate receptor-associated protein 1 (Grina), plays an important role in this process. By continuously monitoring the association between the attributes of the dynamic system and competitiveness, we found that restoring Grina expression effectively reversed the impact of historical loss on competitive performance. Together, our study reveals the rotational dynamics in the ventral hippocampus during competition and elucidates the underlying mechanisms through which historical loss shapes these processes.

A torpor-like state in mice slows blood epigenetic aging and prolongs healthspan

Torpor and hibernation are extreme physiological adaptations of homeotherms associated with pro-longevity effects. Yet the underlying mechanisms of how torpor affects aging, and whether hypothermic and hypometabolic states can be induced to slow aging and increase healthspan, remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that the activity of a spatially defined neuronal population in the preoptic area, which has previously been identified as a torpor-regulating brain region, is sufficient to induce a torpor-like state (TLS) in mice. Prolonged induction of TLS slows epigenetic aging across multiple tissues and improves healthspan. We isolate the effects of decreased metabolic rate, long-term caloric restriction, and decreased core body temperature (Tb) on blood epigenetic aging and find that the decelerating effect of TLSs on aging is mediated by decreased Tb. Taken together, our findings provide novel mechanistic insight into the decelerating effects of torpor and hibernation on aging and support the growing body of evidence that Tb is an important mediator of the aging processes.

Cannabinoid-2 receptor depletion promotes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice via disturbing gut microbiota and tryptophan metabolism

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. NAFLD encompasses a spectrum of liver damage starting with liver steatosis and lipid disorders presented as the hallmark. Cannabinoid-2 receptor (CB2R) is the receptor of endocannabinoids mainly expressed in immune cells. Our preliminary study revealed the preventative role of CB2R in liver injury related to lipid metabolism. In this study, we aimed to explore the role of CB2R in NAFLD and the underlying mechanism related to microbial community. High-fat diet-induced NAFLD model was established in mice. We found that hepatic CB2R expression was significantly reduced in NAFLD mice and CB2R–/– mice fed with normal chow. Interestingly, cohousing with or transplanted with microbiota from WT mice, or treatment with an antibiotic cocktail ameliorated the NAFLD phenotype of CB2R–/– mice. The gut dysbiosis in CB2R–/– mice including increased Actinobacteriota and decreased Bacteroidota was similar to that of NAFLD patients and NAFLD mice. Microbial functional analysis and metabolomics profiling revealed obviously disturbed tryptophan metabolism in NAFLD patients and NAFLD mice, which were also seen in CB2R–/– mice. Correlation network showed that the disordered tryptophan metabolites such as indolelactic acid (ILA) and xanthurenic acid in CB2R-/- mice were mediated by gut dysbiosis and related to NAFLD severity indicators. In vitro and in vivo validation experiments showed that the enriched tryptophan metabolites ILA aggravated NAFLD phenotypes. These results demonstrate the involvement of CB2R in NAFLD, which is related to gut microbiota-mediated tryptophan metabolites. Our findings highlight CB2R and the associated microbes and tryptophan metabolites as promising targets for the treatment of NAFLD.


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