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Pervasive heteroplasmy in an invasive ambrosia beetle (Scolytinae) in southern California
Heteroplasmy, the presence of multiple mitochondrial genotypes (mitotypes) within an individual, has long been thought to be a rare aberrance that is quickly removed by selection or drift. However, heteroplasmy is being reported in natural populations of eukaryotes with increasing frequency, in part due to improved diagnostic methods. Here, we report a seemingly stable heteroplasmic state in California populations of the polyphagous shothole borer (PSHB), Euwallacea fornicatus; an invasive ambrosia beetle that is causing significant tree dieback. We develop and validate a qPCR assay utilizing locked nucleic acid probes to detect different mitotypes, and qualitatively assess heteroplasmy in individual PSHB. We prove the utility of this assay by: (1) mitotyping field-collected PSHB, documenting the prevalence of heteroplasmy across its range in California; and, (2) measuring relative titers of each mitotype across multiple generations of heteroplasmic laboratory colonies to assess the stability of transmission through the maternal germline. We show that our findings are unlikely to be explained by the existence of NUMTs by next generation sequencing of contiguous sections of mitochondrial DNA, where each of the observed heteroplasmic sites are found within fully functional coding regions of mtDNA. Subsequently, we find heteroplasmic individuals are common in Californian field populations, and that heteroplasmy persists for at least 10 generations in experimental colonies. We also looked for evidence of the common occurrence of paternal leakage, but found none. In light of our results, we discuss competing hypotheses as to how heteroplasmy may have arisen, and continues to perpetuate, in Californian PSHB populations.
AAV dose-dependent transduction efficiency in retinal ganglion cells and functional efficacy of optogenetic vision restoration
Optogenetics is a promising approach for restoring vision to the blind after photoreceptor degeneration. The ability to restore vision through AAV-mediated delivery of light-sensitive proteins, especially channelrhodopsins, into retinal ganglion cells has been extensively demonstrated in animal models. For clinical application, knowledge of viral dose-dependent functional efficacy is desired. In this study, using a triple-knockout blind mouse model and a highly light-sensitive channelrhodopsin variant, we evaluated viral dose-dependent vision restoration through retinal ganglion cell expression by using optomotor behavioral assays. Our results show that both the restored light sensitivity and visual acuity reached peak levels at a medial viral dose of 108 vg. With increasing dose, transduction efficiency continued to increase while protein expression peaked at the dose of ~109 vg and declined at higher doses. Also, a significant increase in retinal gliosis and inflammatory responses started at the dose of ~109 vg, and a marked increase was observed at the dose of ~1010. These results provide valuable insights into viral dose design for clinical studies.
Flow and ischemic changes in retina and choroid across diabetic retinopathy spectrum: a SS-OCTA study
To examine changes in retinal and choroidal vasculature in diabetes mellitus across the range of diabetic retinopathy (DR) severities using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and compare the patterns of vascular changes.
A thalamic hub-and-spoke network enables visual perception during action by coordinating visuomotor dynamics
For accurate perception and motor control, an animal must distinguish between sensory experiences elicited by external stimuli and those elicited by its own actions. The diversity of behaviors and their complex influences on the senses make this distinction challenging. Here, we uncover an action–cue hub that coordinates motor commands with visual processing in the brain’s first visual relay. We show that the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN) acts as a corollary discharge center, integrating visual translational optic flow signals with motor copies from saccades, locomotion and pupil dynamics. The vLGN relays these signals to correct action-specific visual distortions and to refine perception, as shown for the superior colliculus and in a depth-estimation task. Simultaneously, brain-wide vLGN projections drive corrective actions necessary for accurate visuomotor control. Our results reveal an extended corollary discharge architecture that refines early visual transformations and coordinates actions via a distributed hub-and-spoke network to enable visual perception during action.
Quantifying metabolites using structure-switching aptamers coupled to DNA sequencing
Here we report a method, smol-seq (small-molecule sequencing), using structure-switching aptamers (SSAs) and DNA sequencing to quantify metabolites. In smol-seq, each SSA detects a single target molecule and releases a unique DNA barcode on target binding. Sequencing the released barcodes can, thus, read out metabolite levels. We show that SSAs are highly specific and can be multiplexed to detect multiple targets in parallel, bringing the power of DNA sequencing to metabolomics.