Intrinsic constraint on Tc for unconventional superconductivity

Despite the century-long pursuit of high-temperature superconductors, the possible existence of a theoretical upper limit to their transition temperature (Tc) under ambient pressure remains unsettled1,2,3,4,5. Both mean-field and weak-coupling Eliashberg theories6 predict an artificial Tc that grows continuously with increasing pairing interaction, while experiments often find superconducting domes with maximum Tc near the phase boundaries of some long- or short-range orders associated with spin, charge, orbital, or structural degrees of freedom7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18. The dome implies a dual role of the many-body interaction19, which may not only provide the pairing glue but also induce competing orders that constrain the maximum Tc. However, they are mostly external factors associated with instabilities of other channels. One may wonder if any intrinsic constraint on Tc may exist owing solely to the pairing instability.
Important lessons may be learned from cuprate high-temperature superconductors in the underdoped region, where strong pairing interactions relative to the renormalized effective quasiparticle hopping parameters favour short-range electron pairs20 that in some literatures are thought to form already at high temperatures but only become superconducting when a (quasi-)long-range phase coherence is developed21,22. This raises a few general questions: What is the true strong coupling limit of the pairing state? How is this strong coupling state related to the high-temperature superconductivity? Would it put any intrinsic constraint on the maximal value of Tc? Since the absolute magnitude of Tc is determined by certain basic energy scale, such as the pairing interaction J, the question of maximum Tc turns into the question of their maximum dimensionless ratio Tc/J. To address these important issues and gain insights into possible intrinsic constraints on Tc, we propose here to discard instabilities from all other channels such as magnetic or charge orders and focus only on the pairing instability, since all other instabilities are expected to compete with the superconductivity and further suppress Tc. Their contributions to the pairing can all be included phenomenologically in a pairing interaction term.
Theoretically, one may derive various ratios with respect to other measurable energy scales such as the Fermi energy and the superfluid density. However, it has been shown that these constraints may be violated in artificial models4, or even in real materials23, thus preventing a useful bound for constraining Tc. To avoid such complication, instead of deriving a model-independent constraint, we first restrict ourselves to a minimal effective model that is most relevant in real correlated superconductors and includes only the quasiparticle hopping and nearest-neighbour spin-singlet pairing interaction. For the one-band model on a square lattice, we find a plaquette state in the strong-coupling limit that breaks both the translational and time-reversal symmetries and exhibits unusual spectral properties with a pseudogap or insulating-like normal state. The d-wave superconductivity emerges as the plaquettes melt and short-range electron pairs get mobilized to attain long-distance phase coherence at a reduced pairing interaction. A tentative phase diagram is then constructed where Tc/t reaches its maximum at the plaquette quantum critical point (QCP), resembling those often observed in experiments with other competing orders. This suggests some intrinsic constraints that prevent Tc from exhausting all kinetic or pairing energies in order to achieve a delicate balance between pairing and phase coherence. We then extend the calculations to more general models with either nearest-neighbour or onsite pairings, single layer or two-layer structures, intralayer or interlayer pairings, and obtain a maximum Tc/J ≈ 0.04−0.07. A close examination of existing experiments in known unconventional superconductors, including cuprate, iron-based, nickelate, and heavy fermion superconductors, seems to quite universally support the obtained ratio, indicating that these families, possibly except the infinite-layer nickelates, have almost reached their maximum Tc allowed by their respective spin exchange interactions. A room-temperature superconductor would then require a much larger pairing interaction beyond 400–700 meV within the current theoretical framework, which seems unrealistic from a single mechanism in correlated electron systems under ambient pressure. Our work therefore provides a useful criterion that may help to avoid futile efforts in exploring high-temperature superconductors along wrong directions. It also points out the necessity of new pairing mechanisms, possibly combining different pairing interactions, in order to achieve the room-temperature superconductivity.
Model and method
We start by first considering an effective one-band t–J type model on the square lattice, which will later be extended to more general cases (see Methods). The model Hamiltonian is written as:
where tij is the renormalized quasiparticle hopping parameter, μ is the chemical potential, and the pairing interaction is written in terms of the spin-singlet operator ({psi }_{ij}=frac{1}{sqrt{2}}({d}_{idownarrow }{d}_{juparrow }-{d}_{iuparrow }{d}_{jdownarrow })) between nearest-neighbour sites, where ({d}_{isigma }({d}_{isigma }^{dagger })) is the annihilation (creation) operator of the quasiparticles to be paired. For the exchange mechanism, the pairing interaction may be induced by the nearest-neighbour antiferromagnetic interaction and the attractive charge density interaction. As shown in Methods, J is then simply the nearest-neighbour exchange interaction, whose importance in cuprates has been justified in numerous experiments24,25,26,27,28. To study the superconductivity, we introduce the complex auxiliary fields Δij to decouple the pairing term29:
To avoid the negative sign problem, we assume a static approximation, ({Delta }_{ij}(tau )to {Delta }_{ij}=| {Delta }_{ij}| {e}^{i{theta }_{ij}}), and employ the auxiliary field Monte Carlo approach30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38. Following the standard procedure, we integrate out the fermionic degrees of freedom and simulate the final effective action only of the pairing fields by the Metropolis algorithm38.
This method ignores dynamic fluctuations of the pairing fields but takes full consideration of their spatial and thermal fluctuations. We can investigate phase correlations of the pairing and determine Tc based on long-distance phase coherence rather than the BCS-type mean-field transition. The validity of our method in estimating the maximum Tc has been verified in the recently-discovered bilayer and trilayer nickelate superconductors39,40 and by its consistency with the rigorous Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the attractive Hubbard model2. However, its applications in analyzing certain dynamical properties of the pairing fields are limited. To maximize Tc, we have also ignored all other instabilities outside the pairing channel. The effect of the Gutzwiller constraint is approximated by treating tij as free tuning parameters.
For numerical calculations, we consider a 10 × 10 square lattice with periodic boundary conditions and include only the nearest-neighbour hopping t and the next-nearest-neighbour hopping ({t}^{{prime} }=-0.45t) as in cuprate high-temperature superconductors41,42. The chemical potential is fixed to μ = −1.4t. The presented results have been examined and found qualitatively consistent for other values of the parameters or on a larger lattice. A twisted boundary condition is used for spectral calculations43.
Theoretical phase diagram
Figure 1a shows a typical theoretical phase diagram for the one-band square lattice model, where we have intentionally plot Tc/t against t/J. A nonuniform plaquette state emerges at sufficiently strong paring interaction formed of 2 × 2 blocks induced by high-order pair hopping in the effective action of the pairing fields after integrating out the electron degrees of freedom. A typical pairing configuration of the plaquette state is given in the inset of Fig. 1. The paring amplitudes are relatively stronger on internal bonds of the 2 × 2 plaquettes and weaker on their links. As will be discussed later and in the Methods, the plaquette state simultaneously breaks the lattice translational symmetry and the time-reversal symmetry and coexists with a bond charge order, though the electron density remains uniform on all sites. Its transition temperature T□ decreases with increasing t/J and diminishes at the QCP (t/J ≈ 0.27), where the plaquettes melt completely and uniform superconductivity emerges with a maximum Tc/t ≈ 0.08 for the chosen parameters (see Methods). Tuning the next-nearest-neighbour hopping and the chemical potential may slightly change the ratio and the location of the QCP, but does not alter the qualitative physics. Inside the plaquette state, the superconductivity is also spatially modulated and its Tc is greatly reduced as the pairing interaction further increases. The nonmonotonic evolution of Tc resembles typical phase diagrams observed in many unconventional superconductors with other competing orders such as long-range magnetism, charge density wave, or nematicity7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. However, the plaquette state reflects the internal instability in the pairing channel that constrains the magnitude of Tc for the d-wave superconductivity. Near the plaquette QCP, the superconductivity also breaks the time-reversal symmetry below TBTRS. As t/J decreases, the TBTRS transition line merges with the plaquette transition T□, marking the simultaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking of the plaquette state. At high temperatures, the normal state exhibits pseudogap-like behaviour whose onset temperature Tp follows closely the variation of Tc or T□44,45 determined from the specific heat Cv or the temperature derivative of the quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi energy dN(0)/dT. As shown in Fig. 1b, we find peaks in the specific heat for all transitions at T□, Tc, and TBTRS, while in dN(0)/dT the feature at Tc is greatly suppressed for t/J < 0.27. Here and after, J is set as the energy unit if not explicitly noted.

a The T/t − t/J phase diagram, showing the onset temperature Tp of pseudogap-like behaviour determined from the suppression of the quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi energy N(0), the plaquette transition temperature T□ from the pairing field amplitude distribution p(∣Δ∣) and the peaks in the specific heat Cv and the temperature derivative of the quasiparticle density of states dN(0)/dT, the superconducting transition temperature Tc from the long-distance phase coherence based on the phase mutual information and the properties of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) transition for two-dimensional superconductivity, and the temperature TBTRS for superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry from the deviation of the pairing field phases along x and y bonds attached to the same site. The inset shows a typical configuration of the pairing field inside the plaquette state at low temperatures, where the size of the symbols represents the amplitude ∣Δij∣ and the colour denotes the sign of the phase θij. Note that for small t/J, TBTRS extends to the plaquette transition T□, which breaks simultaneously the time-reversal symmetry and the translational symmetry and coexists with a bond charge order (see Methods). b Temperature evolution of Cv and dN(0)/dT for t/J = 0.15, 0.22, 0.30, showing peaks or shoulders at T□, Tc, and TBTRS.
Plaquette state at strong coupling
The plaquette state and its phase transition may be seen in the joint distribution (p(| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x},,| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y})) of the paring amplitudes along the x and y directions attached to the same site 0 or the marginal distribution p(∣Δ∣) of the pairing field amplitudes on all bonds. As shown in Fig. 2a, (p(| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x},,| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y})) at low temperatures displays a four-point structure due to the nonuniform pairing configurations. As t/J increases, the four points gradually shrink into a single point, where the translational symmetry is recovered and the plaquette state melts into the uniform superconductivity. Correspondingly, the amplitude distribution p(∣Δ∣) also contains two peaks in the plaquette state. As shown in Fig. 2b for t/J = 0.15, these peaks get gradually broadened with increasing temperature and merge into a single peak above T□.

a The joint distribution function (p(| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x},,| Delta {| }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y})) of the pairing field amplitudes (| {Delta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x}|) and (| {Delta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y}|) along x and y directions attached to the same site 0 for t/J = 0.15, 0.23, 0.30 at a very low temperature T/J = 0.0001. b Evolution of the marginal distribution p(∣Δ∣) of the pairing amplitude on all bonds with temperature for t/J = 0.15. c Comparison of the energy-momentum dependent spectral function and extracted dispersions (solid lines) at kx/π = 0.44 at low and high temperatures for t/J = 0.15. The grey vertical lines mark the Fermi vector kF that clearly differs from the wave vector kG where the dispersions bend backwards.
At sufficiently low temperatures, the plaquette state may develop long-distance phase coherence to form the superconductivity but exhibits unusual spectral features due to the nonuniform spatial distribution of the pairing amplitudes. As shown in Fig. 2c for t/J = 0.15, its momentum-energy dependent spectral function at negative energies splits into two sets of dispersions. One dispersion resembles that of uniform superconductivity, but its back-bending vector kG differs consistently from the Fermi vector kF, which has also been observed experimentally for possible pair density wave (PDW) state46,47,48. At high temperatures, the two dispersions recombine into a single curve pointing upwards even in the normal state. The gap indicates a pseudogap or insulating-like phase due to the large nearest-neighbour pairing interaction. This suggests that the normal state may also undergo a metal-insulator transition as t/J decrease, a phenomenon observed in cuprate superconductors under high pressure but unexplained49. At intermediate temperature Tc < T < T□, the superconducting phase coherence is lost and the plaquette state with broken time-reversal symmetry is in a sense similar to the fermionic quadrupling phase proposed earlier in experiment50,51.
Time-reversal symmetry breaking
The time-reversal symmetry breaking may be seen from the probabilistic distribution p(δθxy) of the phase difference (delta {theta }_{xy}={theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x}-{theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y}) of the pairing fields along the x and y directions. The results are shown in Fig. 3a for three different values of t/J at very low temperature. For small t/J = 0.15 in the plaquette state, the existence of multiple peaks mark the phase difference on different bonds. These peaks develop into a two-peak structure at higher temperatures and then merge into a single peak at δθxy = π above T□ (see Methods). For large t/J = 1.0, there exists a single maximum around δθxy/π = 1, which signals the uniform d-wave superconductivity with opposite sign of the pairing field along the x and y directions. Quite unexpectedly, for t/J = 0.3, we still have a single peak but its position deviates from δθxy/π = 1. To see such a variation more clearly, Fig. 3b plots the average deviation (∣〈δθxy〉∣) and the smallest deviation ((| delta {theta }_{xy}^{min }|)) of the peak positions. While ∣〈δθxy〉∣ evolves nonmonotonically and reaches a minimum at the plaquette QCP, (| delta {theta }_{xy}^{min }|) keeps increasing with t/J. Interestingly, the two quantities become equal beyond the plaquette QCP but only approach π at a much larger t/J ≈ 0.5.

a The probabilistic distribution of the phase difference along x and y directions (p(delta {theta }_{xy})=p({theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x}-{theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{y})) for different values of t/J. b Evolution of the average phase difference ∣〈δθxy〉∣ and the minimum phase difference (| delta {theta }_{xy}^{min }|) determined by the peak positions as functions of t/J. The vertical line marks the plaquette QCP at t/J = 0.27. c Comparison of the gap function Δ(ϕ) near nodal and antinodal directions as functions of t/J, determined by the position of the positive-energy peak in the spectral function A(ϕ, ω). The temperature is T/J = 0.0001. d Temperature evolution of p(δθxy) at t/J = 0.3 in the intermediate phase. e The angle-dependent gap function Δ(ϕ) for different temperatures at t/J = 0.3, showing the evolution from a full gap at low temperatures to a partial gap at high temperatures.
Under time-reversal operation, the phase of the pairing field changes sign so that δθxy → − δθxy (mod 2π). Thus, the deviation of the peak position from π around t/J = 0.15 indicates that the time-reversal symmetry is broken inside the whole plaquette state. For t/J = 0.3, it marks an intermediate region of uniform superconductivity that breaks the time-reversal symmetry, with the gap function ({Delta }_{{boldsymbol{k}}}propto cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{x})+{e}^{-idelta {theta }_{xy}}cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{y})propto {Delta }_{{boldsymbol{k}}}^{d}-icot frac{delta {theta }_{xy}}{2}{Delta }_{{boldsymbol{k}}}^{s}), representing d + is pairing with a nodeless gap. Here ({Delta }_{{boldsymbol{k}}}^{d}=cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{x})-cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{y})) is the d-wave component and ({Delta }_{{boldsymbol{k}}}^{s}=cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{x})+cos ({{boldsymbol{k}}}_{y})) denotes an extended s-wave component from the nearest-neighbour pairing interaction. The onsite pairing is not included due to the strong Coulomb repulsion. We have therefore a two-stage transition from the plaquette to the uniform d-wave superconductivity, with an intermediate region that recovers the translational symmetry but still breaks the time-reversal symmetry. Similar d + is pairing may have been found under certain conditions in twisted double-layer cuprates52 and infinite-layer nickelates53,54. In the latter case, it arises from the interplay of Kondo and superexchange interactions55. Here it is associated with the quasiparticle hopping, (ito i+hat{x}to i+hat{x}+hat{y}to i+hat{y}to i). Integrating out the electron degrees of freedom leads to a term like ({rm{Re}}({Delta }_{i,i+hat{x}}{Delta }_{i+hat{y},i+hat{x}+hat{y}}{Delta }_{i,i+hat{y}}^{* }{Delta }_{i+hat{x},i+hat{x}+hat{y}}^{* })to {rm{Re}}({Delta }_{x}^{2}{Delta }_{y}^{* 2})propto cos (2delta {theta }_{xy})), while the second order hopping process such as (i+hat{x}to ito i+hat{y}) contributes a term ({rm{Re}}({Delta }_{x}{Delta }_{y}^{* })propto cos delta {theta }_{xy}). Their combined free energy may be minimized at δθxy away from 0 and π56. Thus, time-reversal symmetry breaking represents an intrinsic tendency of the superconductivity with nearest-neighbour pairing at strong coupling, where the normal state is no longer a Fermi liquid.
To further confirm the two-stage transition, Fig. 3c plots the gap function Δ(ϕ) with t/J near the nodal and antinodal directions in the momentum space deduced from the spectral function. The gap near the antinode is always finite, but varies nonmonotonically with a maximum at the plaquette QCP t/J = 0.27, in good correspondence with the maximum Tc. By contrast, the gap near the nodal direction decreases continuously and only diminishes at t/J ≈ 0.5, confirming a full gap for 0.27 ≤ t/J ≤ 0.5 consistent with the above phase analysis. The transition temperature TBTRS of the d + is phase may also be extracted from the temperature evolution of p(δθxy). As shown in Fig. 3d for t/J = 0.3, the peak in p(δθxy) gets broadened and moves gradually to δθxy = π as the temperature increases across TBTRS. The angle-dependent gap functions are given in Fig. 3e, showing a fully gapped d + is pairing state and a nodal d-wave pairing state below and above TBTRS, respectively. Note that the higher-temperature d-wave gap contains a finite gapless region on the Fermi surface, which has also been observed previously in some experiments57.
Superconducting phase coherence
The superconducting transition is determined from the phase mutual information ({I}_{{boldsymbol{R}}}^{x/y}) of the pairing fields as well as the vortex number nv (see Methods)38,39. Figure 4a shows the semilog plot of the phase mutual information between two bonds of the largest distance R = (5, 5) for t/J = 0.15, 0.22, 0.30 on the 10 × 10 lattice. We find a slope change at low temperature, marking the establishment of long-distance phase coherence of the pairing fields. The slope change at higher temperature is associated with the onset of the spatial phase correlation, which has a temperature scale in rough agreement with Tp for t/J > 0.27 in Fig. 1 and is therefore responsible for the pseudogap above the superconducting Tc.

a The mutual information between two pairing field phases ({theta }_{(0,0)}^{x/y}) and ({theta }_{(5,5)}^{x/y}) of the distance (5, 5) and the normalized numerical derivatives of the vortex number dnv/dT with temperature for t/J = 0.15, 0.22, 0.30, respectively. The vertical lines show the extracted Tc. b The distribution p(δθ1) for different hopping at T/J = 0.0001, where δθ1 is the phase difference between nearest-neighbour pairing fields (delta {theta }_{1}={theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x/y}-{theta }_{left.(1,0)/(0,1)right)}^{x/y}). c The peak position in p(δθ1) and the inverse of the fluctuation ({rm{std}}(delta {theta }_{i})=sqrt{langle {(delta {theta }_{i})}^{2}rangle }), where δθi is the phase difference between two nearest-neighbour (i = 1) or next-nearest-neighbour (i = 2) bonds along x or y directions. The two behave similarly for uniform superconductivity but differ in the plaquette state.
The low-temperature transition coincides with the peak position of dnv/dT also plotted in Fig. 4a. The maximum of dnv/dT implies a rapid development of the vortex number nv with increasing temperature, which is a characteristic feature of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) transition for two-dimensional superconductivity58,59,60. We thus identify this transition as the superconducting transition. The value of Tc is examined for other lattice size and found to vary only slightly, confirming the robustness of our qualitative conclusions.
The final phase diagram is already discussed in Fig. 1a, showing nonmonotonic variation of Tc/t with t/J and a maximum at the plaquette QCP. The overall evolution of Tc may be understood from the phase difference of the pairing fields on neighbouring bonds. Figure 4b plots the probabilistic distribution p(δθ1) of (delta {theta }_{1}={theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x/y}-{theta }_{(1,0)/(0,1)}^{x/y}). We find two symmetric peaks around zero in the plaquette state and a single peak in the uniform superconducting state. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 4c, while the peak position (| delta {theta }_{1}^{max }|) decreases gradually and diminishes above t/J = 0.27, the inverse of its fluctuation, as well as that between next-nearest-neighbour bonds, also varies nonmontonically with t/J and exhibits a maximum near the plaquette QCP, in good correspondence with the evolution of Tc/t. This coincidence is unexpected at first glance but easy to understand, since a smaller fluctuation of δθ1 around zero indicates a larger phase stiffness of the pairing fields on neighbouring bonds, thus favoring larger superfluid density and Tc. Theoretically, this is usually described by the free energy29, (F=frac{{rho }_{{rm{s}}}}{2}{int}_{x}{(delta theta )}^{2}), such that the phase fluctuation 〈(δθ)2〉 is inversely related to the superfluid density ρs. This explains our observed correlation between the fluctuation of the phase difference and the magnitude of Tc in Fig. 4c.
Discussion on the plaquette state
The plaquette state may also have other exotic properties detectable in experiments. For example, pairing field modulation may affect local spin susceptibility61,62 and cause some spin resonance mode63. In fact, the plaquette state shares many similarities with the supersolid phase realized in dipolar cold atoms64,65,66,67,68. Both break translational symmetry and U(1) phase symmetry at zero temperature. Similar to the plaquette state, the microscopic configurations of supersolid consist of weakly connected droplets. Both occupy an intermediate region of their respective phase diagram: the plaquette state occurs between the uniform superconductivity and a disordered phase of coexisting plaquettes and dimers for extremely large pairing interaction, while the supersolid exists between the superfluid phase and an incoherent droplet solid. Given these similarities, one may anticipate that vortices may exist in the supersolid phase, while two modes with different dispersions for some dynamic structure factor observed in supersolid65 may also emerge in the plaquette state.
Though the Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC)69 has traditionally been argued to be the strong coupling limit of the superconductivity, our results question its naive extension to unconventional superconductor that cannot be described by the local s-wave pairing with onsite attractive interaction. In particular, for unconventional superconductors with strong onsite Coulomb repulsion such as the cuprates, onsite s-wave pairing is generally unfavored and the pairs tend to occupy different sites. As a result, short-range pairing emerges for nearest-neighbour spin exchange interaction and, at strong coupling, may cause plaquette states that break the lattice translational symmetry. This differs from the local two-particle bound state typical of the BEC. On the other hand, our derived plaquette state does share some similarities with the BEC, such as the U-shaped density of states near the Fermi energy, the flat dispersion around kx = 0, and the pseudogap in the normal state at high temperatures.
Our proposed plaquette state is different from the widely-studied PDW state46,47,70,71,72, even though both exhibit real-space modulation of the pairing fields. While the PDW may generally lead to a charge density wave, the plaquette state breaks simultaneously the time-reversal symmetry and the translational symmetry and coexists with a bond charge order19. The PDW is by far only found experimentally in superconducting region73,74,75 and might arise theoretically from the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity76, while the plaquette state proposed here represents an intrinsic pairing instability at strong coupling.
Relevance to the cuprates
We note again that t is the effective hopping parameter of the quasiparticles, which should already take account of the Gutzwiller constraint. It is a small number proportional to the hole doping in underdoped cuprates, and reaches about 100−200 meV in overdoped cuprates as indicated by ARPES measurements77. By contrast, the exchange interaction J is almost doping-independent and roughly 100−200 meV as revealed by RIXS experiments24,25,26. Hence, our choice of the t/J range is reasonable according to these experiments. Numerically, our results cover the strong to weak coupling regions of the superconducting pairing, and provide useful information on the maximum Tc and the plaquette instability. Many of our findings are in good correspondence with experimental observations48,49,78,79,80. In particular, the plaquette structure might be closely related to the 4 × 4 structure observed in recent STM measurements on underdoped cuprates78,79, suggesting that Cooper pairs may first form within these local structures and only achieve long-range phase coherence as the doping reaches a certain threshold49,78. For overdoped cuprates, a pseudogap feature, possibly driven by phase fluctuations, has also been observed within a narrow region above Tc77. Such overall correspondence supports potential relevance of our work to the cuprate physics and highlights the importance of a strong-coupling real-space perspective in exploring high-temperature superconductivity.
Constraint on maximum T
Another important observation of our calculations is that the superconductivity may intrinsically be suppressed for sufficiently strong pairing interaction even without considering competing orders from other channels. Thus, Tc is constrained from both sides of strong and weak pairing interactions. It is then sensible to study the ratio Tc/J to have a feeling about the maximum Tc allowed by the pairing interaction J27,28,81. For the one-band square lattice model discussed so far, we find a maximum ratio Tc/J ≈ 0.04. We have also tested other parameters and find that tuning the next-nearest-neighbour hopping ({t}^{{prime} }) and the chemical potential μ can only slight improve this ratio. Specifically, at half-filling with ({t}^{{prime} }=0) and μ = 0 near the van Hove singularity, the maximum Tc/J may be enhanced to 0.045. Motivated by the possible importance of apical oxygen on Tc82, we have also studied a model with an extra conduction layer, and find the maximum Tc/J may be at most enhanced to about 0.06 for certain special (nearest-neighbour) interlayer hopping. On the other hand, local interlayer hopping is found to suppress this maximum ratio. Taking t ≈ 100−200 meV from the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and the specific heat analysis77,83 and J ≈ 100−190 meV from the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurement (RIXS)81,84, these ratios yield the highest Tc to be 100–130 K, consistent with the reported ({T}_{c}^{max }=)97 K for single-layer and 135 K for multi-layer cuprate superconductors under ambient pressure82,85.
To further explore the above idea, we extend our calculations to other variations of the minimum effective model, covering nearest-neighbour or onsite pairings, single or multi-layer structures, and intralayer or interlayer pairings (see Methods). It is important to note that our models do not depend on fine details of the microscopic pairing mechanism, as long as the effective pairing interaction and the low-energy Hamiltonians remain the same. Figure 5a shows the variations of Tc/J versus t/J in these models, where J is the local attractive Hubbard interaction for onsite pairing, and the interlayer superexchange interaction for interlayer pairing as discussed previously for La3Ni2O7 under high pressure39,86. We see all curves behave nonmonotonically with the pairing interaction, although they may have different strong-coupling limit (e.g. BEC for onsite pairing and preformed local interlayer pairing for bilayer nickelates), with the maximum Tc/J lying within the interval from 0.04 to 0.07. Notably, for the attractive Hubbard model, our simulations yield consistent results compared with previous quantum Monte Carlo simulations (open down-pointing triangles)2, which reinforces the reliability of our approach, and introducing an additional conduction layer gives a similar maximum ratio87,88. Note that we have ignored long distance pairing since it is typically weaker than onsite or nearest-neighbour ones for reaching the maximum Tc. All other instabilities are also ignored to maximize the pairing instability. Hence our phase diagram is not the full phase diagram with all possible ground states of a physical model, but a phase diagram that intentionally exaggerates the superconductivity and other possible instabilities in the pairing channel, so that the derived Tc/J could be a better estimate of its potential upper limit.

a Typical results of Tc/J as functions of t/J for several effective models with interlayer, intralayer onsite, or intralayer nn (nearest-neighbour) pairing interactions. For simplicity, only the nearest-neighbour hopping t is considered and the chemical potential is set to μ = 0. For nearest-neighbour pairing in a one-layer model (away from the van Hove singularity), introducing an extra layer of conduction electrons with nearest-neighbour interlayer hopping (tp = 0.7t) is found to enhance the maximum Tc/J. Also compared is a typical result of the attractive Hubbard model from previous quantum Monte Carlo simulations (open down-pointing triangles) away from the half-filling2. b Collection of experimental Tc/J ratios for a number of cuprate, nickelate, iron-based, and heavy fermion superconductors, where J are estimated from their respective spin interactions. The shaded area marks the region Tc/J ≈ 0.04−0.07. The large error bar exceeding this region comes from bulk FeSe as discussed in the main text. All error bars come from the experimental uncertainty of J as given by the original literatures listed in Table 1. The points circled by a square box mark those uncertain data from CePd2Si2, SmO1−xFxFeAs, LaO1−xFxFeAs, and La3Ni2O7 discussed in the main text.
To see if the above constraint may indeed apply in real materials, Fig. 5b and Table 1 collect the data for a number of well-known unconventional superconductors24,81,84,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110. The spin energy scale in cuprate, iron-based, and nickelate superconductors have been determined mainly by the spin wave fitting in inelastic neutron scattering (INS) or RIXS experiments24,25,26,106,111, where J has been found to vary only slightly with doping. It differs from the renormalized one due to the feedback effect observed in low-energy measurements by INS112 and two-magnon extraction in Raman spectra113. In iron-based superconductors such as CaFe2As2, SrFe2As2, BaFe2As2, and NaFeAs, the ratios Tc/J are less than 0.06398,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107, where the value of J is extracted from the reported SJ by taking the effective spin size S = 0.69 for SrFe2As2 and S = 1/2 for all others except for FeSe following the literatures89,90,91. The large error bar exceeding the shaded area in Fig. 5b comes from the bulk FeSe (Tc = 8 K), for which neutron scattering measurements reported the ratio T/J = 0.86 ± 0.35 at T = 110 K107. Unfortunately, we do not find the data for FeSe films, whose high Tc might involve contributions from the interface. To the best of our knowledge, there is also no exact estimate of J for the 1111 systems. It has been reported that SmOFeAs adopts an intermediate spin dispersion between those of NaFeAs and BaFe2As2114. Assuming that the spin interaction is not sensitive to the doping, as observed in BaFe2−xNixAs2 and NaFe1−xCoxAs106,111, we might roughly estimate J ~ 80−118.4 meV for SmO1−xFxFeAs and thus obtain a maximum ratio Tc/J ≈ 0.040−0.059 given its maximum Tc = 55 K115. While for LaO1−xFxFeAs, experiments only indicate an overall magnitude of SJ ~ 40 meV along different directions116, which yields Tc/J ~ 0.046 with its maximum Tc = 43 K using S = 1/2117. Both fall within our proposed range.
The infinite-layer nickelate superconductors have a small maximum ratio of about 0.026, which indicates the potential to reach a higher Tc92,93,94,95,96,97,118. RIXS measurements119 on the high-pressure high-temperature bilayer nickelate superconductor La3Ni2O7 reported an interlayer spin interaction strength (J) of about 140 meV assuming its spin size S = 1/2, which also seems to be confirmed by inelastic neutron measurements120. Although these measurements were performed under ambient pressure, it gives a rough estimate of the magnitude of J. If we naively apply this value to the high pressure region where the superconductivity was reported with ({T}_{c}^{max }approx 80) K, we find ({T}_{c}^{max }/Japprox 0.05) for the bilayer nickelate superconductors, which agrees well with our previous Monte Carlo simulations39. Recently, superconductivity has been reported also in the trilayer nickelate superconductor La4Ni3O10 under high pressure, albeit with a much smaller ({T}_{c}^{max }approx 30) K121. It has been proposed theoretically that competition and frustration of interlayer pairing between the inner layer and two outer layers may lead to strong superconducting fluctuations and thus reduce the maximum ratio of Tc/J to 0.02−0.0340. This, together with layer imbalance and the possibly smaller interlayer J, may explain the much reduced ({T}_{c}^{max }) in the trilayer nickelate compared to those in the bilayer ones.
By contrast, the cuprate high-temperature superconductors have the highest ({T}_{c}^{max }) in the trilayer structure, and their overall ({T}_{c}^{max }/J) ratios can reach up to 0.067, as observed in HgBa2CaCu2O6+δ, YBa2Cu4O8, YBa2Cu3O6+δ, NdBa2Cu3O6+δ, Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ, and Bi2+xSr2−xCa2Cu3O10+δ81. This opposite tendency reflects an intrinsic distinction in the pairing mechanisms between multilayer nickelate and cuprate superconductors39,40,86,122. In heavy-fermion superconductors such as CeCoIn5 or PuCoGa5, systematic measurements of J are lacking. We therefore estimate the spin interaction energy from the coherence temperature scale, namely the Ruderman–Kittle–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) scale, and find the highest Tc/J to be about 0.046108,109,110. To the best of our knowledge, a spin wave fitting has only been applied to CePd2Si2 and yields J = 0.61 meV under ambient pressure123. Combining naively this value with its Tc = 0.43 K at 3 GPa gives the ratio Tc/J ≈ 0.061, in good alignment with our suggested constraint.
Despite vast complexities across all these different families of unconventional superconductors that are far beyond our simplified models, none of their maximum Tc/J ratios exceeds the proposed range 0.04−0.07, suggesting that our calculations indeed capture some essence of the fundamental physics of unconventional superconductivity. While this range of the maximum Tc/J ratio is also supported by data collection in previous studies24,124,125, one should keep in mind that our calculations only cover a small part of the parameter and model space, and it is not completely clear how other complex factors, such as the dimensionality and multi-orbitals, might affect the ratio. The maximum ratio proposed here seems to more represent a practical upper limit for some quite generic situations in real superconductors. This consistency urges for a more rigorous theoretical understanding.
We finally comment on the Tc/t ratio widely used in previous literatures. Unlike Tc/J, we find the maximum Tc/t depends more sensitively on models and may reach 0.29, 0.15, 0.105 upon tuning the hopping parameters or the chemical potential for interlayer, intralayer onsite, intralayer nearest-neighbour (nn) pairings, respectively. For the attractive Hubbard model, our derived maximum Tc/t ≈ 0.15 is close to the quantum Monte Carlo result of 0.17, which also confirms the validity of our estimate2. In general, our calculations across these different models yield the maximum Tc/t ratio within the range of 0.1−0.3 at an optimal t/J value of around 0.2, somewhat different from those for the maximum Tc/J ratio. The relatively lager variation of the Tc/t ratio may be ascribed to the fact that the long-range phase coherence determining Tc relies heavily on the cooperative hopping of paired electrons and may hence differ greatly for different pairing configurations and lattice geometries beyond the simple hopping parameters. The quasiparticle hopping is also strongly renormalized by correlation effects, which makes it difficult to estimate in practice. It is for these reasons that we have chosen to treat t as a tuning parameter and focus on the Tc/J ratio that might be better compared with experiment.
Route to room temperature superconductivity?
It is important to emphasize again that the above agreement by no means implies that all these superconductors, including hole-doped cuprates, are fully described by the specified pairing mechanisms in our simplified models. There is also no rigorous theoretical proof for a maximum Tc in unconventional superconductors4. Nevertheless, if we take the above constraint seriously, achieving room temperature superconductivity seems unlikely under ambient pressure within the current theoretical framework. For Tc to reach 300 K, we need a pairing interaction of the order 400−700 meV, which is twice higher than the spin exchange interaction in cuprates and seems unrealistic based on our survey of existing correlated materials. Moreover, the maximum Tc/J is only realized at an optimal ratio of t/J, thus also requiring a larger quasiparticle hopping t, a situation that seems to only occur under pressure. This is contrary to the weak-coupling BCS theory which predicts a higher Tc for a larger density of states (smaller t), while in the strong coupling limit, the pairing strength is sufficiently large and one requires sufficient kinetic energy, hence a larger t, to achieve the phase coherence. For instance, in the attractive Hubbard model with an infinite U, Tc is determined by a small fraction of t. Consequently, for room-temperature superconductivity, t must reach the order of hundred meV, which is not favoured in flat-band systems126.
It is therefore imperative to explore alternative avenues to enhance the ratio under ambient pressure. It has been noticed that three-layer cuprate superconductors have the highest Tc. One may therefore speculate that multi-layer may promote Tc. Indeed, the maximum Tc increases from 97 K in the single-layer HgBa2CuO4+δ to 127 K in the two-layer HgBa2CaCu2O6+δ and 135 K in the three-layer HgBa2Ca2Cu3O9+δ82,85. However, the ratio Tc/J ≈ 0.062 seems to remain unchanged and the increase of Tc seems to come purely from the increase of J81. On the other hand, the maximum Tc/J does increase from 0.021 in the single-layer Bi2Sr2−xLaxCuO6+δ to 0.058 in the three-layer Bi2+xSr2−xCa2Cu3O10+δ in Bi-systems81, but the latter still lies within our proposed range, implying that increasing the number of layers from Bi2201 to Bi2223 only helps to tune the optimal conditions for maximizing Tc/J, while the constraint itself is not touched. We have also examined the effect of additional local interlayer hopping and find that it actually reduces the maximum Tc/J. Additionally, one may follow the studies of FeSe films127,128 and consider to improve Tc by introducing phonons, but this seems empirically at most to provide an increase of around 40 K, given the limited characteristic phonon frequencies under ambient pressure129,130. A larger spin interaction occurs for the Hund’s rule coupling inside an atom. However, it is not clear if intra-atomic inter-orbital pairing may support a high Tc due to their very different orbital characters of the paired electrons.
Taken together, the known unconventional superconductor families seem to have almost exhausted their potentials in reaching the highest Tc allowed by their spin exchange interactions. As a result, room-temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure seems unlikely to arise from a single pairing mechanism within the current theoretical framework, unless one could find a way to substantially enhance the exchange interaction. Our results may not only help rule out some evidently wrong directions131,132, but also point out the necessity of exploring alternative approaches to achieve room-temperature superconductors at ambient pressure1,86,88,110,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141. It encourages the possibility of incorporating different pairing mechanisms8,142,143,144,145,146, including but not limited to magnetic, charge, orbital fluctuations, or excitons, bipolarons, etc, to improve the overall effective pairing interaction, for which FeSe films may be a good example147,148,149. Our derived ratio provides a tentative guide for future material exploration of novel high-temperature superconductors. Theoretically, by utilising J from newly developed methods150 and effective hopping t from strongly correlated calculations151, an approximate estimate of the upper limit of Tc may be predicted for the selection of promising candidates. Experimentally, estimating J from RIXS, INS, or other state-of-the-art techniques in newly discovered materials may also help identify their potential in reaching the desired Tc. Last but not least, understanding unconventional superconductivity from a real-space, strong-coupling perspective may already provide an operational and more practical avenue for material design compared to the momentum-space, weak-coupling approach.
Pairing interaction
For onsite pairing in the attractive Hubbard model, we have immediately
where ψi = di↓di↑ and J = U.
For the Hubbard model with a large Coulomb repulsion U, the pairing interaction J is given by the exchange interaction between nearest-neighbour sites. To see this, we may follow the standard derivation to first project out the double occupancy and map the Hubbard model to an effective low-energy model with the following interaction term:
where ({{boldsymbol{s}}}_{i}={sum }_{alpha ,beta }{d}_{ialpha }^{dagger }frac{{{boldsymbol{sigma }}}_{alpha beta }}{2}{d}_{ibeta }) is the spin density and ({n}_{i}={sum }_{sigma }{d}_{isigma }^{dagger }{d}_{isigma }) is the charge density.
To study the superconductivity, we introduce the spin-singlet (({psi }_{ij}^{{rm{S}}})) and spin-triplet (({{boldsymbol{psi }}}_{ij}^{{rm{T}}})) operators:
where ({psi }_{ij}^{{rm{S}}}) and ({{boldsymbol{psi }}}_{ij}^{{rm{T}}}) satisfy ({psi }_{ji}^{{rm{S}}}={psi }_{ij}^{{rm{S}}}) and ({{boldsymbol{psi }}}_{ji}^{{rm{T}}}=-{{boldsymbol{psi }}}_{ij}^{{rm{T}}}).
The above interaction can then be rewritten as:
where the spin-triplet term cancels. This is the Hamiltonian (with J = Jex) used in our simulations for the d-wave superconductivity. For cuprates, J is given by the superexchange mechanism. Note that to maximize Tc, we have included both the nearest-neighbour antiferromagnetic spin-density interaction, Jsi ⋅ sj, and the nearest-neighbour attractive charge-density interaction, −Vcninj. While only the former is included in many works, both seem to be supported by recent experiments152,153. For spin-fluctuation interaction8,81, V(q)sq ⋅ s−q, the dominant contribution has a similar form in real space. These justify our choice of the phenomenological pairing term.
Similarly, we have for interlayer pairing:
where ({{boldsymbol{s}}}_{ai}={sum }_{alpha ,beta }{d}_{aialpha }^{dagger }frac{{{boldsymbol{sigma }}}_{alpha ,beta }}{2}{d}_{ajbeta }), ({n}_{i}={sum }_{sigma }{d}_{aisigma }^{dagger }{d}_{aisigma }), and ({psi }_{12i}=frac{1}{sqrt{2}}({d}_{1idownarrow }{d}_{2iuparrow }-{d}_{1iuparrow }{d}_{2idownarrow })). Again, the pairing interaction is J = Jex.
Mutual information and vortex number
The superconducting transition temperature is always determined by the superconducting phase coherence from the phase mutual information defined as38,39:
where (p({theta }_{{boldsymbol{0}}}^{x/y}),,p({theta }_{{boldsymbol{R}}}^{x/y})) is the marginal distribution of the pairing field phase on two bonds with a distance R, and p(θ0, θR) is their joint probabilistic distribution. For onsite or interlayer pairing, ({theta }_{{boldsymbol{R}}}^{x/y}) simplifies to θR.
The vortex number is calculated using
where wi is the winding number for ({theta }_{i}to {theta }_{i+hat{x}}to {theta }_{i+hat{x}+hat{y}}to {theta }_{i+hat{y}}to {theta }_{i}) with the phase θi of ({Delta }_{i}=({Delta }_{i,i+hat{x}}+{Delta }_{i,i-hat{x}}-{Delta }_{i,i+hat{y}}-{Delta }_{i,i-hat{y}})/4) for nearest-neighbour pairing and 〈〉 denotes the statistic average over all pairing configurations. For onsite or interlayer pairing, θi is the phase of the pairing field at site i.
We find that Tc determined from the phase mutual information agrees well with that estimated from the numerical derivatives of the vortex number (frac{d{n}_{{rm{v}}}}{dT}) as well as the BKT transition temperature obtained from the superfluid stiffness154, which confirms the validity of our method in calculating Tc for these models. However, the superfluid stiffness is computationally more expensive.
Time-reversal symmetry breaking and coexisting bond charge order of the plaquette state
Figure 6a, b plots the probabilistic distributions of the phase difference δθxy along x and y directions for t/J = 0.20 and 0.15, where the plaquette state develops at low temperatures. We see two-peak structures below roughly T = 0.06 for t/J = 0.20 and T = 0.09 for t/J = 0.15, both of which coincide with T□ determined in Fig. 1a from the distribution of the pairing amplitude and other quantities. As discussed in the main text, the deviation from δθxy = π marks the time-reversal symmetry breaking. Figure 6c, d further compare the distributions of the site charge density ({n}_{i}={sum }_{sigma }langle {d}_{isigma }^{dagger }{d}_{isigma }rangle) and the bond charge density ({n}_{ij}={sum }_{sigma }langle {d}_{isigma }^{dagger }{d}_{jsigma }+{d}_{jsigma }^{dagger }{d}_{isigma }rangle) between two nearest-neighbour sites. While the former always exhibits a single peak, the latter also develops a two-peak structure below T□. These indicate a uniform charge distribution on all sites but spatial modulation of the bond charge density. We thus conclude that the plaquette state below T□ breaks simultaneously the time-reversal symmetry and the translational symmetry and coexists with a bond charge order.

a, b Probabilistic distributions of the phase difference δθxy along x and y direction for t/J = 0.20 and 0.15, respectively. c, d Comparison of the distribution of the site electron density ni and the bond charge density nij for t/J = 0.15.
Other models
To derive the Tc/J constraint, we extend the simplest one-band model to the following variations:
(1) A two-layer model with intralayer nearest-neighbour pairing and interlayer hopping:
where the subscript a = 1, 2 represents the layer index, ({psi }_{aij}=frac{1}{sqrt{2}}({d}_{aidownarrow }{d}_{ajuparrow }-{d}_{aiuparrow }{d}_{ajdownarrow })), and tp denotes the local interlayer hopping.
(2) A two-layer model with an extra conduction layer motivated by the possible importance of apex oxygens in cuprates:
where tp denotes local (i = j) or nearest-neighbour ((j=ipm hat{x}) or (ipm hat{y})) interlayer hopping.
(3) A single-layer model with onsite pairing interaction as in the attractive Hubbard model:
where ψi = di↓di↑ and J is given by the local attractive Hubbard interaction.
(4) A two-layer model with onsite pairing in one layer and an extra conduction layer:
where ψi = di↓di↑ and tp denotes local (i = j) or nearest-neighbour ((j=ipm hat{x}) or (ipm hat{y})) interlayer hopping.
(5) A two-layer model with interlayer pairing:
where ({psi }_{12i}=frac{1}{sqrt{2}}({d}_{1idownarrow }{d}_{2iuparrow }-{d}_{1iuparrow }{d}_{2idownarrow })).
Models (1) and (2) are constructed to reflect the effects of interlayer hopping and apical oxygen in cuprate superconductors. Model (2) may also be applied to the infinite-layer nickelate superconductors. Models (3) and (4) deal with onsite pairing with local attractive interaction. And model (5) is motivated by the bilayer nickelate superconductor.