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Why do travelers discontinue using integrated ride-hailing platforms? The role of perceived value and perceived risk
Despite integrated ride-hailing platforms have provided many benefits to travelers, there are also various potential risks. This study aims to examine travelers’ discontinuance behavioral intention toward integrated ride-hailing platforms. The research framework was established by extending the theory of planned behavior (TPB) with perceived value and perceived risk. Perceived value was classified into utilitarian, hedonic, and social values, while perceived risk was classified into privacy, performance, security, and financial risks. Additionally, the factors of switch cost and personal innovativeness were included. An empirical analysis was carried out using partial least-squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) based on a survey conducted in Nanjing, China. Furthermore, a multi-group analysis (MGA) was performed to examine behavioral differences across demographic variables. The findings suggest that discontinuous behavioral intention is influenced by subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and attitude. Among them, perceived behavioral control shows the strongest impact (−0.190). Perceived value, including utilitarian, hedonic, and social dimensions, negatively influences discontinuance intention, whereas the four variables of risk perception positively affect discontinuance intention. Notably, social value, performance risk, and privacy risk act higher total effects on discontinuance intention. Switch cost is negatively associated with attitude (−0.222), and positively affects discontinuance intention (0.189). Personal innovativeness has positive and stronger effects on perceived value (0.237), negative effects on perceived risk (−0.174), and negative effects on discontinuance intention. Regarding MGA results, older travelers demonstrate a stronger impact of social value on perceived value, higher-income groups exhibit greater sensitivity to security risks, and frequent travelers prioritize utilitarian value.
Emotions and individual differences shape human foraging under threat
A common behavior in natural environments is foraging for rewards. However, this is often in the presence of predators. Therefore, one of the most fundamental decisions for humans, as for other animals, is how to apportion time between reward-motivated pursuit behavior and threat-motivated checking behavior. To understand what affects how people strike this balance, we developed an ecologically inspired task and looked at both within-participant dynamics (moods) and between-participant individual differences (questionnaires about real-life behaviors) in two large internet samples (n = 374 and n = 702) in a cross-sectional design. For the within-participant dynamics, we found that people regulate task-evoked stress homeostatically by changing behavior (increasing foraging and hiding). Individual differences, even in superficially related traits (apathy–anhedonia and anxiety–compulsive checking) reliably mapped onto unique behaviors. Worse task performance, due to maladaptive checking, was linked to gender (women checked excessively) and specific anxiety-related traits: somatic anxiety (reduced self-reported checking due to worry) and compulsivity (self-reported disorganized checking). While anhedonia decreased self-reported task engagement, apathy, strikingly, improved overall task performance by reducing excessive checking. In summary, we provide a multifaceted paradigm for assessment of checking for threat in a naturalistic task that is sensitive to both moods as they change throughout the task and clinical dimensions. Thus, it could serve as an objective measurement tool for future clinical studies interested in threat, vigilance or behavior–emotion interactions in contexts requiring both reward seeking and threat avoidance.
Determinants of consumer intention to use autonomous delivery vehicles: based on the planned behavior theory and normative activation model
Autonomous delivery vehicles (ADVs) that provide contactless services have attracted much academic and practical attention in China in recent years. Despite this, there is a lack of in-depth research on what motivates customers to embrace ADVs. The study integrates the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and normative activation model (NAM) and explores how environmental factors, situational factors, and individual factors affect original TPB constructs and ultimately consumers’ intention to use ADVs. Structural equation modeling was performed on survey data of 561 Chinese consumers through an online sampling platform. The results show that among the factors affecting consumer intention, word-of-mouth recommendations have the greatest impact, followed by perceived enjoyment, COVID-19 risk, ascription of responsibility, subjective norm, attitude, and perceived behavioral control. The results not only make important theoretical contributions to the technology acceptance fields but also provide helpful references to logistics enterprises, ADVs technology providers, and policymakers.
Grit and academic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
Grit, a non-cognitive skill that indicates perseverance and passion for long-term goals, has been shown to predict academic achievement. This paper provides evidence that grit also predicts student outcomes during the challenging period of the Covid-19 pandemic. We use a unique dataset from a digital learning platform in the United Arab Emirates to construct a behavioral measure of grit. We find that controlling for baseline achievement, students who were grittier according to this measure before the pandemic, register lower declines in math and science scores during the coronavirus period. Using machine learning, behavioral data obtained from the platform prior to the pandemic can explain 77% of the variance in academic resilience. A survey measure of grit coming from the same students, on the other hand, does not have significant predictive power over performance changes. Our findings have implications for interventions on non-cognitive skills, as well as how data from digital learning platforms can be used to predict student behavior and outcomes, which we expect will be increasingly relevant as AI-based learning technologies become more common.
Historical loss weakens competitive behavior by remodeling ventral hippocampal dynamics
Competitive interactions are pervasive within biological populations, where individuals engage in fierce disputes over vital resources for survival. Before the establishment of a social hierarchy within the population, this competition becomes even more intense. Historical experiences of competition significantly influence the competitive performance; individuals with a history of persistent loss are less likely to initiate attacks or win escalated contests. However, it remains unclear how historical loss directly affects the evolution of mental processes during competition and alters responses to ongoing competitive events. Here, we utilized a naturalistic food competition paradigm to track the competitive patterns of mutually unfamiliar competitors and found that a history of loss leads to reduced competitive performance. By tracking the activity of ventral hippocampal neuron ensembles, we identified clusters of neurons that responded differently to behavioral events during the competition, with their reactivity modulated by previous losses. Using a Recurrent Switch Linear Dynamical System (rSLDS), we revealed rotational dynamics in the ventral hippocampus (vHPC) during food competition, where different discrete internal states corresponded to different behavioral strategies. Moreover, historical loss modulates competitive behavior by remodeling the characteristic attributes of this rotational dynamic system. Finally, we found that an evolutionarily conserved glutamate receptor-associated protein, glutamate receptor-associated protein 1 (Grina), plays an important role in this process. By continuously monitoring the association between the attributes of the dynamic system and competitiveness, we found that restoring Grina expression effectively reversed the impact of historical loss on competitive performance. Together, our study reveals the rotational dynamics in the ventral hippocampus during competition and elucidates the underlying mechanisms through which historical loss shapes these processes.