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Oncogenic and microenvironmental signals drive cell type specific apoptosis resistance in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is caused by constitutively activated RAS signaling and characterized by increased proliferation and predominant myelomonocytic differentiation of hematopoietic cells. Using MxCre;Ptpn11D61Y/+ mice, which model human JMML, we show that RAS pathway activation affects apoptosis signaling through cell type-dependent regulation of BCL-2 family members. Apoptosis resistance observed in monocytes and granulocytes was mediated by overexpression of the anti-apoptotic and down-regulation of the pro-apoptotic members of the BCL-2 family. Two anti-apoptotic proteins, BCL-XL and MCL-1, were directly regulated by the oncogenic RAS signaling but, in addition, were influenced by microenvironmental signals. While BCL-XL and BCL-2 were required for the survival of monocytes, MCL-1 was essential for neutrophils. Interestingly, stem and progenitor cells expressing the oncogenic PTPN11 mutant showed no increased apoptosis resistance. BCL-XL inhibition was the most effective in killing myeloid cells in vitro but was insufficient to completely resolve myeloproliferation in vivo.
Targeting LMO2-induced autocrine FLT3 signaling to overcome chemoresistance in early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Early T-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ETP-ALL) is an immature subtype of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) commonly show deregulation of the LMO2-LYL1 stem cell transcription factors, activating mutations of cytokine receptor signaling, and poor early response to intensive chemotherapy. Previously, studies of the Lmo2 transgenic mouse model of ETP-ALL identified a population of stem-like T-cell progenitors with long-term self-renewal capacity and intrinsic chemotherapy resistance linked to cellular quiescence. Here, analyses of Lmo2 transgenic mice, patient-derived xenografts, and single-cell RNA-sequencing data from primary ETP-ALL identified a rare subpopulation of leukemic stem cells expressing high levels of the cytokine receptor FLT3. Despite a highly proliferative state, these FLT3-overexpressing cells had long-term self-renewal capacity and almost complete resistance to chemotherapy. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing demonstrated FLT3 and its ligand may be direct targets of the LMO2 stem-cell complex. Media conditioned by Lmo2 transgenic thymocytes revealed an autocrine FLT3-dependent signaling loop that could be targeted by the FLT3 inhibitor gilteritinib. Consequently, gilteritinib impaired in vivo growth of ETP-ALL and improved the sensitivity to chemotherapy. Furthermore, gilteritinib enhanced response to the BCL2 inhibitor venetoclax, which may enable “chemo-free” treatment of ETP-ALL. Together, these data provide a cellular and molecular explanation for enhanced cytokine signaling in LMO2-driven ETP-ALL beyond activating mutations and a rationale for clinical trials of FLT3 inhibitors in ETP-ALL.
Discoveries from human stem cell research in space that are relevant to advancing cellular therapies on Earth
Stem cell research performed in space has provided fundamental insights into stem cell properties and behavior in microgravity including cell proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration capabilities. However, there is broader scientific value to this research including potential translation of stem cell research in space to clinical applications. Here, we present important discoveries from different studies performed in space demonstrating the potential use of human stem cells as well as the limitations in cellular therapeutics. A full understanding of the effects of microgravity in space on potentially supporting the expansion and/or enhancement of stem cell function is required to translate the findings into clinics.
A latent Axin2+/Scx+ progenitor pool is the central organizer of tendon healing
A tendon’s ordered extracellular matrix (ECM) is essential for transmitting force but is also highly prone to injury. How tendon cells embedded within and surrounding this dense ECM orchestrate healing is not well understood. Here, we identify a specialized quiescent Scx+/Axin2+ population in mouse and human tendons that initiates healing and is a major functional contributor to repair. Axin2+ cells express stem cell markers, expand in vitro, and have multilineage differentiation potential. Following tendon injury, Axin2+-descendants infiltrate the injury site, proliferate, and differentiate into tenocytes. Transplantation assays of Axin2-labeled cells into injured tendons reveal their dual capacity to significantly proliferate and differentiate yet retain their Axin2+ identity. Specific loss of Wnt secretion in Axin2+ or Scx+ cells disrupts their ability to respond to injury, severely compromising healing. Our work highlights an unusual paradigm, wherein specialized Axin2+/Scx+ cells rely on self-regulation to maintain their identity as key organizers of tissue healing.
Simulated microgravity impairs human NK cell cytotoxic activity against space radiation-relevant leukemic cells
Natural killer (NK) cells are an important first-line of defense against malignant cells. Because of the potential for increased cancer risk from astronaut exposure to space radiation, we determined whether microgravity present during spaceflight affects the body’s defenses against leukemogenesis. Human NK cells were cultured for 48 h under normal gravity and simulated microgravity (sμG), and cytotoxicity against K-562 (CML) and MOLT-4 (T-ALL) cells was measured using standard methodology or under continuous sμG. This brief exposure to sμG markedly reduced NK cytotoxicity against both leukemias, and these deleterious effects were more pronounced in continuous sμG. RNA-seq performed on NK cells from two additional healthy donors provided insight into the mechanism(s) by which sμG reduced cytotoxicity. Given our prior report of space radiation-induced human T-ALL in vivo, the reduced cytotoxicity against MOLT-4 is striking and raises the possibility that μG may increase astronaut risk of leukemogenesis during prolonged missions beyond LEO.