PDGFRA is a conserved HAND2 effector during early cardiac development


In all vertebrates, cardiac precursors emerge and differentiate in the anterior lateral plate mesoderm (LPM)1,2,3. During this time, bilateral populations of myocardial precursors move toward the midline where they fuse and form a cardiac crescent or disc that elongates to form the embryonic heart tube1. The genetic and molecular regulation of these developmental processes is complex. Mutations in several genes encoding transcription factors involved in early cardiogenesis (including GATA-binding protein 4 (GATA4), GATA5, GATA6, NK2 homeobox 5 (NKX2.5), heart- and neural crest derivatives expressed 1 (HAND1) and HAND2) result in diverse types of congenital heart defects4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Therefore, investigating the biological processes and mechanisms that govern vertebrate heart development will enhance our understanding of human cardiac malformations and diseases.

The basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factor HAND2 is expressed in the LPM of zebrafish12,13,14, frog12, chick15 and mouse embryos15 and has multiple critical roles during cardiac development. In mammals, there are two HAND proteins: HAND1 and HAND2; they function as homodimers or heterodimers, binding to consensus E-box (CANNTG) or D-box (CGNNTG) motifs within the regulatory regions of target genes to control their expression16,17. Hand1 and Hand2 exhibit partially overlapping expression patterns in the developing mouse heart18,19,20. While Hand2 mutants display right ventricular hypoplasia and vascular malformations21,22, Hand1 global loss-of-function mutants die by embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) owing to defects in extraembryonic tissue and heart morphogenesis, with the latter defects arising from impaired heart tube formation23,24. Previous genetic studies have shown that a DNA-binding-defective mutant of HAND2 is as effective as the wild-type (WT) protein for early mouse heart development25; however, loss- and gain-of-function studies in the mouse limb have revealed the requirement for the DNA-binding domain of HAND2 in that tissue25,26. These and other findings25,26,27 suggest that HAND2 regulates tissue growth and development through DNA-binding-dependent and -independent mechanisms.

Studies in zebrafish can provide additional clues regarding the function of HAND during cardiac development. In some teleosts, including zebrafish, only a single hand gene, hand2, has been reported14, which has helped investigate Hand function; however, other teleosts (for example, medaka) have two hand genes: hand1 and hand2 (ref. 28). Zebrafish hand2 mutants display cardia bifida, a phenotype whereby the bilateral populations of myocardial precursors fail to fuse in the midline14. In addition, zebrafish hand2 mutants exhibit myocardial differentiation defects14,29. These mouse and zebrafish studies raise questions about the precise mechanism of action of HAND proteins and the identity of the HAND2 effector genes that drive cardiac morphogenesis. Here, we generated dimerization-deficient and DNA-binding-deficient mutant alleles of hand2 in zebrafish. We found that, as in mice, the DNA-binding domain of Hand2 is dispensable during early cardiogenesis in zebrafish, but that its dimerization domain is required. Transcriptomic studies followed by an in vivo phenotypic rescue assay identified pdgfra as an effector of Hand2 during early cardiogenesis in zebrafish. We further found that HAND2 regulates Pdgfra expression in cardiac precursors in mice and in mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC)-derived cardiac cells. Altogether, these results indicate that Pdgfra is a conserved effector of HAND2 during early cardiogenesis.


The DNA-binding domain of Hand2 is not required for early zebrafish cardiogenesis

Previous studies have shown that, in some contexts, HAND2 can function independently of direct DNA binding. For example, mice in which the Hand2 gene was replaced with a DNA-binding-deficient variant exhibited relatively normal hearts at E11.5 (ref. 25), in contrast with the severe ventricular hypoplasia observed in Hand2 mutants at E10.5 (ref. 22). It is hypothesized that the DNA-binding-deficient variant of HAND2 can influence transcription through dimerization with other bHLH factors such as HAND1, as well as through interactions with large protein complexes15,16,30,31,32,33,34,35. In support of this hypothesis, another study has shown that overexpression of hand2 in early zebrafish embryos enhances cardiomyocyte production and that this activity is dependent on the Hand2 dimerization domain but not its DNA-binding domain27. We first investigated the evolutionary history of HAND1 with a particular focus on its fate in some fish, amphibian, reptile and mammalian species. Phylogenetic profiling revealed that Danio rerio (zebrafish) does not have an annotated hand1 gene (Extended Data Fig. 1a). To increase the resolution of this comparative analysis further, we investigated the gene neighborhood around HAND1 across vertebrates and found that the neighboring genes are all present in zebrafish (Extended Data Fig. 1b). We also examined the gene neighborhood around HAND2 across vertebrates and found that it is conserved (Extended Data Fig. 1b). Together, these data indicate that zebrafish, unlike some other teleosts, have only one hand gene, which corresponds to hand2. In this context, we wanted to test whether the role of Hand2 during early cardiac development in zebrafish was dependent on its DNA-binding and/or dimerization domains, which are easily identified as the HAND2 bHLH domain is highly conserved (Extended Data Fig. 2a). To this end, we first generated a hand2 full-locus deletion allele (hand2 FLDbns539) (that is, a null allele), a hand2 DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains-deficient allele (hand2 Δ27bns540) and a hand2 dimerization domain-deficient allele (hand2 Δ3bns603) (Fig. 1a). The hand2 FLD allele has a 1,411-base-pair (bp) deletion that spans the entire hand2 locus (Extended Data Fig. 2b). To generate an allele deficient in the DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains and an allele deficient in the dimerization domain, we used guide RNAs (gRNAs) around these regions, resulting in a 27-bp deletion and a 3-bp deletion, respectively (Extended Data Fig. 2b). The mutation in the DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains led to a nine-amino-acid deletion in the highly conserved DNA-binding and phosphorylation region (Fig. 1b); the dimerization mutation led to the deletion of a phenylalanine (Fig. 1b) that has been shown to be necessary for dimerization26.

Fig. 1: The DNA-binding domain of Hand2 is not required for early zebrafish cardiogenesis.
figure 1

a, Schematic of the hand2 locus and hand2 mutants. A hand2 FLD allele was generated by targeting the 5′ and 3′ UTR sequences of hand2 (gRNA#1, gRNA#2), resulting in a deletion of 1,411 bp. A hand2 DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains-deficient allele was generated using one gRNA (gRNA#3) around the sequence encoding the DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains of Hand2, resulting in a 27-bp deletion. A hand2 dimerization domain-deficient allele was generated using one gRNA (gRNA#4) around the sequence encoding the dimerization domain of Hand2, resulting in a 3-bp deletion. b, Amino acid sequence alignment of Hand2, Hand2 Δ27 and Hand2 Δ3 generated through Clustal Omega. The three arginines in red and the threonine and serine in blue were deleted in the DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains-deficient form of Hand2 (Hand2 Δ27); the phenylalanine in green was deleted in the dimerization domain-deficient form of Hand2 (Hand2 Δ3). c, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20- and 24-hpf hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. d, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 22- and 24-hpf hand2 Δ27+/+ and hand2 Δ27−/− sibling embryos. e, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20- and 24-hpf hand2 Δ3+/+ and hand2 Δ3−/− sibling embryos. The proportion of embryos matching the image shown is indicated in the top right corner of each image. The scale bars apply to all images.

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Consistent with previous reports on zebrafish hand2 mutants14,36,37, hand2 FLD−/− embryos displayed the characteristic cardia bifida phenotype (Fig. 1c) as well as pectoral fin defects (Extended Data Fig. 2c). In contrast, cardiac development proceeded normally in hand2 Δ27−/− embryos, although with a slight delay (Fig. 1d), and mild defects in pectoral fin formation were observed (Extended Data Fig. 2c). However, hand2 Δ3−/− embryos display the null phenotype (Fig. 1e). hand2 Δ27/Δ3 transheterozygous embryos display a more pronounced pericardial edema and more severe pectoral fin defects than hand2 Δ27−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 2c). Genotyping of phenotypically WT, 10 dpf (days after fertilization) larvae from hand2 Δ27+/− intercrosses revealed 31 hand2 Δ27−/− offspring among 151 examined; however, we did not find hand2 Δ27−/− offspring at 15 dpf or 4 months of age, indicating that the DNA-binding domain of Hand2, while not needed for embryonic or early larval development, is required for survival past the midlarval stages. Altogether, these results indicate that Hand2 dimerization, but not its DNA-binding capability, is required for early cardiac development.

To investigate the reason for the differences between the hand2 Δ27 and Δ3 mutant phenotypes at a molecular level, we first examined hand2 mRNA and pre-mRNA levels at 12 hpf (hours after fertilization). qPCR analysis showed that hand2 Δ27−/− and Δ3−/− embryos exhibit increased hand2 expression at 12 hpf, the time of initial hand2 expression (Extended Data Fig. 3a,b), suggesting that the early embryonic phenotypes in hand2 Δ3 mutants are not due to reduced hand2 mRNA or pre-mRNA levels. We also examined the stability of Hand2 Δ27 and Δ3 by western blot analysis of proteins exogenously expressed in zebrafish embryos and found that they were both less stable than the WT (Extended Data Fig. 3c). Thus, while both the Δ27 and Δ3 deletions affect Hand2 protein stability, only the Δ3 deletion leads to an early cardiac phenotype, indicating that protein instability is not the main reason for the phenotypic differences between the hand2 Δ27 and Δ3 mutants. To examine further the function of Hand2 Δ27 and Δ3 proteins and test whether they may function as dominant negatives, we overexpressed them in WT embryos; however, we found that they did not cause cardia bifida (Extended Data Fig. 3d), consistent with the fact that we did not observe obvious cardiac phenotypes in hand2 Δ27+/− or Δ3+/− embryos.

Cardiac fusion requires the dimerization domain of Hand2

The gene hand2 is broadly expressed within the LPM14, which gives rise to various cell lineages and tissues, including the cardiovascular system, blood, mesothelium and limb connective tissue38. Additionally, at later developmental stages, hand2 reporter-expressing cells can be detected in the heart, as well as in endoderm-derived organs such as the liver and pancreas13. To investigate further the requirement for Hand2 in the early events of cardiac lineage specification in zebrafish, we next characterized the hand2-expressing early cardiac precursors. The myosin light chain 7 gene (myl7) is one of the earliest markers of the myocardial lineage and is expressed in the anterior LPM by the 13-somite stage (15 hpf) and subsequently in differentiated cardiomyocytes in both chambers39,40. We isolated cardiomyocytes from 24 hpf Tg(myl7:EGFP) embryos using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and performed bulk ATAC–seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin followed by sequencing) and H3K27ac ChIP–seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing) on them (Extended Data Fig. 4a). We integrated these ATAC–seq and H3K27ac ChIP–seq data to perform a cardiomyocyte footprinting analysis41 and identified 22 enriched open chromatin regions upstream of the hand2 transcription start site in myl7 reporter-expressing cells (Extended Data Fig. 4b) that contained transcription factor-binding motifs. To identify a hand2 enhancer that can drive EGFP expression in cardiac precursors, we cloned each of these 22 open chromatin regions to generate independent hand2 enhancer:EGFP plasmids, injected each of them into one-cell-stage embryos, and examined the expression pattern of EGFP at 24 and 48 hpf. Notably, we observed a specific EGFP signal in the cardiomyocytes of a majority (33 of 65) of the injected embryos only when testing a particular 752-bp enhancer (hand2 eh22), whereas the other potential enhancers (for example, hand2 eh2 and eh16) drove EGFP expression in the cardiomyocytes of a minority (2 of 57 and 3 of 63, respectively) of the injected embryos (Extended Data Fig. 4b,c′). This hand2 eh22 enhancer-driven EGFP expression is much more specific for cardiomyocytes than the broad expression observed in the TgBAC(hand2:EGFP)pd24 line, which recapitulates endogenous hand2 expression in multiple tissues13.

To determine whether the hand2 eh22 enhancer could be used to label early cardiac precursors, we generated a Tg(hand2 eh22:EGFP)bns623 line. Owing to the lag time between EGFP transcription and EGFP protein accumulation, we performed in situ hybridization using an EGFP probe to detect enhancer activity at early developmental stages (that is, 12, 14, 16 and 24 hpf). We observed EGFP mRNA expression as early as 12 hpf (Extended Data Fig. 4d), which coincides with the start of expression of endogenous hand2. Notably, the hand2 eh22 enhancer-driven EGFP expression appeared earlier than myl7 expression (Extended Data Fig. 4d). To elucidate further the functional properties of this enhancer, we generated a line that expresses hand2 under the myl7 promoter, Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP)bns610, and another line that expresses hand2 under the hand2 eh22 enhancer, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-EGFP)bns665. Interestingly, there was only a partial rescue of myocardial migration in some (8 of 17) Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos at 20 hpf (Fig. 2a) and no rescue in the other 9 embryos; however, overexpression of hand2 under the hand2 eh22 enhancer led to a complete rescue of the cardia bifida phenotype in hand2 FLD−/− animals, as well as a looped and beating heart at 48 hpf (Fig. 2b).

Fig. 2: Cardiac fusion requires the dimerization domain of Hand2.
figure 2

a, Maximum intensity projections of confocal images of Tg(myl7:EGFP) expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos, as well as Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP) expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos (of the 17 Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos, 9 displayed no rescue of myocardial migration and 8 displayed partial rescue). b, Maximum intensity projections of confocal images of Tg(myl7:mCherry-CAAX) expression in 48 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos, as well as Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-EGFP) expression in 48 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. c, Partial amino acid sequence alignment of Hand2, Hand2 EDE, Hand2 P and Hand2 AA. EDE: DNA-binding-deficient form of Hand2 (RRR to EDE); P: dimerization-deficient form of Hand2 (F to P); AA: phosphorylation-deficient form of Hand2 (TS to AA). d, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. e, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. f, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos (of the 16 Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos, 14 displayed no rescue of myocardial migration and 2 displayed WT hand2-like rescue). g, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos (of the 15 Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos, 9 displayed no rescue of myocardial migration and 6 displayed WT hand2-like rescue). All embryos are shown in dorsal views, anterior to the top. The proportion of embryos matching the image shown is indicated in the top right corner of each image. The scale bars apply to all images.

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To test further whether cardiac fusion requires the DNA-binding or dimerization domain of Hand2, we evaluated whether previously characterized DNA-binding-deficient or dimerization-deficient variants of Hand2 could fully rescue the cardia bifida phenotype in hand2 mutants. Replacement of three arginines (residues 109–111) within the bHLH domain of mouse HAND2 with the acidic residues aspartic acid and glutamic acid (EDE) has been shown to abolish DNA binding25,26. The HAND2 bHLH domain including these three arginine residues is highly conserved (Extended Data Fig. 2a)27. In addition, the replacement of a phenylalanine (residue 119) with a proline in mouse HAND2 has been shown to disrupt its dimerization26. This highly conserved amino acid is also present in zebrafish Hand2 (Extended Data Fig. 2a)27. Previous data obtained from overexpressing these variants in zebrafish embryos indicated that cardiomyocyte production is dependent on the dimerization domain of Hand2 but not on its DNA-binding domain27. Therefore, we first integrated these Hand2 variants (Hand2 EDE and Hand2 P; Fig. 2c) into the hand2 eh22:EGFP plasmid, injected them into hand2 FLD−/− embryos at the one-cell stage and examined cardiac morphology at 48 hpf. Consistent with our mutant zebrafish analysis (Fig. 1d,e), expressing the DNA-binding-deficient form of Hand2 (Hand2 EDE) in hand2-expressing cardiac cells rescued the cardia bifida phenotype in hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 5a,a′). However, expressing the dimerization-deficient version of Hand2 (Hand2 P) in hand2-expressing cells did not rescue the cardia bifida phenotype in hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 5a,a′). Previous reports have also shown that phosphorylation of the evolutionarily conserved threonine and serine residues in the first helix of HAND2 (Extended Data Fig. 2a) is important for protein–protein interactions42,43. To determine whether Hand2 phosphorylation is required during early heart development, we also integrated this Hand2 variant (Hand2 AA; Fig. 2c) into the hand2 eh22:EGFP plasmid, injected it into hand2 FLD−/− embryos at the one-cell stage and examined cardiac morphology at 48 hpf. Interestingly, we observed the rescue of the cardia bifida phenotype in most (five of seven) of the injected hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 5a,a′). To investigate further the function of these Hand2 variants, we generated stable lines (Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP)bns716, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP)bns717 and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP)bns718) and used them to conduct rescue experiments after confirming that they did not cause a phenotype in WT animals (Extended Data Fig. 5b). In line with previous data25,27, we found that the dimerization domain of Hand2, but not its DNA-binding domain, was required to rescue early cardiogenesis in hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Fig. 2d–f and Extended Data Fig. 5c,c′). We also observed that the phosphorylation domain of Hand2 was important to rescue early cardiogenesis, although not as important as the dimerization domain (Fig. 2g and Extended Data Fig. 5c,c′). To evaluate hand2 expression levels in the hand2 eh22-driven hand2 variant-overexpressing cells, we sorted EGFP+ cells from 20 hpf Tg(hand2 eh22:EGFP), Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-EGFP), Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP), Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP) and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP) embryos and performed qPCR. We found significant upregulation of hand2 expression in 20 hpf hand2 variant-overexpressing cardiac cells compared with Tg(hand2 eh22:EGFP)+ cardiac cells (Extended Data Fig. 5d). We then examined the stability of Hand2 EDE, Hand2 P and Hand2 AA by western blot analysis of exogenously expressed FLAG-tagged proteins in 14 and 4 hpf zebrafish embryos. We found that Hand2 EDE was as stable as the WT; Hand2 P and Hand2 AA were both less stable than the WT; and Hand2 AA was less stable than Hand2 P (Extended Data Fig. 5e,f). We also used AlphaFold244 to model the structure of Hand2, Hand2 Δ27, Hand2 Δ3, Hand2 EDE, Hand2 P and Hand2 AA. We did not observe any obvious differences besides the shortening of the first helix in Hand2 Δ27 (Extended Data Fig. 5g). Altogether, these protein stability and rescue data for Hand2 P (more stable and no rescue) and Hand2 AA (less stable and some rescue) indicate that protein stability, while affected, is not the main reason for the inability of Hand2 P to rescue. In summary, the mutant and rescue data indicate that the dimerization of Hand2, but not its DNA-binding capability, is necessary for early cardiogenesis in zebrafish.

scRNA-seq analysis of hand2 reporter-expressing cells in WT and hand2 mutant embryos

Hand2 in zebrafish is necessary for the migration of cardiac precursors; it is also important for the differentiation, patterning and morphogenesis of cardiomyocytes36. However, the fate of hand2 reporter-expressing cells in hand2 FLD−/− embryos is unclear; these cells could undergo apoptosis, differentiate into other lineages or arrest in their undifferentiated state. To distinguish between these possibilities, we used the TgBAC(hand2:EGFP)pd24 hand2 reporter line in combination with the hand2 FLD allele to perform in vivo lineage tracing of hand2-expressing cells. We observed that hand2 reporter-expressing cells failed to migrate to the midline in hand2 FLD−/− embryos; conversely, in hand2 FLD+/+ sibling embryos, these cells contributed to the myocardium and endocardium (Supplementary Videos 1 and 2). Subsequent immunostaining for EGFP at 20 hpf confirmed the failure of hand2 reporter-expressing cardiac cells to migrate to the midline (Fig. 3a). To investigate the underlying molecular changes, we sequenced the transcriptomes of 3,900 and 3,836 individual hand2 reporter-expressing cells from 24 hpf hand2 FLD−/− and hand2 FLD+/? sibling embryos, respectively (Fig. 3b). To define and delineate the various clusters, we iteratively fine-tuned the UMAP (uniform manifold approximation and projection) embedding parameters, focusing on the ‘spread’, which defines the dispersion of data points, and ‘minimum distance’, which specifies the closest proximity of any two points in the embedded space. We calibrated the spread within a 1.0–2.0 range and the minimum distance between 0.1 and 1.0; a resolution of seven clusters provided the optimal representation of these transcriptomic data (Fig. 3c). These clusters were subsequently annotated based on the top 7 cluster-specific marker gene expression and prior single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from similar embryonic stages (Fig. 3d); a list of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in each cell cluster can be found in Supplementary Table 2. To determine whether there were changes in the proportion of the different cell types within hand2 reporter-expressing cells in hand2 FLD−/− and hand2 FLD+/? sibling embryos, we used Scanpro’s bootstrapping method45 and observed a reduction in hand2 FLD−/− embryos in the contribution of hand2 reporter-expressing cells to the high myl7-expressing cardiomyocytes (cluster 6) (Fig. 3e). This cluster comprised <5% of the total number of cells in hand2 FLD−/− embryos, which could explain the failure to identify the reduction as significant when sampling it in five simulated replicates. Nevertheless, this observation is in line with previous findings14,29. Interestingly, the contribution of hand2 reporter-expressing cells to the cardiac precursors (cluster 3) and endothelium/endocardium (cluster 5) was significantly expanded in hand2 FLD−/− compared with hand2 FLD+/? sibling embryos (Fig. 3e). Together, these results indicate that Hand2 has a critical role in driving the differentiation of cardiac precursors into cardiomyocytes. To investigate the potential significance of the increased proportion of the endothelial/endocardial cluster in the hand2 reporter-expressing cell population in hand2 mutants, we deleted endothelial/endocardial cells using a cloche/npas4l mutation46,47,48. Interestingly, we observed a rescue of the cardia bifida phenotype in hand2 FLD−/−; npas4l−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 6a). In addition, we observed that fn1a expression was upregulated in the cardiac region (Extended Data Fig. 6b) as well as in endothelial cells (Extended Data Fig. 6c) of 20 hpf hand2 FLD−/− embryos. These results are in line with a previous report showing that fn1a expression in the anterior LPM region at 17–20 hpf is largely restricted to the endocardial progenitors in WT embryos49, as well as with the observed increase in the proportion of the endothelial/endocardial cluster in the hand2 reporter-expressing cell population in hand2 mutants (Fig. 3e). Incidentally, this earlier study49 also showed the absence of midline fn1a expression in 17 hpf npas4l mutants, similar to our observation (Extended Data Fig. 6b). We further observed a decrease in fn1a mRNA levels in hand2 FLD−/−; npas4l−/− embryos at 20 hpf compared with single-mutant siblings (Extended Data Fig. 6b). Notably, the reduction of fn1a expression in hand2−/−; nat/fn1a+/− embryos also rescues the cardia bifida phenotype37. Altogether, these data suggest that the increased proportion of the endothelial/endocardial cluster in the hand2 reporter-expressing cell population in hand2 mutants leads to an increase in fn1a expression, which is responsible, at least in part, for the cardiomyocyte migration defect.

Fig. 3: scRNA-seq analysis of hand2 reporter-expressing cells in WT and hand2 mutant embryos.
figure 3

a, Maximum intensity projections of confocal images of 20 hpf TgBAC(hand2:EGFP) expression in hand2 FLD+/+ and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. The proportion of embryos matching the image shown is indicated in the top right corner of each image. The scale bar applies to all images. b, Schematic of the experimental protocol; the transcriptomes of 3,900 and 3,836 individual hand2 reporter-expressing cells from 24 hpf hand2 FLD−/− and hand2 FLD+/? sibling embryos, respectively, were sequenced. c, Left, UMAP representation of the cells from hand2 FLD−/− (blue) and hand2 FLD+/? (pink) sibling embryos. Right, UMAP of the data clustered by the Leiden algorithm. d, Heat map of the top 7 DEGs in each cell cluster. A list of the DEGs in each cell cluster can be found in Supplementary Table 2. e, Proportional contribution of cardiac precursors, cardiomyocytes and endothelial/endocardial cells in 24 hpf hand2 FLD+/? and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos generated by Scanpro’s bootstrapping method. Panel b created with BioRender.com.

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Hand2 regulates pdgfra expression to mediate cardiac fusion

To gain mechanistic insight into how Hand2 regulates cardiac fusion, we performed transcriptomic analysis of myocardial cells from hand2 FLD−/− and hand2 FLD+/? sibling embryos at 20 hpf (Fig. 4a), a stage when the cardiomyocyte migration defect first becomes apparent (Extended Data Fig. 7a). As Hand2 acts primarily as a transcriptional activator50, we prioritized the genes downregulated in hand2 FLD−/− cardiomyocytes compared with hand2 FLD+/? sibling cardiomyocytes (Extended Data Fig. 7b). For the gene ontology analysis, we focused on the top 50 downregulated genes (Extended Data Fig. 7c) and identified pdgfra as having significantly decreased read count in hand2 FLD−/− cardiomyocytes compared with hand2 FLD+/? sibling cardiomyocytes (Fig. 4a, right). Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFRα) is a tyrosine kinase receptor conserved in vertebrates. Previous studies have shown that PDGFRα is important for the migration of a number of cell types, including cardiac cells, in mice51 and zebrafish51,52. Interestingly, in zebrafish, pdgfra expression in the anterior LPM colocalizes with hand2 expression51. However, the relationship between hand2 and pdgfra remains poorly understood. To investigate this relationship further, we first examined the coexpression of hand2 and pdgfra using a large zebrafish scRNA-seq dataset from Zebrahub53, covering a developmental time course from the end of gastrulation to 10 dpf. By analyzing the mesoderm and LPM cells at 10, 12, 14, 16, 19 and 24 hpf, we observed a significant correlation between hand2 and pdgfra expression, with their coexpression increasing from 12 to 16 hpf (Extended Data Fig. 7d). This observation is consistent with previous studies showing that pdgfra is expressed in the anterior LPM, where hand2 is also expressed (Extended Data Fig. 7e)51. Consistent with these data, we found that pdgfra was mainly expressed in the cardiac precursors (cluster 3) within the hand2 reporter-expressing scRNA-seq dataset of WT embryos but not in hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 7f,f′). We also analyzed pdgfra mRNA levels in hand2 DNA-binding and phosphorylation domain mutants by qPCR (Extended Data Fig. 7g) and found no significant differences compared with WT siblings. To investigate this observation further, we performed in situ hybridization for pdgfra expression and observed its downregulation in the anterior LPM region of hand2 s6−/− embryos compared with their WT siblings at 16 hpf (Fig. 4b). To test further whether Hand2 positively regulates pdgfra in cardiomyocytes, we performed transcriptomic analyses of cardiomyocytes from 20 hpf hand2-overexpressing (hand2 OE; that is, Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP)) and WT sibling embryos and found significantly upregulated pdgfra expression (Fig. 4c). Moreover, gene ontology analysis revealed that the PDGF signaling pathway was enriched upon overexpression of hand2 in the myocardium (Extended Data Fig. 8a). Altogether, these results indicate that Hand2 positively regulates pdgfra expression levels in zebrafish cardiomyocytes.

Fig. 4: Hand2 regulates pdgfra expression to promote cardiac fusion.
figure 4

a, Left, transcriptomic analysis was performed using RNA extracted from sorted Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ cells from 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/? and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. Right, normalized read count for pdgfra in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/? and hand2 FLD−/− sibling Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ cells; error bars are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 3 biologically independent samples. b, In situ hybridization showing pdgfra expression in the anterior LPM (arrows) of 16 hpf hand2 s6+/? and hand2 s6−/− sibling embryos. c, Normalized read count for pdgfra in 20 hpf hand2 OE and WT sibling Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ cardiomyocytes; error bars are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 3 biologically independent samples. d, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 24 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. e, In situ hybridization showing myl7 expression in 24 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos. f, Left, Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ cells in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos (of the 14 Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos, 10 displayed a comparable number of myl7:EGFP+ cells as hand2 FLD−/− embryos and 4 displayed a few more myl7:EGFP+ cells). Right, quantification of cardiomyocyte numbers in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ (n = 14), hand2 FLD−/− (n = 16), Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD+/+ (n = 16) and Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− (n = 14) sibling embryos; error bars are mean ± s.e.m. g, Left, Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ cells in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+, hand2 FLD−/− and Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos (of the 23 Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos, 20 displayed a comparable number of myl7:EGFP+ cells as hand2 FLD−/− embryos and 3 displayed a few more myl7:EGFP+ cells). Right, quantification of cardiomyocyte numbers in 20 hpf hand2 FLD+/+ (n = 15), hand2 FLD−/− (n = 23), Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD+/+ (n = 23) and Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− (n = 23) sibling embryos; error bars are mean ± s.e.m. P values were calculated using an unpaired Student’s t test (a (right), c) or a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) multiple-comparison test (f (right), g (right)). All embryos are shown in dorsal views, anterior to the top. The proportion of embryos matching the image shown is indicated in the top right corner of each image. The scale bars apply to all images. FDR, false discovery rate; FC, fold change; CMs, cardiomyocytes; NS, not significant (P > 0.05).

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To identify functional effectors of Hand2, the full coding sequences of the eight genes that were most downregulated in hand2 FLD−/− cardiomyocytes (Extended Data Fig. 7b) and upregulated in hand2 OE cardiomyocytes (Extended Data Fig. 8b) were integrated into plasmids behind a myl7 promoter. We injected these plasmids into hand2 FLD−/− embryos at the one-cell stage and examined cardiomyocyte migration. We found that myocardial expression of pdgfra uniquely led to a consistent rescue of myocardial migration in all injected hand2 FLD−/− embryos (Extended Data Fig. 8c,c′). To investigate further the relationship between Hand2 function and pdgfra expression, we generated the Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP)bns666 and Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP)bns662 lines to assess whether overexpression of pdgfra in cardiac precursors and/or myocardial cells could rescue the hand2 FLD−/− phenotype. Notably, we observed a rescue of myocardial migration in hand2 FLD−/− embryos with both lines (Fig. 4d–g). Furthermore, compared with controls, the number of myl7:EGFP+ cells did not appear to be significantly different in Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos (4 of 14 contained a few more myl7:EGFP+ cells) (Fig. 4f) or Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP); hand2 FLD−/− embryos (3 of 23 contained a few more myl7:EGFP+ cells) (Fig. 4g). Taken together, these results indicate that Hand2 positively regulates pdgfra expression to promote cardiac fusion in zebrafish.

Identification of putative Hand2-binding proteins

To gain insight into how Hand2 regulates pdgfra expression in zebrafish embryos, including without its DNA-binding domain, we performed an unbiased and quantitative coimmunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry (CoIP–MS) experiment to identify Hand2-binding proteins. We injected mRNA encoding 3×FLAG-Hand2 and 3×FLAG-Hand2 EDE into zebrafish embryos at the one-cell stage and collected them at 14 hpf (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 9a). Intriguingly, we found that transcription factor 3a (Tcf3a) was enriched only in the samples prepared from the 3×FLAG-hand2 EDE mRNA-injected embryos, whereas it was absent in the samples prepared from the 3×FLAG-hand2 mRNA-injected embryos (Fig. 5b,c and Extended Data Fig. 9b,b′); a list of the interacting proteins in each relevant sample can be found in Supplementary Table 3. Tcf3b was also significantly enriched in the 3×FLAG-hand2 EDE samples compared with the 3×FLAG-hand2 samples (Fig. 5c). We found that Hand2 and Tcf3b protein abundance was comparable in the 3×FLAG-hand2 and 3×FLAG-hand2 EDE samples (Fig. 5c and Extended Data Fig. 9b,b′), suggesting that Hand2 homodimers have a role during cardiogenesis. Previous studies in mice have shown that HAND2 binds to TCF3 (also known as E12/E47 and E2a) to regulate its targets26,33,50,54. Together, these results suggest that, in zebrafish, the DNA-binding-deficient variant of Hand2 binds more strongly to Tcf3a and Tcf3b to promote the expression of pdgfra in cardiac cells.

Fig. 5: Deletion of a putative Hand2-binding region in a zebrafish pdgfra enhancer results in decreased pdgfra expression in the embryonic heart.
figure 5

a, Illustration of the CoIP–MS experiment: 14 hpf 3×FLAG-hand2 and 3×FLAG-hand2 EDE mRNA-injected embryos were subjected to FLAG CoIP reactions, controlling for background with 3×HA-hand2 mRNA-injected embryos. The pulled complexes were subjected to MS. b, Volcano plot showing significantly enriched proteins in the FLAG CoIP–MS experiment. Significant proteins are indicated as blue (down) and red (up) dots, and nonsignificant proteins are indicated in gray. c, Protein intensity of Hand2, Tcf3a and Tcf3b in 3×HA-Hand2, 3×FLAG-Hand2 and 3×FLAG-Hand2 EDE protein complexes by MS; error bars are mean ± s.d.; n = 3 biologically independent samples. d, Genome browser view showing ATAC–seq and ChIP–seq peaks enriched in myocardial cells at the pdgfra locus. Red box: predicted Hand2-binding region. e, ATAC–seq genome tracks showing open chromatin regions at the predicted Hand2-binding region in 72 hpf WT (green) and hand2 s6−/− (magenta) cardiomyocytes. The tracks show the peak signal intensity for open chromatin regions (data analyzed from GSE120238 (ref. 55)). Red boxes: conserved E-boxes in the –12-kb pdgfra enhancer. f, Normalized read count for the open chromatin region across the predicted Hand2-binding region (from chr20: 22,476,180–22,476,620 bp) in 72 hpf WT and hand2 s6−/− cardiomyocytes (data analyzed from GSE120238 (ref. 55)); error bars are mean ± s.d.; n = 2 biologically independent samples. g, Confocal images of hearts from representative 98 hpf Tg(myl7:mCherry-CAAX) larvae not carrying (left) or carrying (right) the pdgfra enhancer:EGFP transgene; EGFP fluorescence is detectable in the heart of the representative double-transgenic larva (in cardiomyocytes (short arrows) and endocardial cells (long arrows) and in some pericardial cells (asterisks)); EGFP is shown in white, and cardiomyocyte membranes are shown in magenta (myl7:mCherry-CAAX). h, Relative mRNA levels of EGFP in 18 hpf Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP); hand2 FLD/Δ3+/+ and Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP); hand2 FLD/Δ3−/− sibling embryos; error bars are mean ± s.d.; n = 3 hand2 FLD/Δ3+/+ and n = 4 hand2 FLD/Δ3−/−. i, Left, schematic of the strategy to generate Hand2-binding pdgfra enhancer crispant embryos. Right, relative mRNA levels of pdgfra in the hearts of GFP crispant and Hand2-binding pdgfra enhancer crispant embryos at 24 hpf. P values were calculated using a one-way ANOVA multiple-comparison test (c) or an unpaired Student’s t test (h, i (right)); error bars are mean ± s.d.; n = 4 biologically independent samples. The proportion of larvae matching the image shown is indicated in the top right corner of each image. The scale bar applies to all images. Ct values of qPCR data are listed in Supplementary Table 1.

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Deletion of a putative Hand2-binding region in a zebrafish pdgfra enhancer results in decreased pdgfra expression in the embryonic heart

To investigate potential coregulatory interactions that promote pdgfra expression, we again used the ATAC–seq and H3K27ac ChIP–seq data introduced earlier (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). We found a putative Hand2/Tcf3-binding site (E-box) in the open chromatin domain upstream of the pdgfra transcription start site (Fig. 5d). To test whether this enhancer was responsive to Hand2 binding, we first examined chromatin accessibility in 72 hpf WT and hand2 s6−/− cardiomyocytes using a published ATAC–seq dataset55. Notably, we observed a reduction in chromatin accessibility in hand2 s6−/− cardiomyocytes compared with WT cardiomyocytes (Fig. 5e,f). We then cloned this enhancer element (616 bp) to generate a stable line (Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP)bns741) and observed EGFP expression in the heart, especially in cardiomyocytes (Fig. 5g). To assess whether this pdgfra enhancer activity was dependent on Hand2 in vivo, we crossed this Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP) reporter line into the hand2 mutant background. qPCR analysis showed a significant reduction of EGFP mRNA levels in 18 hpf Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP); hand2 FLD/Δ3−/− embryos compared with Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP); hand2 FLD/Δ3+/+ sibling embryos (Fig. 5h). To investigate the function of this enhancer further, we designed and validated gRNAs around this region and injected them to delete the enhancer region mosaically (Fig. 5i, left). We observed a significant reduction in pdgfra mRNA levels in the hearts of gRNA-injected embryos compared with GFP gRNA-injected controls at 24 hpf (Fig. 5i, right). Altogether, these data suggest that the activity of this zebrafish pdgfra enhancer in cardiac cells is modulated by Hand2, possibly through direct binding.

HAND2 promotes Pdgfra expression in mouse cardiac cells

To explore the relevance of the HAND2–Pdgfra axis in mammals, we first examined Pdgfra expression in mice using a published scRNA-seq dataset from E8.25 WT and Hand2−/− hearts56. Notably, we observed a reduction in Pdgfra expression in E8.25 Hand2−/− cardiac precursors and posterior second heart field cells (Fig. 6a,b). We also analyzed a published HAND2 ChIP–seq dataset from E10.25–E10.5 mouse hearts57 and observed a significant occupancy peak in the Pdgfra locus (Supplementary Fig. 1), further reinforcing the link between HAND2 function and Pdgfra expression in embryonic mouse hearts. We then used mESC-derived cardiac cells58 to knock down and overexpress Hand2 in cardiac cells (Fig. 6c and Extended Data Fig. 10a). Beating mESC-derived ‘cardiomyocytes’ were visible within 30–48 h of treatment with cardiomyocyte induction medium (Supplementary Video 3), with significant downregulation of pluripotency genes (Oct4 and Nanog) (Extended Data Fig. 10b) and upregulation of cardiomyocyte genes (Nkx2.5, Hand1 and cTnT) (Extended Data Fig. 10c). Notably, knockdown of Hand2 expression in mESC-derived cardiac cells led to decreased Pdgfra mRNA levels (Fig. 6d). In contrast, Hand2 overexpression in mESC-derived cardiac cells led to increased Pdgfra mRNA levels (Fig. 6e). To exclude the possibility that the increase in Pdgfra mRNA levels caused by Hand2 overexpression was mESC line dependent, we repeated the experiments using another mESC line (E14 ESC line) and obtained comparable results (Extended Data Fig. 10d–g).

Fig. 6: Hand2 promotes Pdgfra expression in mouse cardiac cells.
figure 6

a, Violin plots showing Pdgfra expression in cardiac precursors of E8.25 WT and Hand2−/− mutant hearts (data analyzed from GSE126128 (ref. 56)). b, Violin plots showing Pdgfra expression in posterior second heart field cells of E8.25 WT and Hand2−/− mutant hearts (data analyzed from GSE126128 (ref. 56)). c, Schematic of knockdown and overexpression of Hand2 during mESC differentiation into cardiac cells. d, Relative mRNA levels of Hand2 and Pdgfra in Hand2 knockdown mESC-derived cardiac cells; error bars are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 3 biologically independent samples. e, Relative mRNA levels of Hand2 and Pdgfra in Hand2 OE mESC-derived cardiac cells; error bars are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 3 biologically independent samples. P values in d and e were calculated using a one-way ANOVA multiple-comparison test. The average mRNA level in mESCs was set at 1.0. The Ct values of qPCR data are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Ctrl, control; KD, knockdown.

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Altogether, these results indicate that, in mice as in zebrafish, HAND2 positively regulates Pdgfra expression in cardiac cells.


Our loss- and gain-of-function analyses in zebrafish showed that the function of Hand2 is dependent on its dimerization domain but not its DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains, particularly in the context of pectoral fin formation and early cardiogenesis. To gain a better understanding of Hand2 function in early cardiogenesis, we performed transcriptomic analyses and a phenotypic rescue assay and identified pdgfra as a Hand2 target and effector. Furthermore, mosaic deletion of a putative Hand2/Tcf3-responsive pdgfra enhancer resulted in decreased pdgfra expression in early zebrafish hearts. In addition, HAND2 also appeared to promote Pdgfra expression in embryonic mouse hearts and mESC-derived cardiac cells. Collectively, these results indicate that HAND2 regulates early cardiogenesis through its dimerization domain and by promoting Pdgfra expression.

Previous genetic studies have shown that HAND2 can function independently of direct DNA binding in the context of early cardiogenesis in mice25,50. Furthermore, overexpression of hand2 in zebrafish embryos can enhance cardiomyocyte production, and the dimerization domain of Hand2 but not its DNA-binding domain is required for this activity27. In this study, we generated precise mutations in zebrafish hand2 and found that the heart formed normally in hand2 DNA-binding and phosphorylation domains-deficient (hand2 Δ27−/−) embryos, although with a noticeable delay (Fig. 1). However, hand2 Δ27−/− animals do not survive to the juvenile stage, indicating that Hand2 acts in both a DNA-binding-independent and -dependent manner. These findings are consistent with genetic studies in mice showing that the Hand2 DNA-binding-deficient (Hand2EDE/EDE) mutants die 1–3 days later than the global Hand2−/− mutants25.

We generated a hand2 FLD allele to help determine the null phenotype. hand2 dimerization-deficient (hand2 Δ3−/−) embryos also display the null phenotype, including cardiogenesis and pectoral fin formation defects, demonstrating that dimerization of Hand2 is a critical determinant of Hand2 function. The rescue data with the Hand2 variants indicated that the phosphorylation domain of Hand2 is important for its function, whereas the mutant analysis (that is, hand2 Δ27) indicated otherwise. A previous study42 has shown that changes in the phosphorylation of mouse HAND1 modulate its function by regulating its ability to form HAND1–HAND1 homodimers versus HAND1 heterodimers. Based on these data, we hypothesized that the zebrafish Hand2 AA (phosphorylation-deficient) variant tends to form homodimers rather than heterodimers. Mutating the phosphorylation domain in the endogenous hand2 locus will allow one to test its function further. These observations are in line with previous studies showing that HAND2 forms homodimers, or heterodimers with ubiquitous bHLH proteins (E proteins), to assemble a bipartite DNA-binding domain that enables recognition of the E-box consensus sequence (CANNTG), thereby resulting in transcriptional activation or repression50,59. Our CoIP–MS results indicated that differences in the interaction between the E proteins Tcf3a/Tcf3b and the DNA-binding-deficient variant of Hand2, compared with WT Hand2, explain their different effects on cardiac development. Notably, there is only 53.13% similarity between zebrafish Tcf3a and Tcf3b, although there is 93.90% similarity between their bHLH domains60, which is involved in DNA binding and protein interaction61 (Supplementary Fig. 2). Altogether, these results suggest that the DNA-binding-deficient variant of Hand2 (Hand2 EDE) binds to Tcf3a (and Tcf3b) more strongly than the WT Hand2. Thus, Hand2 homodimers (and possibly Hand2 EDE homodimers) as well as Hand2/Tcf3b and Hand2 EDE/Tcf3a/Tcf3b heterodimers would recognize the E-boxes involved in regulating Hand2 targets. We propose that, similar to Hand2 EDE, the Hand2 variant encoded by hand2 Δ27 also binds to Tcf3a (and Tcf3b) more strongly than the WT Hand2. Additional work will be required to understand why Hand2 EDE binds to Tcf3a (and Tcf3b) more strongly than the WT Hand2. It is, of course, interesting to think about this new interaction of Hand2 EDE in the context of genetic compensation, a topic under renewed interest62. In addition, the phenotypic difference between hand2 Δ3 mutants (cardia bifida) and hand2 Δ27 mutants (slight delay in cardiac development) could be due to Hand2 ∆27 retaining its ability to dimerize. However, we cannot rule out that Hand2 ∆27 is more stable than Hand2 ∆3, and thus, differences in protein stability might also contribute to the observed differences in phenotypes. In addition, in animals in which HAND1 is present, HAND2 might form heterodimers with HAND1 to promote cardiac development15,42,43. Thus, identifying HAND1/2’s other partners in organisms that also have HAND1 will further our understanding of their functions.

Previous studies have shown that PDGFRα is important for the movement of a number of cell types, including cranial neural crest cells and myocardial cells in mice51,63 and cardiac cells in zebrafish51,52. Mouse embryos lacking PDGFRα function also exhibit other cardiac defects, including enlarged hearts, septal defects, reduced myocardial wall thickness and abnormal valves63,64. However, the relationship between Hand2 and pdgfra has not been clear.

Our transcriptomic analyses, phenotypic rescue data, CoIP–MS results and enhancer investigations in zebrafish indicated that Hand2 promotes pdgfra expression during early cardiogenesis. HAND2 has been shown to promote Pdgfra expression in the mouse epicardium65, and luciferase transactivation data in human embryonic kidney cells in culture suggest direct PDGFRA regulation by HAND2 (ref. 65). These data indicate that PDGFRA is also a target of HAND2 in cells other than cardiomyocytes. In addition, HAND2 ChIP–seq data from E10.25–E10.5 mouse hearts show significant occupancy peaks, which contain putative HAND2-binding sites (E-boxes), in the Pdgfra locus (Supplementary Fig. 1)57. Altogether, these data indicate that HAND2 in the form of homodimers or heterodimers positively regulates PDGFRA expression, thereby promoting cell migration during early cardiogenesis. Given all these data, as well as the many other reported roles of HAND2 and PDGFRA in mammalian development66,67, including cardiogenesis8,51,57,63,67,68,69, we anticipate that double heterozygosity for deleterious mutations in HAND2 and PDGFRA may lead to congenital malformations, including cardiac malformations.


Zebrafish husbandry and lines

Zebrafish larvae were reared under standard conditions. Adult fish were maintained in 3.5 l tanks at a stocking density of 10 fish/l with the following parameters: water temperature: 27–27.5 °C; light:dark cycle: 14:10; pH: 7.0–7.5; conductivity: 750–800 µS cm−1. The fish were fed with granulated and live food (Artemia salina) 3 to 5 times per day, depending on their age. Health was monitored twice a year. All procedures performed on animals were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the European Parliament Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes and have been approved by the Animal Protection Committee (Tierschutzkommission) of the Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt (reference: B2/1218 and B2/9000).

Zebrafish lines

The following transgenic lines were generated for this study: Tg(hand2 eh22:EGFP)bns623, Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-GFP)bns610, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-GFP)bns665, Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-GFP)bns662, Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-GFP)bns666, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP)bns716, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP)bns717, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP)bns718 and Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP)bns741. The following mutant lines were generated for this study: hand2 FLDbns539, hand2 Δ27bns540 and hand2 Δ3bns603.

The following transgenic and mutant lines were also used in this study: TgBAC(hand2:GFP)pd24 (ref. 70), Tg(myl7:EGFP)twu26 (ref. 71), Tg(myl7:mCherry-CAAX)bns7 (ref. 72), Tg(kdrl:Hsa.HRAS-mCherry)s896 (ref. 73), hand2s6 (ref. 14) and npas4l Pt(npas4l-p2A-Gal4-VP16)bns313 (ref. 47).

Generation of hand2 mutants using CRISPR–Cas9 technology

To generate the hand2 mutant lines, we designed gRNAs using a CRISPR design tool (https://www.crisprscan.org/). The gRNAs were assembled as previously described74,75 and transcribed using a MEGAshortscript T7 Transcription Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). cas9 mRNA was transcribed using an mMESSAGE mMACHINE T3 Transcription Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) with pT3TS-nCas9n as a template. gRNAs and cas9 RNAs were purified with an RNA Clean and Concentrator Kit (Zymo Research). gRNAs (~20 pg per embryo for each gRNA) and cas9 mRNA (~30 pg per embryo) were coinjected at the one-cell stage.

To generate the hand2 FLDbns539 mutant line, we used gRNA#1 targeting the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) (CATTGATTCCACAACGTGCT) and gRNA#2 targeting the 3′ UTR (TGTGTGTTGCTGTCTGATAT), resulting in the isolation of a 1,411-bp-deletion allele.

To generate the hand2 Δ27bns540 mutant line, we used gRNA#3 (AAAGGAGAGGCGCAGGACTC), resulting in the isolation of a 27-bp-deletion allele.

To generate the hand2 Δ3bns603 mutant line, we used gRNA#4 (TTGCAGAACTCAGGGAATGC), resulting in the isolation of a 3-bp-deletion allele.

To mosaically delete the pdgfra enhancer, we used gRNA#1 (GGCGGAGGAGCGCAGCACAA), gRNA#2 (GGGGCCGTGGAGCAGGACGG) and gRNA#3 (GGGGAATGCACAATTACATT).

Generation of transgenic lines

To generate the Tg(hand2 eh22:EGFP)bns623 line, we cloned a 752-bp hand2 enhancer (eh22) sequence into a Tol2 backbone.

To generate the Tg(myl7:hand2-p2a-EGFP)bns610 line, we cloned the hand2-p2a-EGFP sequences into a Tol2 backbone downstream of 800 bp of the myl7 promoter.

To generate the Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2-p2a-EGFP)bns665, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP)bns716, Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 P-p2a-EGFP)bns717 and Tg(hand2 eh22:hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP)bns718 lines, we cloned the hand2-p2a-EGFP, hand2 EDE-p2a-EGFP, hand2 P-p2a-EGFP and hand2 AA-p2a-EGFP sequences into a Tol2 backbone downstream of the 752-bp hand2 enhancer (hand2 eh22).

To generate the Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP)bns662 line, we cloned the pdgfra-p2a-EGFP sequences into a Tol2 backbone downstream of 800 bp of the myl7 promoter.

To generate the Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP)bns666 line, we cloned the pdgfra-p2a-EGFP sequences into a Tol2 backbone downstream of 752 bp of the hand2 enhancer (hand2 eh22).

To generate the Tg(pdgfra enhancer:EGFP)bns741, we cloned a 616-bp pdgfra enhancer sequence into a Tol2 backbone.

Cloning was performed using In Fusion Cloning (Takara Bio). The constructs were injected into AB embryos at the one-cell stage (20 pg per embryo) together with Tol2 mRNA (25 pg per embryo) to establish the lines. F0 embryos positive for EGFP fluorescence were raised to adulthood and then screened for founder animals. The founders (two for each transgenic line) were further outcrossed to raise the F1 generation.

Molecular genotyping

Genotyping of the hand2 s6 allele was performed as previously described14. hand2 FLD mutants were genotyped by PCR using a forward primer in the 5′ UTR region upstream of the deletion (hand2 fw1: ACAGAGTGAATCAGGCTGCG) and a reverse primer downstream of the deletion (hand2 rv1: GACGGAAGTGCACTGAATGG), leading to a 353-bp product. To detect the WT allele, we used a forward primer in the 5′ UTR region upstream of the deletion (hand2 fw2: GAATTCGCCTGCTTCTACAGAGTG) and a reverse primer placed inside the deleted region (hand2 rv2: CTGCAAATATCCATCACGAGAA), leading to a 194-bp product. High-resolution melt (HRM) analysis was used to genotype the hand2 Δ27bns540 and hand2 Δ3bns603 mutants. hand2 Δ27 HRM fw: CCGCGGACAGTGAAACGTA; hand2 Δ27 HRM rv: CCCTGAGTTCTGCAAAGGCG; hand2 Δ3 HRM fw: ACGGCAAACCGAAAGGAGAG; hand2 Δ3 HRM rv: TTTGGATAGCTTCGTATCCGC.

Tg(myl7:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP) and Tg(hand2 eh22:pdgfra-p2a-EGFP) were genotyped by PCR combining a forward primer in the coding region of pdgfra (pdgfra GT fw: CTAGCAGCTCCACGACCAAGCGTGA) with one reverse primer in the coding region of EGFP (EGFP rv: CTCGCCGGACACGCTGAACTTGT) to detect the transgene. Genotyping of the npas4l Pt(npas4l-p2A-Gal4-VP16)bns313 allele was performed as previously described47.

Wholemount immunostaining

Whole-mount immunostaining was performed as previously described76. Embryos were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight at 4 °C. The fixative was substituted with PBS/0.1% Tween. The blocking step preceding primary antibody incubation was performed in PBDT (PBS, 1% BSA, 1% DMSO, 0.5% Triton X-100) supplemented with 5% goat serum. Primary antibody incubations were performed overnight at 4 °C at the following concentrations: GFP (1:400, chicken, Aves Labs) and DsRed (1:200, rabbit; Takara Bio). All secondary antibodies were incubated overnight at 4 °C at a concentration of 1:500: Alexa Fluor 568 and Alexa Fluor 488 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Embryos were incubated with 1 µg ml−1 DAPI with the secondary antibody.

Wholemount RNA in situ hybridization

Digoxigenin-labeled probes were transcribed in vitro from a linearized plasmid (for pdgfra51) or PCR products by using SP7 polymerase (Promega) and a digoxigenin RNA labeling kit (Roche).

in situ hybridization was performed as described previously77. Embryos were imaged using an inverted microscope.

mESC cell culture and differentiation

V6.5 and E14 mESCs (gifts from T. Braun, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research) were cultured on 0.1% gelatin-coated plates in ESC medium consisting of DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 15% FBS (Sigma, F2492), 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Gibco), 0.1 mM nonessential amino acids (Gibco), 2 mM l-glutamine (Gibco), 100 μM β-mercaptoethanol (Sigma), 100 U ml−1 penicillin and 100 μg ml−1 streptomycin (Hyclone), 1,000 U ml−1 recombinant leukemia inhibitory factor (Millipore) and 2i (GSK3 inhibitor: CHIR99021 and MEK inhibitor: PD0325901).

V6.5 and E14 mESCs were differentiated in cardiac differentiation medium as described below. In brief, differentiation through hanging droplets was initiated following ESC dissociation and suspension at 50,000 cells per ml in DMEM with 15% FBS without leukemia inhibitory factor and 2i in 20-μl drops. Two days after droplet formation, embryoid bodies (EBs) were transferred in suspension onto dishes coated with poly-HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (Sigma P3932). After another 96 h, EBs were plated on gelatin-coated dishes in cardiac differentiation medium (StemPro-34 SF, Invitrogen) supplemented with 5 ng ml−1 VEGF (R&D Systems, 293-VE), 10 ng ml−1 bFGF (R&D Systems, 233-FB), 12.5 ng ml−1 FGF10 (R&D Systems, 345-FG), 2.5 mM XAV939 (Cayman Chemical, 13596), 1 mM ascorbic acid (Sigma, A4403) and 2 mM GlutaMAX. Beating cells were visible 30–48 h after the EBs were plated in the cardiac differentiation medium.

Plasmids and transfection

The coding sequence of full-length mouse Hand2 (National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reference sequence: NM_010402.4) was amplified using PrimeSTAR polymerase (Takara Bio) from the complementary DNA (cDNA) of E14 mESCs78. Amplified fragments were subcloned into the pSBbi-GP vector (Addgene, 60511). For transfection, EBs were plated in 12-well plates at a density of approximately 80 EBs per well 1 day before transfection. Transfection was performed using Lipofectamine 3000 (Invitrogen) mixed with appropriate plasmids according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The endoribonuclease-prepared siRNA of Hand2 (EMU161511) and siRNA Universal Negative Control #1 (SIC001) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Transfection was performed using Lipofectamine RNAiMAX (Invitrogen) mixed with appropriate siRNA according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Confocal microscopy imaging

Embryos were embedded on their side in 1% low-melting agarose/egg water. Living embryos were anesthetized with 0.01% tricaine before embedding and kept under anesthesia during the procedure. All experiments on living embryos were nonrecovery experiments. For genotyping, the anesthetized embryos were taken out of the agarose, exposed to heat briefly and lysed using 50 mM NaOH for 10 min at 95 °C.

All confocal images were acquired using a Zeiss LSM 800 Examiner confocal microscope. The images were acquired and processed using the ZenBlue software package. Only linear adjustments were used; acquisition parameters were kept constant throughout the imaging whenever possible. The confocal microscopy data presented in this article were used for qualitative and quantitative analyses. To analyze the number of cardiomyocytes, we used Tg(myl7:EGFP)+ embryos to perform whole-mount immunostaining and acquire a z stack of confocal images on a Zeiss LSM 800 Examiner. The Spots function in Imaris was used to count the number of EGFP+ cells in three-dimensional reconstructions (the lack of a cardiomyocyte nuclear marker made this quantification somewhat challenging).

Lightsheet time-lapse imaging

Embryos at 14 hpf were sorted for fluorescence and mounted in their chorions with 0.5% agarose into a cobweb holder. No tricaine was used; the temperature was kept stable at 28.5 °C. Stacks were acquired from four different angles and processed as z projections.

Sample preparation and scRNA-seq

We in-crossed TgBAC(hand2:GFP); hand2 FLD fish to generate hand2 FLD mutant and WT sibling embryos. We collected 100 whole embryos per condition at 24 hpf in cold 1× HBSS (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 88281). We prepared dissociation enzyme 1 (with papain) and enzyme 2 (with thermolysin) according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 88281). We then mixed 200 µl of enzyme 1 with 10 µl of enzyme 2 and added 100 µl of the mixture to each of the two conditions. We kept the tubes in a 300-rpm shaker at 30 °C for 20 min, quenched the reaction by adding 1 ml DMEM–10% FBS, and finished breaking up the tissues by pipetting up and down. We pelleted the cells by centrifugation at 500g for 5 min at 4 °C and replaced the medium with DMEM–10% FBS. Then, we FACS-sorted the cells for GFP fluorescence using an Aria III sorter and DAPI as an indicator for dead cells. The cell suspensions were analyzed using a Moxi cell counter and diluted according to the manufacturer’s protocol to obtain 5,000 single-cell data points per sample. Each sample was run separately on a lane in a Chromium controller with Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3ʹ Reagent Kits v3.1 (10x Genomics). scRNA-seq library preparation was done using a standard protocol. Sequencing was done on a NextSeq 2000 instrument.

Single-cell transcriptome analysis

Sequenced raw reads were aligned against the zebrafish genome (danRer10 assembly 101) and counted by STARsolo79. Raw counts per gene and cell identifiers were stored in an annotated data format80 for all further analysis steps, holding initially 5,054 and 5,667 cells for hand2 FLD+/? and hand2 FLD−/− samples, respectively. Next, cells were analyzed using the Scanpy framework81. Preprocessed counts were used to calculate quality metrics and to estimate cell quality, taking into account ribosomal genes (excluded), mitochondrial content (<50%), number of genes (>300), number of cells per gene (>30) and total gene count (<8,000). In summary, we reduced the cell numbers to 3,836 and 3,900 hand2 reporter-expressing cells from 24-hpf hand2 FLD+/? and hand2 FLD−/− sibling embryos, respectively. Following quality control, raw counts per cell were normalized to the median count of all cells and transformed into log space to stabilize the variance. After carrying out a principal component analysis, ten principal components were used for neighbor calculation. We generated low-dimensional UMAP embedding82 by using a minimum distance of 0.1 and a spread of 2.5. Clustering was performed using the Leiden algorithm at multiple resolutions. After manual inspections, we selected seven cell clusters, as the corresponding marker genes best reflected the expected cell populations at this resolution. Final data visualization was done with the CellxGene package (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3235020).

Nuclear extraction and FACS sorting for ChIP–seq and ATAC–seq

Timed matings were set up between Tg(myl7:EGFP) adults, and embryos were maintained at 28.5 °C for 24 h from the time of fertilization. Chorions were removed by incubating in 15 ml pronase E at 1 mg ml−1 for 10 min with continuous shaking. Pronase E was removed by five washes with 200 ml egg water (60 μg ml−1 ocean salt (Red Sea), 3 μM methylene blue). Embryos were then briefly washed in PBT (0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS) and fixed in 0.5% formaldehyde (Carl Roth, #4979.1) in PBS for 15 min. Next, they were washed in PBT–glycine (PBS, 125 mM glycine, 0.1% Triton X-100), washed twice in PBT (PBS, 0.1% Triton X-100) and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. Nuclei were extracted as described previously83; embryos were resuspended in 2 ml cell lysis buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM NaCl, 0.5% IGEPAL (CA-630, Sigma, I8896)), homogenized on ice for 15 min (dounced 20 times with a loose pestle and 10 times with a tight pestle) and then spun at 2,000g for 5 min at 4 °C.

To enhance the fluorescence signal, we stained the nuclei with a GFP antibody (Thermo Fisher Scientific, #G10362) at a 1:100 dilution for 1 h at 4 °C in PBTB (PBS, 0.1% Triton X-100, 5% BSA). Nuclei were washed in 6 ml PBTB and spun at 1,000g for 2 min at 4 °C. The secondary antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 (Abcam, #ab150077), was added at 1:100 in PBTB, followed by incubation for 1 h at 4 °C. Nuclei were further stained with DAPI (Scientific Laboratory Supplies, #D9542-1MG), and 20,000 GFP-positive and 20,000 GFP-negative nuclei were sorted using FACS (BD FACS Aria III) and snap frozen.


FACS-sorted GFP-positive and GFP-negative nuclei were lysed for 10 min on ice in nucleus lysis buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA, 1% SDS, protease inhibitor cocktail). Two volumes of IP dilution buffer (16.7 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 167 mM NaCl, 1.2 mM EDTA, 0.01% SDS, protease inhibitor cocktail) were added, and aliquots were sonicated for 16 cycles (30-s on, 30-s off, at a high setting) in a Bioruptor Plus (Diagenode) to achieve a DNA fragment size of <500 bp. ChIP was performed using True MicroChIP Kit (Diagenode, #C01010130) according to the manufacturer’s instructions with modifications as described previously84: primary antibody H3K27ac (Abcam, #ab4729) was incubated at 4 °C overnight, and reverse cross-linking was done overnight. The library was prepared using NEXTflex qRNA-Seq Kit v2 (Bioo Scientific, #5130-12, discontinued) according to the instructions for qChIP–seq, and paired-end sequencing (2 × 75 nucleotides) was performed on a NextSeq 500/550 High Output v2 kit for 150 cycles (Illumina, #FC-404-2002, discontinued).


Sorted GFP-positive and GFP-negative nuclei were washed and lysed in 1 ml water and spun at 12,000g for 20 min. Tagmentation was performed according to the kit instructions (Illumina, #20034197) at 37 °C for 1 h by gently shaking (300 rpm) in 25 μl TD buffer, 20 μl water and 5 μl TDE1. Next, 50 μl stop buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl, 0.1% SDS, 100 mM 100 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, 1 mM spermidine, 0.3 mM spermine, 40 μg ml−1 ribonuclease A) was added, and the samples were incubated at 55 °C for 10 min. Then, 3 μl proteinase K (20 mg ml−1) was added, followed by incubation at 65 °C overnight. The DNA was then purified using a Qiagen MinElute column. Both samples were amplified for 14 cycles as described previously85. DNA fragments smaller than 1 kb were cut from the gel and gel purified. Sequencing (2 × 75 nucleotides) was performed on a NextSeq 500/550 High Output v2 kit for 150 cycles (Illumina, #FC-404-2002, discontinued).

ChIP–seq data processing

Processing steps were implemented within the Snakemake framework86. Unique molecular identifiers were extracted from paired-end reads using UMI-tools87 and mapped to the danRer11 genome assembly using Bowtie 2 (with the parameter ‘–X 2000–no-discordant–no-mixed’). Mapped reads were sorted, indexed and converted to .bam format with SAMtools88 and then filtered for MAPQ 30 and deduplicated using UMI-tools. Input-subtracted bigwig files for visualizing (–operation subtract–binSize 50–scaleFactorsMethod None–normalizeUsing CPM–smoothLength 250–extendReads) tracks were generated using deepTools89.

ATAC–seq data processing

Adaptors were removed using Flexbar90 and mapped to danRer11 using Bowtie 2 (ref. 91) (–X 1500–no-discordant–no-mixed). Mapped reads were sorted, indexed, converted to .bam format, filtered for MAPQ 30 and deduplicated using SAMtools88. The start sites of reads were extended by 15 bp upstream and 22 bp downstream in a stranded manner using BEDTools92, to account for steric hindrance of the transposition reaction93. Bigwig signal tracks were generated using deepTools89 (–binSize 10–normalizeUsing CPM–smoothLength 50–extendReads 38).

Footprinting analysis

Paired-end reads in fastq format from ATAC samples for cardiomyocytes and noncardiomyocytes were mapped to the danRer11 genome with STAR version 2.7.3a79. The resulting .bam files were used for genomic footprinting analysis, performed with the TOBIAS tool41 using the 2020 JASPAR vertebrate database for transcription factor motifs.

Transcriptomic analysis

For RNA-seq, total RNA was isolated using a miRNeasy Micro kit (Qiagen) with a low-input DNase protocol. RNA and library preparation integrity was verified with LabChip GX Touch 24 (PerkinElmer). Approximately 1 ng total RNA was used as starting material for the SMART-Seq HT kit (Takara Bio). Sequencing was performed on the NextSeq 2000 instrument (Illumina) using a P3 flow cell with a 1 × 72-bp single-end setup. The resulting raw reads were assessed for quality, adaptor content and duplication rates with FastQC (http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc). Trimmomatic version 0.39 was used to trim reads after a quality drop below a mean of Q20 in a window of 20 nucleotides. Only reads between 15 and 75 nucleotides were cleared for further analyses. Trimmed and filtered reads were aligned versus the Ensembl zebrafish genome version danRer11 (ensemble release 104) using STAR version 2.7.10a with the parameter ‘outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.1’ to increase the maximum ratio of mismatches to mapped length to 10%. The number of reads aligning to genes was counted with the featureCounts version 2.0.2 tool from the Subread package. Only reads mapping at least partially inside exons were admitted and aggregated per gene. Reads overlapping multiple genes or aligning to multiple regions were excluded. DEGs were identified using DESeq2 version 1.30.1. Only genes with a minimum fold-change value of ±1.5 (log2 ± 0.59), a maximum Benjamini–Hochberg corrected P value of 0.05, a minimum combined mean of five reads and −0.585 < log2(fold change) > 0.585 were deemed to be significantly differentially expressed. DEGs were split into upregulated and downregulated genes. For the hand2 mutant versus WT comparison, they consisted of 1,926 downregulated genes and 1,828 upregulated genes. For the hand2 OE versus control comparison, they consisted of 525 downregulated genes and 812 upregulated genes. For the KOBAS94 gene set enrichment analysis, DEGs were split into upregulated and downregulated genes. Significant gene set enrichment was defined by false discovery rate, and the top 10 gene sets or enriched pathways were plotted (dashed line: P = 0.05).

qPCR analysis

RNA was extracted with standard TRIzol–chloroform extraction. Approximately 500–1,000 ng RNA was used to synthesize cDNA using the Maxima first-strand cDNA kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). For all experiments, DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used on a CFX Connect real-time system (Bio-Rad). All reactions were performed in technical triplicates and from three or more biological replicates. Gene expression values were normalized using the zebrafish housekeeping gene rpl13a or the mouse housekeeping gene Gapdh, and fold changes were calculated using the 2−ΔΔCt method. Primers are listed in Supplementary Table 1.

Western blot analysis

We collected 100 embryos at 14 and 22 hpf, deyolked them and then lysed them in the CoIP buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 2 mM EDTA, 0.5% NP-40 and protease inhibitors). Protein concentrations were determined using a Pierce BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Total proteins (80 μg) were separated on a 4–12% Bis–Tris NuPAGE gel (Invitrogen, NP0335) and run at 110 V for 1.5 h. Protein transfer was done for 1.5 h at 110 V onto a 0.2-μm nitrocellulose membrane (Invitrogen, LC2000). The membrane was blocked in 5% milk–PBT (PBS + 0.1% Tween 20) for 1 h and incubated overnight at 4 °C with mouse anti-FLAG M2 (1:1,000, Sigma, F1804) or mouse anti-β-actin (1:1,000, Sigma, A5441) primary antibodies in 5% milk–PBT. Anti-mouse (1:5,000, Abcam, ab97023) HRP-linked secondary antibodies were used and incubated for 2 h at room temperature in 5% milk–PBT. Chemiluminescent detection was performed using the SuperSignal West Pico PLUS chemiluminescent substrate kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 34577) on a Bio-Rad ChemiDoc MP imaging system.


We collected 400 embryos at 14 hpf. After deyolking the embryos, we lysed them in the CoIP buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100 and protease inhibitors). Protein concentrations were determined using a Pierce BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. An 800-μg amount of the soluble fraction was taken for immunoprecipitation using 25 μl anti-FLAG M2 magnetic beads (Sigma, M8823) in a total of 800 μl CoIP fresh buffer and incubated on the rotor at 4 °C overnight. The beads were pulled aside with the magnet and washed three times with freshly prepared 1× TBS supplemented with protease inhibitors and subsequently processed for MS in the manner described below.

MS and data analysis

Washed beads were mixed with 30 μl digestion buffer (6 M urea, 2 M thiourea), reduced with 10 mM dithiothreitol for 30 min at room temperature and alkylated with 55 mM iodoacetamide for 30 min at room temperature in the dark. Each sample was diluted with 60 μl of 0.1 M TEAB and digested with 0.5 μg trypsin overnight. Digested proteins were desalted using a C18 stage tip. Desalted peptides were measured by liquid chromatography–MS/MS. Quantitative analyses were performed on an Orbitrap Q-exactive HF MS system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to an EASY-nLC capillary nanochromatography system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Desalted peptides were separated on an in-house-made capillary column (150 mm × 1.7 µm × 75 µm) packed with ReproSil-Pur 120 C18-AQ resin (Dr. Maisch). The mobile phases were A (2% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid) and B (90% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid). Peptides were separated using a 230-min acetonitrile gradient at room temperature. The mass spectrometer was operated in positive electrospray ionization mode, and MS/MS data were collected in data-dependent analysis mode with a resolution of 60,000 for precursor mass spectra and 15,000 for tandem mass spectra. Normalized collision energy was set to 28, and exclusion time was set to 30 s. Collected data were processed using MaxQuant software. Data were filtered such that potential contaminants, reverse sequences, proteins identified only by site and proteins with a high proportion of missing values were removed. Intensities were converted to a log2 scale, and missing values were calculated using the MNAR (missing not at random) method. The setting of significant protein filtering criteria was as follows: adjusted P-value cutoff = 0.05 and log2(fold change) cutoff = 1. A t test was used for correcting the false discovery rate.

Evolutionary analysis of HAND1

To identify the orthologs of human HAND1 (SwissProtID: O96004) across a broad array of species, including 4 mammals, 3 crocodiles, 2 amphibians and 12 teleosts, we downloaded genomic data from the NCBI Genome database as of February 2024 (https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/). To create the database of the mentioned genomes and evaluate the pairwise protein feature architecture similarities between the HAND1 protein and the listed orthologs, we performed the analysis following the method outlined by Koestler et al.95, using the FAS (feature architecture similarity) tool (https://github.com/BIONF/FAS). The resultant phylogenetic profiles and protein feature architecture data were visualized and analyzed using PhyloProfile96.

Statistical analysis

All statistical analyses were performed in GraphPad Prism version 8.4. Western blot experiments were repeated three to four times and gave similar results.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

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