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Plastic recycling: A panacea or environmental pollution problem
Increasing plastic waste is a critical global challenge to ecological and human health requiring focused solutions to reduce omnipresent plastic pollution in the environment. While recycling has been touted as one solution to counter plastic waste and resource utilization, it has been largely ineffective in offsetting the impact of rising global plastic production of more than 400 million metric tonnes annually, due to low global recycling rates of only 9%. Over three decades since implementing plastic resin codes, recycling has favoured thermoplastics, neglecting thermoset plastics. There is a constant need to enhance overall recycling efficiency by exploring advanced methods, as enormous gaps exist in fully unlocking the potential of plastic recycling. We identify critical gaps associated with plastic waste recycling and its potential environmental impacts. We discuss substantial progress in recycling technology, designs-for-recyclability with controlled chemical use, and economic incentives to expand markets for recycled plastics and to curb plastic leakage into the environment. Additionally, we highlight some emerging strategies and legally binding international policy instruments, such as the Global Plastics Treaty that require further development to reduce plastic waste and improve plastic recyclability.
The interplay between the martensitic transformation rate and the rate of plastic relaxation during martensitic transformation in low-carbon steel, a phase-field study
Introduction Low alloyed steels are among the most used materials for engineering applications due to their unique combination of properties, such as high strength and…
Unlocking the Potentials of Biodegradable Plastics with Proper Management and Evaluation at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations
Biodegradable plastics have been proposed as an alternative to conventional plastics for many applications, such as single-use plastic bags, disposable cutleries and tablewares, and agricultural plastic mulch films. However, concerns have arisen about environmental sustainability of biodegradable plastics, especially regarding degradability, generation of biodegradable micro- and nanoplastics, and release of additives. Here, we critically evaluate literature on the degradation and ecotoxicity of biodegradable plastics with the consideration of environmentally relevant concentrations. Our evaluation suggests that, provided with proper disposal and full biodegradation, biodegradable plastics, including biodegradable micro- and nanoplastics, would not accumulate substantially in the environment and would be far from reaching concentrations at which negative impacts on ecosystems can be expected. In addition, we highlight existing regulatory efforts to prevent adverse ecotoxicity of biodegradable plastics. To ensure timely biodegradation under various disposal conditions, we propose to calibrate the actual biodegradability in disposal environments against the intrinsic biodegradability in standards. Further, we recommend to supplement biodegradability certificates on biodegradable plastics with clear disposal instructions, to ensure proper end-of-life management. With proper testing, comprehensive labeling, and effective management, we believe that, for certain applications, biodegradable plastics are a promising substitute for conventional plastics.
Crucial role of pre-treatment in plastic photoreforming for precision upcycling
The accumulation of non-degradable plastics poses a significant environmental challenge. Photoreforming presents a promising solution through plastic upcycling. This review explores the mechanisms of photoreforming that determine product selectivity, emphasizing the role of polymer molecular structure and pre-treatment techniques. By identifying key factors affecting reaction dynamics, we aim to establish optimized frameworks for plastic photoreforming and enhance sustainable waste management, highlighting opportunities for improvement and innovation.
Resolving the fundamentals of the J-integral concept by multi-method in situ nanoscale stress-strain mapping
The integrity of structural materials is oftentimes defined by their resistance against catastrophic failure through dissipative plastic processes at the crack tip, commonly quantified by the J-integral concept. However, to date the experimental stress and strain fields necessary to quantify the J-integral associated with local crack propagation in its original integral form were inaccessible. Here, we present a multi-method nanoscale strain- and stress-mapping surrounding a growing crack tip in two identical miniaturized fracture specimens made from a nanocrystalline FeCrMnNiCo high-entropy alloy. The respective samples were tested in situ in a scanning electron microscope and a synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction setup, with detailed analyzes of loading states during elastic loading, crack tip blunting and general yielding, corroborated by a detailed elastic-plastic finite element model. This complementary in situ methodology uniquely enabled a detailed quantification of the J-integral along different integration paths from experimental nanoscale stress and strain fields. We find that conventional linear-elastic and elastic-plastic models, typically used to interpret fracture phenomena, have limited applicability at micron to nanoscale distances from propagating cracks. This for the first time unravels a limit to the path-independence of the J-integral, which has significant implications in the development and assessment of modern damage-tolerant materials and microstructures.