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Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder — recommendations from ECTRIMS and the EBMT

Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a treatment option for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) that are refractory to disease-modifying therapy (DMT). AHSCT after failure of high-efficacy DMT in aggressive forms of relapsing–remitting MS is a generally accepted indication, yet the optimal placement of this approach in the treatment sequence is not universally agreed upon. Uncertainties also remain with respect to other indications, such as in rapidly evolving, severe, treatment-naive MS, progressive MS, and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). Furthermore, treatment and monitoring protocols, rehabilitation and other supportive care before and after AHSCT need to be optimized. To address these issues, we convened a European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Focused Workshop in partnership with the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Autoimmune Diseases Working Party, in which evidence and key questions were presented and discussed by experts in these diseases and in AHSCT. Based on the workshop output and subsequent written interactions, this Consensus Statement provides practical guidance and recommendations on the use of AHSCT in MS and NMOSD. Recommendations are based on the available evidence, or on consensus when evidence was insufficient. We summarize the key evidence, report the final recommendations, and identify areas for further research.

Periodontitis impacts on thrombotic diseases: from clinical aspect to future therapeutic approaches

Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease initiated by biofilm microorganisms and mediated by host immune imbalance. Uncontrolled periodontal infections are the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Thrombotic diseases can lead to partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in the circulatory system, manifesting as organ or tissue ischemia and necrosis in patients with arterial thrombosis, and local edema, pain and circulatory instability in patients with venous thrombosis, which may lead to mortality or fatality in severe case. Recent studies found that periodontitis might enhance thrombosis through bacterial transmission or systemic inflammation by affecting platelet-immune cell interactions, as well as the coagulation, and periodontal therapy could have a prophylactic effect on patients with thrombotic diseases. In this review, we summarized clinical findings on the association between periodontitis and thrombotic diseases and discussed several novel prothrombotic periodontitis-related agents, and presented a perspective to emphasize the necessity of oral health management for people at high risk of thrombosis.

Systemic HER3 ligand-mimicking nanobioparticles enter the brain and reduce intracranial tumour growth

Crossing the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and reaching intracranial tumours is a clinical challenge for current targeted interventions including antibody-based therapies, contributing to poor patient outcomes. Increased cell surface density of human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) is associated with a growing number of metastatic tumour types and is observed on tumour cells that acquire resistance to a growing number of clinical targeted therapies. Here we describe the evaluation of HER3-homing nanobiological particles (nanobioparticles (NBPs)) on such tumours in preclinical models and our discovery that systemic NBPs could be found in the brain even in the absence of such tumours. Our subsequent studies described here show that HER3 is prominently associated with both mouse and human brain endothelium and with extravasation of systemic NBPs in mice and in human-derived BBB chips in contrast to non-targeted agents. In mice, systemically delivered NBPs carrying tumoricidal agents reduced the growth of intracranial triple-negative breast cancer cells, which also express HER3, with improved therapeutic profile compared to current therapies and compared to agents using traditional BBB transport routes. As HER3 associates with a growing number of metastatic tumours, the NBPs described here may offer targeted efficacy especially when such tumours localize to the brain.

Rising greenhouse gas emissions embodied in the global bioeconomy supply chain

The bioeconomy is key to meeting climate targets. Here, we examine greenhouse gas emissions in the global bioeconomy supply chain (1995–2022) using advanced multi-regional input-output analysis and a global land-use change model. Considering agriculture, forestry, land use, and energy, we assess the carbon footprint of biomass production and examine its end-use by provisioning systems. The footprint increased by 3.3 Gt CO2-eq, with 80% driven by international trade, mainly beef and biochemicals (biofuels, bioplastics, rubber). Biochemicals showed the largest relative increase, doubling due to tropical land-use change (feedstock cultivation) and China’s energy-intensive processing. Food from retail contributes most to the total biomass carbon footprint, while food from restaurants and canteens account for >50% of carbon-footprint growth, with three times higher carbon intensity than retail. Our findings emphasize the need for sustainable sourcing strategies and that adopting renewables and halting land-use change could reduce the bioeconomy carbon footprint by almost 60%.


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