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Colloidal clusters as models for circular microswimmers
Circular swimmers, particles that propel in circular trajectories, are gaining traction due to their potential for novel collective behaviors. However, synthetic active particles capable of controlled circular propulsion remain scarce. We present a facile experimental strategy to fabricate synthetic swimmers using chemically cross-linked Janus colloid clusters, driven by induced charge electrophoresis. By quantifying the propulsion dynamics of active clusters, we demonstrate that cluster geometry dictates orbit diameter, angular velocity, and chirality. Through statistical analysis of clusters, we identify compact clusters as promising candidates for tunable circular propulsion. To scale up fabrication, we employ capillary-assisted assembly for achieving monodisperse clusters. Our validation of the kinetic model for active trimers and tetramers suggests that clustering as a strategy for circular propulsion extends to Janus colloids propelled by different mechanisms. Our findings establish Janus clusters as versatile systems for controlled circular propulsion, enabling new experimental studies on the collective behavior of circular microswimmers.
State-level policies alone are insufficient to meet the federal food waste reduction goal in the United States
The United States Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal seeks to reduce national food waste by 50%, down to 74 kg per capita, by 2030. Here we investigate state policies’ alignment with the federal goal across four policy categories. We develop a policy scoring matrix and apply it to wasted food solutions listed in the non-profit ReFED’s database to derive ranges of food waste diversion potential and projected generation across states. On the basis of state policies alone, no state can meet the federal target. We estimated a diversion potential of 5–14 kg per capita and a food waste generation of 149 kg per capita nationally in 2022, equivalent to the 2016 baseline. Without additional intervention at the state and federal level promoting a shift from food waste recycling towards prevention, rescue and repurposing, food generation in the United States will probably remain high.
The risk effects of corporate digitalization: exacerbate or mitigate?
This study elaborates on the risk effects of corporate digital transformation (CDT). Using the ratio of added value of digital assets to total intangible assets as a measure of CDT, this study overall reveals an inverse relationship between CDT and revenue volatility, even after employing a range of technical techniques to address potential endogeneity. Heterogeneity analysis highlights that the firms with small size, high capital intensity, and high agency costs benefit more from CDT. It also reveals that advancing information infrastructure, intellectual property protection, and digital taxation enhances the effectiveness of CDT. Mechanism analysis uncovers that CDT not only enhances financial advantages such as bolstering core business and mitigating non-business risks but also fosters non-financial advantages like improving corporate governance and ESG performance. Further inquiries into the side effects of CDT and the dynamics of revenue volatility indicate that CDT might compromise cash flow availability. Excessive digital investments exacerbate operating risks. Importantly, the reduction in operating risk associated with CDT does not sacrifice the potential for enhanced company performance; rather, it appears to augment the value of real options.
AAV capsid prioritization in normal and steatotic human livers maintained by machine perfusion
Therapeutic efficacy and safety of adeno-associated virus (AAV) liver gene therapy depend on capsid choice. To predict AAV capsid performance under near-clinical conditions, we established side-by-side comparison at single-cell resolution in human livers maintained by normothermic machine perfusion. AAV-LK03 transduced hepatocytes much more efficiently and specifically than AAV5, AAV8 and AAV6, which are most commonly used clinically, and AAV-NP59, which is better at transducing human hepatocytes engrafted in immune-deficient mice. AAV-LK03 preferentially transduced periportal hepatocytes in normal liver, whereas AAV5 targeted pericentral hepatocytes in steatotic liver. AAV5 and AAV8 transduced liver sinusoidal endothelial cells as efficiently as hepatocytes. AAV capsid and steatosis influenced vector episome formation, which determines gene therapy durability, with AAV5 delaying concatemerization. Our findings inform capsid choice in clinical AAV liver gene therapy, including consideration of disease-relevant hepatocyte zonation and effects of steatosis, and facilitate the development of AAV capsids that transduce hepatocytes or other therapeutically relevant cell types in the human liver with maximum efficiency and specificity.
An Integrative lifecycle design approach based on carbon intensity for renewable-battery-consumer energy systems
Driven by sustainable development goals and carbon neutrality worldwide, demands for both renewable energy and storage systems are constantly increasing. However, the lack of an appropriate approach without considering renewable intermittence and demand stochasticity will lead to capacity oversizing or undersizing. In this study, an optimal design approach is proposed for integrated photovoltaic-battery-consumer energy systems in the form of a m2-kWp-kWh relationship in both centralized and distributed formats. Superiorities of the proposed matching degree approach are compared with the traditional uniformity approach, in photovoltaic capacity, battery capacity, net present value and lifecycle carbon intensity. Results showed that the proposed method is superior to the traditional approach with higher net present value and lower carbon intensity. Furthermore, the proposed method can be scaled and applied to guide the design of photovoltaic-battery-consumer energy systems in different climate zones, promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality globally.