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The Marchantia polymorpha pangenome reveals ancient mechanisms of plant adaptation to the environment

Plant adaptation to terrestrial life started 450 million years ago and has played a major role in the evolution of life on Earth. The genetic mechanisms allowing this adaptation to a diversity of terrestrial constraints have been mostly studied by focusing on flowering plants. Here, we gathered a collection of 133 accessions of the model bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha and studied its intraspecific diversity using selection signature analyses, a genome–environment association study and a pangenome. We identified adaptive features, such as peroxidases or nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeats (NLRs), also observed in flowering plants, likely inherited from the first land plants. The M. polymorpha pangenome also harbors lineage-specific accessory genes absent from seed plants. We conclude that different land plant lineages still share many elements from the genetic toolkit evolved by their most recent common ancestor to adapt to the terrestrial habitat, refined by lineage-specific polymorphisms and gene family evolution.

Wilson disease (novel ATP7B variants) with concomitant FLNC-related cardiomyopathy

We report a case of Wilson disease (WD) with dilated cardiomyopathy in which whole-genome sequencing (WGS) revealed the rare co-occurrence of two novel compound heterozygous ATP7B pathogenic variants (NM_001005918.3:c.2250del/p.N751Tfs*9 and c.3496C>T/p.L1166F) and a known FLNC pathogenic variant. Our results highlight the usefulness of WGS, even in the diagnosis of well-characterized genetic diseases such as WD.

Missense BICD2 variants in fetuses with congenital arthrogryposis and pterygia

Type 2 spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity dominance (SMALED2) is caused by bicaudal D cargo adaptor 2 (BICD2) variants. However, the SMALED2 genotype and phenotype correlation have not been thoroughly characterized. We identified de novo heterozygous BICD2 missense variants in two fetuses with severe, prenatally diagnosed multiple arthrogryposis congenita. This report provides further insights into the genetics of this rare disease.

TPM4 condensates glycolytic enzymes and facilitates actin reorganization under hyperosmotic stress

Actin homeostasis is fundamental for cell structure and consumes a large portion of cellular ATP. It has been documented in the literature that certain glycolytic enzymes can interact with actin, indicating an intricate interplay between the cytoskeleton and cellular metabolism. Here we report that hyperosmotic stress triggers actin severing and subsequent phase separation of the actin-binding protein tropomyosin 4 (TPM4). TPM4 condensates recruit glycolytic enzymes such as HK2, PFKM, and PKM2, while wetting actin filaments. Notably, the condensates of TPM4 and glycolytic enzymes are enriched of NADH and ATP, suggestive of their functional importance in cell metabolism. At cellular level, actin filament assembly is enhanced upon hyperosmotic stress and TPM4 condensation, while depletion of TPM4 impairs osmolarity-induced actin reorganization. At tissue level, colocalized condensates of TPM4 and glycolytic enzymes are observed in renal tissues subjected to hyperosmotic stress. Together, our findings suggest that stress-induced actin perturbation may act on TPM4 to organize glycolytic hubs that tether energy production to cytoskeletal reorganization.


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