Tag: Bacterial genomics
Streptomyces albidocamelliae sp. nov., an endophytic actinomycete isolated from the leaves of Camellia oleifera
A novel actinobacterium strain, HUAS 14-6T, was isolated from the healthy leaves of Camellia oleifera collected from Changde City…
Streptomyces tabacisoli sp. nov, isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Nicotiana tabacum
Strain HUAS MG91T, a novel actinobacterium, was isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Nicotiana tabacum collected from Changde Ci…
Cultivation and genomic characterization of novel and ubiquitous marine nitrite-oxidizing bacteria from the Nitrospirales
Nitrospirales, including the genus Nitrospira, are environmentally widespread chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. These…
Ongoing diversification of the global fish pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis through genetic isolation and transposition bursts
The management of bacterial pathogens remains a key challenge of aquaculture. The marine gammaproteobacterium Piscirickettsia salmonis is th…
Widespread and largely unknown prophage activity, diversity, and function in two genera of wheat phyllosphere bacteria
Environmental bacteria host an enormous number of prophages, but their diversity and natural functions remain largely elusive. Here, we investigate…
Enhanced specificity of Bacillus metataxonomics using a tuf-targeted amplicon sequencing approach
Bacillus species are ubiquitous in nature and have tremendous application potential in agriculture, medicine, and industry. However, the ind…